
The number of inquiries about low-concentration atropine, the "miracle drug for myopia", increased during the summer vacation. Doctors: It is not suitable for all children


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With the arrival of summer vacation, more and more children have been going to the ophthalmology departments of major hospitals in Shanghai to have their eyesight checked and get glasses fitted. The number of inquiries about the "miracle drug for myopia" - low-concentration atropine eye drops - has also increased.

As early as March 2024, 0.01% atropine sulfate eye drops were officially approved in China for use in delaying the progression of myopia in children. This also became the first "national medicine standard" atropine sulfate eye drops in my country. As the first prescription drug in China to delay the progression of myopia in children, this has attracted many parents.

“Can hospitals now directly prescribe low-concentration atropine eye drops?” “My child’s hyperopia reserve is gone, can these eye drops prevent myopia?” “I have used my eyes too much during the holidays and have some myopia, can these eye drops relieve myopia?”…

Zhu Jianfeng, director of the Optometry Center of Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, is seeing a patient in the outpatient clinic. Photo provided by the interviewee

"In fact, since the news of the approval of low-concentration atropine eye drops for marketing spread, many parents have come to inquire about it almost every day, and after the summer vacation, there are even more people coming to consult." On July 23, Zhu Jianfeng, director of the optometry center of Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center (also known as: Shanghai Eye Hospital), told The Paper ( that although low-concentration atropine eye drops areClinical TrialsIt has been proven to be relatively safe, but it is not suitable for all children and has strict indications. Parents must use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Ms. Huang, who lives in Xuhui District, Shanghai, is one of the parents who came to the hospital for consultation. Her son Xiaohan was diagnosed with myopia in July this year. Although he is not yet myopic, when he had his eyesight checked during the summer vacation of 2023, it was found that his hyperopia reserve value dropped from 100 degrees to 0 degrees. In Ms. Huang's opinion, this means that the child is not far from myopia.

"A long time ago, someone recommended this eye drops, saying it could delay the progression of myopia in children. In the eyes of many parents, it is called the 'miracle drug for myopia'." Ms. Huang said that before, it could only be sold in a few hospitals in the country in the form of in-hospital preparations. Now that the eye drops are on the market, she wanted to try getting some medicine.

In this regard, Zhu Jianfeng said that atropine eye drops are a drug that regulates pupil size and refractive state by inhibiting the tension of smooth muscles in the eye. According to authoritative medical literature, low-concentration atropine (0.01%-0.05%) eye drops have shown a certain effect in delaying the development of myopia, and the side effects are relatively small, but its efficacy is not absolute and there are individual differences.

Zhu Jianfeng explained,0.01% atropine sulfate eye drops are suitable for delaying the progression of myopia of 100 to 400 degrees (astigmatism not exceeding 150 degrees, anisometropia not exceeding 150 degrees), and are suitable for children aged 6-12 years old.In clinical use, 0.01% atropine sulfate eye drops have a good effect in delaying the progression of myopia, but it has a certain scope of application.Children and adolescents whose myopia increases by ≥50 degrees per year or whose axial length grows ≥0.3 mm per year can use it under the doctor's advice.Before using medicines, teenagers need to complete examinations such as intraocular pressure, optometry, eye axis, and accommodation function to determine whether the medicines are suitable.

“Although this eye drop only requires one drop and is very convenient to use,It cannot reverse myopia, but can only delay the progression of myopia in adolescents, and the effect varies from person to person.Zhu Jianfeng specifically reminded that, in fact, a child's hyperopia reserve is reduced, but it does not mean that the child will immediately become myopic. "Low-concentration atropine eye drops have positive significance as an auxiliary measure for myopia prevention and control, but its efficacy should not be deified and used blindly. "

Ding Yingzhuo, a clinical pharmacist at the Shanghai Eye Disease Prevention and Treatment Center, also reminded that 0.01% atropine sulfate eye drops are contraindicated for people who are allergic to scopolamine alkaloids, people with glaucoma or people with a tendency to glaucoma (shallow anterior chamber, narrow chamber angle, etc.).

Zhu Jianfeng also reminded parents not to buy low-concentration atropine eye drops on their own. There are risks in using them on children at will. It is recommended to buy them through formal channels. Low-concentration atropine is a prescription drug. The indications and contraindications must be carefully grasped when using it. It should be used under the guidance of a doctor. Regular follow-up is also required during use to pay attention to its effectiveness. There will also be certain side effects during use, such as photophobia, unclear near vision, and rebound after stopping the drug. At the same time, patients must follow the doctor's instructions during use and must not increase or decrease the dose or stop the drug on their own to avoid affecting the treatment effect.

"For children, maintaining good eye habits in daily life is always the top priority. Pay attention to reducing the intensity and duration of close-range eye use, increasing the duration of outdoor activities, improving sitting posture and ensuring good environmental lighting, etc." Zhu Jianfeng said.