
Moutai, sales transformation!


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China Fund News reporter heard

Recently, the 2024 half-year market work meeting of Kweichow Moutai Liquor Sales Co., Ltd. was held. Moutai management made it clear at the meeting that under the complex market situation of "three phases superimposed", the transformation to solve the pain points of supply and demand adaptation is imperative.

Source: Moutai Media Center

To this end, Moutai's management has given a transformation strategy: see the "time" and "trend" clearly, and use "principles" and "techniques". Among them, Moutai should take the initiative to transform into "new business", and the customer base transformation should target practitioners in emerging industries.

Recently, Moutai's transformation has been mentioned many times. On July 22, Zhang Deqin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Moutai Group, said that "we must stay close to the market and consumers and gain a deep insight into their needs and changes."

Revealing the “Tao” and “Skill” of Transformation

At the "Tao" level, Moutai's management emphasized the need to proactively carry out "three transformations", namely customer base transformation, scenario transformation and service transformation.

The first is the transformation of customer groups, targeting unicorns, specialized and new enterprises, "little giants" and other enterprises, and cultivating practitioners in emerging industries such as new energy, biotechnology, and digital technology as new consumer groups.

The second is scene transformation, developing business consumption for potential industries and future industries, while developing scenes such as gatherings of relatives and friends.

The third is service transformation. The marketing idea should change from "birds of a feather flock together" to "people are divided into groups", and the service concept should change from "selling products" to "selling lifestyles" targeting different segments of the population.

At the "technical" level, Moutai's management emphasized the need to focus on "four focuses", namely, products should focus on "single products", channels should focus on "synergy", brands should focus on "value", and terminals should focus on "service".

Specifically, Moutai will continue to enhance the product tension of major single products, strengthen the "olive-shaped" structural product sequence, optimize the "pyramid" product matrix of major single products, and gather to form a stronger product synergy.

At the same time, Moutai will accurately analyze the characteristics of customer groups in each channel, balance the relationship between online and offline, public and private domains, and build an ecosystem that empowers offline, serves online, and complements channel advantages through coordinated investment, resource coordination, and policy coordination, so as to reach a wider C-end (consumers, individual users).

In addition, Moutai will continue to do a good job in protecting its rights in the market, and improve its anti-counterfeiting level and promote brand maintenance through the integrated application of advanced technologies such as physics, chemistry, and biology.

In late June, Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd. responded to the incident of "self-made fake Moutai being identified as authentic", admitting that the previous identification result was wrong, which aroused widespread attention in the market.

Since then, Moutai has successively held special coordination meetings, organized special training courses to improve product identification skills, and accelerated the upgrading of anti-counterfeiting technology for Kweichow Moutai (Year of the Dragon).

Source: Moutai Media Center

The second half of the year is a critical period for adjustment of the liquor industry

At this meeting, Moutai’s management proposed that the second half of 2024 is a critical period for this round of adjustments in the liquor industry, and it is also a crucial period for completing the 2024 annual goals and tasks. We must clearly see the "time" and "trend".

From an external perspective, it is inevitable that the adjustment of the macroeconomic cycle will lead to a change in the consumption scenario of liquor, and the industry adjustment cycle is a virtuous cycle of destocking.

From an internal perspective, Moutai’s social and collectible attributes, as well as the premium space formed on this basis, come from the continuous improvement of product value and brand value, and also create Moutai’s own development cycle.

The management of Moutai believes that in the face of market changes, Moutai must maintain its composure and firm confidence, mainly due to the "two basic things that have not changed" derived from the external macroeconomic situation, industrial situation and the basic attributes of Moutai itself, namely, the basic attributes and basic demand of Moutai have not changed.

In this context, Moutai's management team stressed the importance of sales and used the whole group's strength to safeguard sales. Moutai should serve and manage distributors and channel merchants well, cultivate new consumers and retain existing consumers through high-quality services, and continuously improve Moutai's service temperature.

Editor: Captain

Audit: Wooden Fish

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