
Mixed team 10m air rifle wins first gold! Decoding the details of the Chinese shooting team's daily training


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Congratulations to the Chinese shooting team for winning the first gold medal in the mixed team 10m air rifle event! This is the eighth time that the Chinese shooting team has won the first gold medal for the Chinese sports delegation in the 11 Olympic Games since 1984.

Outstanding results are inseparable from daily training. Shooters' steadiness and accuracy are acquired little by little. However, training to hit high rings like in competitions only accounts for a small part.Athletes usually practice holding the gun for a long time, guessing the number of rings, and making plans for high and low scores. There are also many trainings without touching the gun.To strengthen the rotator cuff and core stability, you also need to practice squats and long-distance running. Some of these exercises can also be learned by you and me in front of the screen.

The training arrangement of my country's shooting team is based on the four-year Olympic cycle. In the annual training and competition plan, winter training is the stage for athletes to improve their basic abilities and also the key period to lay a good foundation for the season.Below, we take the 2015 winter training of the Chinese National Team Women's Rifle Class 2 as an example to show in detail the source of the Chinese shooting team's strength in winning the first gold medal many times.

Hold the gun for 15 minutes to improve stability, guess the number of rings first to enhance perception

During the winter training period, athletes will have regular training time of 5 or 6 days a week, with a weekend off every two weeks. The regular schedule of training days is:Two skill training sessions from 8:00 to 11:30 and 14:00 to 15:30, and one physical training session from 16:00 to 17:30The coach will also adjust the course at any time according to the athlete's condition and competition schedule.

The diameter of the bull's eye of a 10-meter air rifle is only 0.5 mm, and it has stringent requirements on accuracy and stability. Technical ability is the core of a shooting athlete's competitive ability, and skill training is also the most practiced content throughout the winter training.

The shooting techniques of the air rifle project include preparation, holding the gun, aiming and firing. Compared with other projects, the action structure of the air rifle seems simple, but it is not easy to maintain a high degree of consistency and coordination in the continuous shooting. The following are the skills training contents in the winter training:

Huang YutingandSheng LihaoIn the Paris Olympics shooting mixed team 10m air rifle competition | Xinhua News Agency

In the first week of winter training, the largest proportion of training exercises were dry-gun preparations.That is, without loading bullets or shooting live ammunition, athletes hold the gun, aim, hold their breath and fire. Without the sound of the gun, recoil and feedback of the number of rings, athletes can see the jumping state of the gun at the moment of firing more clearly, and it is easier to focus on the technical movements and muscle sensations. Repeated dry-gun rehearsal helps athletes master the movements and build and deepen their movement skills.

Stability is the prerequisite for accurate shooting.Continuous gun training is a training to improve posture and movement stability, which can improve the stability of the athlete's gun holding posture, the range of gun shaking and the time the gun stays on the center of the target. During training, athletes maintain the gun holding posture for about 15 minutes each time.

The above two trainings have no feedback on the number of rounds, which is quite boring, so I added them in the first week of winter training.Scattered ring training. No number of rings required for training, requiring athletes to control the dispersion of bullets within the 10-ring area and shoot at one area in order to focus on the technical action process.

Starting from the third week of winter training, we will add ring number practice, that is, shooting training to hit as high rings as possible according to competition requirements.

In the fourth week, shooting training begins.The athletes shoot in groups of ten bullets. One group only shoots at the target without looking at the number of rings, while the other group looks at the number of rings. The two groups alternate to strengthen their premonition and prediction and improve their perception ability.

in addition,There is also forecasting training to improve technology through prediction and comparisonThe specific method is that after each shot, the athlete first experiences the quality of the action in the operation process, then predicts the position and number of the impact point, and finally observes the actual number of rings and impact point through the display screen, and provides timely feedback by comparing the prediction with the actual situation.

Finally, the laser testing system helps athletes visually see the entire process of holding the gun and the trajectory of the bullet. Laser testing training can correct technical movements through this repeated feedback practice.

There are plans for low-level rings and continuous high-level rings.

Athletes acquire technical abilities,It also requires tactical support to perform at its best.Shooting events are not directly interfered with by opponents and do not require a set of collective tactics. Winning is achieved mainly through the individual use of tactical means by athletes.

During the winter training period, the tactical training of athletes mainly includes:

① Formulate the competition plan for athletes before the competition;

②An emergency plan for when a long-range missile appears during a match;

③ Mental preparation for continuous high-frequency rings;

④ A plan to convert test shooting into scoring shooting (there is a certain amount of test shooting time before the official competition, which does not count the number of bullets fired and the results);

⑤ Training on high anti-interference ability and adaptability under complex external conditions;

⑥ Finals ability training, etc.

Continuous 10-ring training to improve psychological stress resistance

Shooting events are highly competitive, with the outcome of the championship often decided by a hair's breadth. Athletes are also under pressure from themselves and the outside world, so it's easy for them to have psychological fluctuations. In many previous Olympic shooting competitions, the rankings have all undergone a huge reversal in the final round.

Some changes in shooting competition rules in recent years have also increased the psychological pressure on athletes.For example, qualifying results are more accurate, final results are reset to zero, last-in-last elimination is adopted, spectators are allowed to cheer and athletes' names are announced on the spot, etc.

During training, the coach will combine technical and tactical skills.Improve athletes' stress resistance by imposing training tasks of different difficulty requirements and simulating high-pressure environmentsThe forms mainly include:

①Single group (10 rounds) ring number training;

② 10 consecutive rings of training required;

③ Simulated finals training;

④Single-shot elimination training, etc.

Psychological counselors will also conduct psychological tests on athletes regularly and work with coaches to help athletes deal with stress.

Motionless and accurate shooting comes from physical training from shoulders to legs

In air rifle competitions, athletes maintain a static posture for a long time, which seems effortless, but if we raise our arms and try, we will know that it is very difficult to point in one direction steadily and accurately.The high degree of stability required for shooting is mainly supported and guaranteed by physical training.

Air rifle conditioning training focuses on muscular endurance, core stability, and aerobic endurance.The training not only involves the shoulders and back that are directly related to holding the gun, but also the core muscles and lower limb muscles that keep the body stable. In addition, since athletes maintain a posture for a long time during training, it is easy to get injured, so they also need to carry out corresponding rehabilitation training.

Some of these exercises are also suitable for ordinary people like us to learn to improve physical fitness and relieve shoulder and waist pain, such as aerobic endurance training, shoulder maintenance exercises "W, Y, L", hip bridge, prone bridge, side bridge and mini-belt side walking.

Main contents of winter physical training丨References[1]

Swipe left to view the physical training schedule for the 1st to 2nd week, 3rd to 5th week, and 6th to 9th week of winter training | References [1]

Swipe left to see squats, shoulder conditioning exercise 1, mini band side walks, double and single leg hip bridges | Photo courtesy of the author

The above is the content of the 2015 Chinese National Team Women's Rifle Class 2 winter training for more than two months. It is just a glimpse of the shooting team's training. In the Paris Olympics, the Chinese shooting team was able to win the first gold medal. The efforts they made were far more than that. They must have adopted more accurate and effective methods.Effective trainingPractice method.

Congratulations again to the Chinese shooting team for winning the championship.The Chinese sports delegation achieved good results in the following competitions!


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Author: Dai Tianyi

Editor: odette

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