
The "King of Fruit Mushrooms" is about to produce mushrooms. The "sequel" of this popular science event involving all people has been updated.


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"This is really a mushroom that many netizens have watched grow up!" Not long ago, an apple with mushrooms on it became a hot topic on the Internet. "Fruit Fungus King" is the nickname given to it by netizens. From Zhejiang to Yunnan, the "Fruit Fungus King" traveled 2,000 kilometers to the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to "dedicate" itself to scientific research. On July 26, researchers told Modern Express reporters that they have already used the strains isolated from this apple to make mushroom experiments, and it is expected that mushrooms will be produced in about 20 days.

"Fruit Fungus King"

"Eat more apples while growing up"

Apple flavor is expected

The mushrooms growing on the "Fruit Fungus King" are actually Schizophyllum, also often called white ginseng, named after the multiple petals on the gills. It is a widely distributed and delicious edible fungus. It is rich in amino acids, trace elements, and a variety of active ingredients such as schizophyllum polysaccharides and schizophyllins, and has significant anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing effects.

The Fungal Diversity and Molecular Evolution Research Group of the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences has long been engaged in fungal diversity surveys, germplasm resource research, space breeding and other related work.

As the first team in China to carry out large-scale space breeding of edible fungi, the research team has sent white ginseng into space three times, from "Shenzhou XII" to "Shenzhou XIV" and "Shenzhou XVI". It is reported that the white ginseng brought back by "Shenzhou XII" is being developed into an edible fungus variety for commercial application cultivation.

The "Fruit Fungus King" after being cut open

"We were curious about the white ginseng growing on apples," the researchers explained. This is a good germplasm resource that enriches breeding materials and provides a basis for the future selection of good new varieties. It also provides new breeding directions, such as white ginseng with different flavors.

So, will the white ginseng grown on apples taste like apples? Netizens are very curious about this question.

Zhao Qi, a researcher at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been involved in the domestication of wild white ginseng since he was in college in 1999. He said in an interview that in order to make the white ginseng grown on apples have an apple flavor, special cultivation methods are often needed. "It is possible for fungi to grow in different substrates, and the nutrients that cannot be digested are enriched in the mycelium, producing different flavors. For example, 90% of white fungus now comes from Gutian, Fujian. Through different substrates, white fungus with rose, grape, and osmanthus flavors can be grown. White ginseng is a fungus with a strong enrichment ability. Let it "eat" more apples during the growth process, and finally produce apple flavor, which is still expected."

"The latest news of Fruit Fungus King is here"

Being urged to update the research progress by netizens online

After receiving the "Fruit Fungus King", the research team started a series of research. At present, the researchers have inoculated the isolated strains back into apples, plums, and peaches to see if new fruiting bodies can grow. At the same time, the strains isolated from apples are also used to make mushrooms. "It is expected that mushrooms will be produced in about 20 days."

Growth of mycelium isolated from different parts of “Fruit Fungus King”

"The update of Fruit Fungus King on July 13 is here", "It's overturned, Fruit Fungus King can't beat the mold", "Fruit Fungus King has entered the production stage"... The first person to notice "Fruit Fungus King" and "purchase" it was Xu Rongju, a doctoral student jointly trained by the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand. He live-streamed the scientific research progress on his social platform, attracting the attention of more interested netizens, who left messages expressing their expectation for subsequent progress. "This is the first time I have paid such close attention to the entire scientific research process. It feels rigorous and friendly at the same time!"

After the "Fruit Fungus King" became popular, researchers have received garlic, peaches, mangoes and other vegetables and fruits that have grown white ginseng in netizens' homes.

Mango with white ginseng

This "Fruit Fungus King" scientific research project, which has attracted great attention and participation from the public, has refreshed people's previous stereotypes about scientific research. The sharing and interaction of netizens in the comment area not only made the researchers feel the public's strong interest in scientific research, but also made them see the importance and value of popular science work.

"I feel deeply honored and think this is a good thing." Dr. Xu said that in his and his team members' view, although scientific research itself is based on rigorous evidence and logic, it also has infinite curiosity and desire for exploration, which is a common part of human nature. The fact that this project can attract the attention and participation of many netizens shows that scientific research is not an unattainable, high-up ivory tower, but is closely related to everyone's life and can inspire the public's curiosity and passion for exploration of the unknown world.

"In this way, we can break down the barriers between scientific research and the public, allowing more people to understand the charm of scientific research and even inspire them to become participants or contributors to future scientific exploration. This atmosphere of universal science will play an immeasurable role in promoting scientific and technological progress and social development," said Dr. Xu.

“Becoming famous was more of an accident”

Bring the joy of research to more people

As for his current popularity, Dr. Xu believes it was more of an accident.

He said that as a researcher, the main goal is to explore the unknown, solve problems and promote scientific research progress. The widespread attention this project has received is both an encouragement and a spur for him, making him more aware that as a researcher, in addition to deepening his professional field, he also has the responsibility and obligation to pass on this part of knowledge and the joy of research to more people. "We will continue to work hard on scientific research and learning, and also actively participate in popular science activities."

"Fruit Fungus King" is not the first time that the researchers in the research team have received fungus samples sent by netizens.

"During the rainy season, netizens often ask questions about mushrooms online, and we answer them." A member of the research team told reporters that they did not recognize the mushrooms picked by some netizens, and only found out that they were new species after sending them to them for research. There are many such stories. In addition, if someone is poisoned by eating wild mushrooms, they will also help doctors quickly identify the mushroom species, buying precious rescue time for the patient.

Helping doctors quickly identify mushroom species

Nowadays, mushrooms have attracted many diners to try them out, and some people even try to eat wild mushrooms, attracting a crowd of spectators to join in the fun.

In this regard, the researchers of the research team seriously reminded that although wild mushrooms are delicious, the hidden dangers should not be ignored. Some poisonous mushrooms are very similar to non-toxic mushrooms in appearance, and only under a microscope can the tiny differences be distinguished. For ordinary people, such identification is very difficult. "Taking the risk of trying wild mushrooms is extremely dangerous and should never be imitated."

In order to better enjoy the deliciousness of wild mushrooms while ensuring safety, the researchers also gave everyone some practical suggestions: choose carefully, "do not try wild mushrooms that you do not know or are not familiar with"; in terms of cooking methods, wild mushrooms must be fried, and some toxins can only be destroyed at high temperatures. There are great risks in eating them raw or half-cooked; only eat one wild mushroom at a time, and do not mix multiple mushrooms, which can reduce adverse reactions caused by interactions between different mushrooms.

Modern Express/Modern+ reporter Li Ming (photo provided by the interviewee)