
Big models are being used in the gaming field. AI is reshaping the interactive entertainment industry.


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"Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily" July 28 (Reporter Huang Xinyi)The 21st China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Expo (2024 ChinaJoy) opened in Shanghai on the 26th. In recent years, artificial intelligence technology represented by large models has led a new wave of enthusiasm in the global AI industry, and the gaming industry is undoubtedly one of the best landing scenarios.

Zhang Wei, vice president of Tencent, said that today, artificial intelligence has become a "standard feature" in the field of gaming. According to a recent industry survey, about 80% of respondents believe that AI technology has promoted the improvement of overall project quality and efficiency, increasing production efficiency by more than 20%.

“For example, we launched a new self-developed AI engine this year, which has 3D graphics, plots, levels, and other functions.AIGCThis capability can increase the efficiency of some work in areas such as game scene production and content generation by more than 40 times.”

NetEase Vice President Pang Dazhi also pointed out that in just one year, AI has stepped out of the laboratory and officially started working, becoming an indispensable new productivity. A small detail is that on the open source community GitHub alone, there are 60,000 artificial intelligence open source projects released in 2023, which is 3.5 times the number in 2022.

Pang Dazhi revealed that NetEase Games has made many attempts based on AI technologies such as intelligent voice, animation, and NLP in products such as "Egg Party" and "Against the Water Cold" mobile games. Among them, the "Universal Generator" of the park map built based on AIGC has been used by 53 million players. With the support of AI technology, players of the mobile game "Against the Water Cold" can "encounter" a group of intelligent NPCs who have no fixed scripts and can think independently at any time.

Pang Dazhi predicts thatIn the future, it will be very likely that you will encounter AI characters that are almost indistinguishable from real people in games.

Tsinghua University professor Huang Minlie believes thatIntelligent entities in the AI ​​era need to have both IQ and EQ, possessing both machine intelligence and human-like intelligenceHe introduced that he is currently working with NetEase Games to humanize the game NPCs, create a large number of characters that increase the depth of the game, and bring the NPCs out of the game to interact with the real world. These NPCs can self-perceive the game status and dynamically generate the behavior and dialogue of the virtual characters.

Tian Zhuo, vice president of Microsoft Greater China, shared a set of data at the meeting: more than 60% of creators are using generative AI, 78% of AI users use personal AI tools at work, and people use AI at work, which has doubled compared to 2023.

Tian Zhuo believes that AI is reshaping the interactive entertainment industry mainly in six aspects: content creation and planning, automated production and post-production, user participation, interaction and personalization, content discovery and distribution, automated production and post-production, and enhanced analysis and insight. It has been widely used in content creation and production such as dubbing, text-to-video, translation, content summarization, content review and security, text-to-speech conversion, image replacement of text, personalized recommendations, and targeted marketing content generation.

Tang Jiayu, CEO of Shengshu Technology, shared the application of multimodal large models in the game and entertainment industry. He introduced that the first AI-made 3D animation short film in China, "The Last Robot", had more than 200 concept drawings automatically generated by AI within 3 hours, more than 500 models were modeled in 5 days, and the entire animation was completed in one week, increasing production efficiency by 3 times.

When talking about the current large-scale model implementation, Zhao Yong, chairman of DeepGlint, expressed a calm attitude.Everyone has high expectations for AI, but its implementation is still in its early stages. For example, the lack of art in the initial creative and original painting process can be helpful, but there are still considerable challenges in implementing it in production.。”

Zhao Yong introduced that in terms of game planning and the experience of the entire story, industry users have very high requirements for the effect, and AI currently still has a large gap. "Whether a game can be successful or not, there is a word called soul-entering. This represents whether the game brings an improved experience to players. The current capabilities of large models are still far from this standard. Technology companies need to work more closely with product companies to better reduce costs and increase efficiency."

In general,Zhao Yong is cautiously optimistic about the future development of big models. "Caution is from a short-term perspective, while optimism is from a long-term perspective.。”

Li Feng, head of AI at Shengqu Games Technology Center, also said,Although large model technology is constantly improving, game development is very complex and requires model providers to provide more "broken" functions and provide higher flexibility and controllability.However, he remains optimistic about the implementation of big models in the gaming industry: "It will be implemented and flourish in the next one or two years."

Regarding the topic of AI replacing humans, which has been hotly debated in society recently, Xie Fei, president of Century Huatong, called for a "sense of relaxation" to give human beings the care and dignity they deserve.

Xie Fei said that technological progress has indeed caused a certain amount of employment pressure, which is not only for those who are temporarily unemployed, but also makes those who work anxious. She called for balancing the relationship between rapid technological progress and humanistic care, which is related to social stability and sustainable development.

She believes that at the current stage, more time should be spent on respecting people's creative abilities. Although Shengqu Games, a subsidiary of Century Huatong, has introduced AI tools, the original ideas and final products are still completed by people. Even in the face of the current economic uncertainty, Century Huatong has never stopped training new people. Xie Fei believes that long-termism is important for the development of science and technology, and the training of talents is also important.

(Cailian News reporter Huang Xinyi)