
Shenzhen solicits opinions: It concerns social housing! Involving rental pricing and leasing conditions


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Another new housing regulation in Shenzhen is coming! On July 23, the Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau released a notice on its official website to solicit opinions on the "Detailed Rules for the Management of the Rental of Affordable Rental Housing by Social Entities in Shenzhen (Draft for Comments)".

It is understood that affordable rental housing refers to housing that is rented to eligible new citizens, young people, and various talents with policy support from the government, market role, small size, and low rent. It is divided into affordable rental housing allocated by the government and affordable rental housing rented by social entities. The application conditions for the latter are relatively looser, and the solicitation of opinions on the management details this time is related to social affordable rental housing.

Background: The goal of raising 600,000 rental housing units in the 14th Five-Year Plan

Since the country made the decision to vigorously develop affordable rental housing in 2021, Shenzhen has actively implemented the relevant spirit of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, accelerated the relevant work of affordable rental housing, and formulated the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Affordable Rental Housing" (Shenfubanhan [2022] No. 23), clarified the development ideas of affordable rental housing, and proposed the task goal of planning and building 400,000 sets (rooms) of affordable rental housing during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. In February 2023, the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government further raised the task goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan".The fundraising target for the construction of affordable rental housing has been adjusted to 600,000 units.

In August 2023, the municipal government issued and implemented the government regulations "Management Measures", which divided affordable rental housing into two categories: affordable rental housing allocated by the government and affordable rental housing rented by social entities, and established basic norms for the rental operation and supervision and management of social affordable rental housing. However, due to the relatively principled regulations on rental standards, filing management, and leasing conditions verification of social affordable rental housing,Social entities generally have many concerns about the sustainability of the market-oriented operation of affordable rental housing, and their enthusiasm for participating in the construction and raising funds for affordable rental housing needs to be raised.There is still a long way to go to build and raise funds for affordable rental housing.

In order to further standardize the management rules of social security housing and promote the construction and fundraising of affordable rental housing by social entities, it is urgently necessary to formulate and issue "Detailed Rules" under the institutional framework established by the "Management Measures" to refine and supplement the specific provisions on the rental management of social security housing, standardize the operation and management of social security housing, and promote the accelerated development of affordable rental housing in Shenzhen.

Main content: Involving 28 detailed provisions

Specifically, the "Detailed Rules" make detailed provisions on the collection and release of social rental housing, rental registration, verification of rental conditions, and supervision and management, totaling 28 articles.

In terms of rental assessment, it is mentioned that the rent of social housing is determined by the operating and management unit.Not higher than ninety percent of the reference rent of the rental housing market of the same quality in the same area during the same period.The operating and management unit shall entrust a qualified real estate appraisal agency to evaluate and determine the market reference rent for rental housing of the same quality and in the same region during the same period for social rent-guaranteed housing projects, and determine the average rent of the project in accordance with the standards prescribed in the first paragraph of this article.

Regarding rent registration, it is mentioned that social rent-protected housing registrationThe rent includes house use fee, furniture and appliance use fee, rental tax, etc., excluding water, electricity, gas, internet, property service fees, etc. In addition, the average rent of all properties in the project during the operation of social rent-guaranteed housing shall not be higher than the registered rent.The operating and management unit can adjust the registered rent on an annual basisIf the registered rent needs to be increased, it should be re-submitted on the municipal leasing platform in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

In terms of housing release, if the operation and management unit releases social rental housing information, it shall be released simultaneously through the municipal rental platform to ensure that the social rental housing released by various channels is the same and the listed rent (not promotional price) and rental status of the same housing are the same. If the housing has been rented out, the operation and management unit shall immediately cancel the corresponding housing rental information.Housing information released to the public should be marked as "affordable rental housing", and indicate the name, address, building area, floor, orientation, furniture and appliance configuration, minimum rental unit (suite, room, bed), rent, deposit payment ratio and other personalized rental conditions of the project to which the property belongs.

Regarding the leasing conditions, it is also mentioned that applicants for social security housing must meet the conditions stipulated in the "Management Measures for Affordable Rental Housing in Shenzhen". Applicants must sign a letter of commitment to integrity.The applicant and his/her spouse and children under the age of 18 promise that they are not renting affordable housing in the city and do not own housing in the designated area of ​​the city.If the applicant is not a fresh college or technical secondary school graduate, he or she should pay social insurance (pension insurance or medical insurance, excluding children's medical insurance) normally in this city, except for those who retire in this city.

If an enterprise uses the supporting dormitories in an industrial park as social guaranteed rental housing, the occupants are not subject to any restrictions on the leasing conditions. However, the operating and management unit shall enter the occupants' information into the municipal leasing platform as required and update it once a quarter: (i) For supporting dormitory projects in existing industrial parks, the first entry shall be made within five working days after obtaining the project certification certificate; (ii) For supporting dormitory projects in newly built industrial parks, the first entry shall be made within thirty days from the date of first use and the date when personnel are arranged to move in.

In terms of the time limit for signing a lease contract, the term agreed upon in a single lease contract signed between the operating management unit and the lessee shall not be less than one month in principle.The maximum period shall not exceed three years and shall not exceed the validity period of the project certification.

In addition, the "Detailed Rules" also specify the regulations on leasing conditions, leasing contract filing and information reporting, leasing fees, leasing fund supervision, renewal and evacuation. The specific content can be found on the official website of the Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau. At present, the relevant "Detailed Rules" are being solicited for comments. All relevant units or individuals can submit their opinions online through the Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau portal before August 2, 2024, or feedback to the mailbox.

Written by: Sun Yang, a reporter from Nandu Wancaishe