
Economic Daily: Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing to meet the rigid housing needs of the working class


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The "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese-style Modernization" has made major arrangements for the real estate sector. my country will accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development to better meet rigid and improved housing needs.

The Decision proposes to speed up the establishment of a housing system that promotes both renting and purchasing. For a long time, the supply of housing in my country has been dominated by the sale of housing and the leasing of housing. The emphasis on both renting and purchasing indicates that the development of housing leasing will continue to be promoted in the future. Affordable housing is divided into two types: sales-based and rental-based affordable housing. Among them, rental-based affordable housing includes public rental housing and affordable rental housing. Public rental housing is mainly for urban housing and families with low incomes, while affordable rental housing is mainly for new citizens and young people. While the housing security system is constantly improving, the housing rental market has also made great progress. Some cities have continued to make efforts in housing rental legislation and cultivating professional, large-scale, and branded housing rental companies, and the activity of the housing rental market has continued to increase.

Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing to meet the rigid housing needs of the working class. Planning and building affordable housing is a major reform to improve the housing system and supply system and reconstruct the relationship between the market and security. For many years, the construction of affordable housing in my country has lagged behind, accounting for a relatively low proportion in the housing supply, failing to meet demand and showing obvious shortcomings. Especially in first- and second-tier cities, due to high housing prices, some working-income groups cannot afford commercial housing. At present, the focus of affordable housing reform is to expand new ways of allocating affordable housing. Allocating affordable housing should focus on protecting two groups of groups: one is the working-income group whose housing difficulties have not been resolved and whose income is not high, and the other is the scientific and technological personnel, teachers, medical staff, etc. that the city needs to introduce.

The diversified demand for improved housing by urban and rural residents is an important support condition for the broad development space of my country's real estate market in the future. From young people who first enter society and rent first and then buy, to small first and then big, to the expectation of a higher quality living environment, there will be a continuous demand for improved housing. Therefore, we should promote the construction of "good houses" that the people are looking forward to. This is not only a livelihood issue to improve the housing conditions of the people, but also an issue to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

Fully empower city governments with the autonomy to regulate the real estate market. City governments bear the main responsibility for real estate regulation. City governments need to formulate and implement housing development plans based on population conditions, supply and demand conditions, and guarantee needs, formulate policies based on the city, optimize real estate policies, and stabilize the real estate market. The "Decision" emphasizes that relevant cities are allowed to cancel or reduce housing purchase restrictions and cancel the standards for ordinary and non-ordinary residences. Canceling or reducing purchase restrictions will help eliminate or lower the threshold for buying houses and promote housing consumption. Whether to cancel or reduce housing purchase restrictions requires city governments to make timely adjustments based on specific circumstances. If the standards for ordinary and non-ordinary residences are canceled, it means that non-ordinary residences will no longer pay higher taxes and fees than ordinary residences, which will help reduce the cost of purchasing non-ordinary residences and promote the release of housing demand, especially improvement demand.

Reform the financing methods of real estate development and the pre-sale system of commodity housing. Improve the real estate tax system. To reform the financing methods of real estate development, we must eliminate the drawbacks of the past model of "high debt, high turnover, and high leverage". Since the beginning of this year, relevant departments have promoted the establishment of a real estate financing coordination mechanism to coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems in real estate financing, put forward a list of real estate projects that can be given financing support, and push it to financial institutions in the administrative region to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects. The pre-sale system of commodity housing has been a housing sales model commonly used by real estate developers for a long time. It has promoted the rapid development of my country's real estate market, but "paying money first and then delivering the house" does have certain drawbacks. Regarding the reform of the pre-sale system of commodity housing, relevant departments have made it clear that existing housing sales can be carried out if conditions permit. At present, many cities have carried out pilot projects for the sale of existing housing, and it is expected that the reform of the pre-sale system of commodity housing will be further accelerated. Improving the real estate tax system is an important part of the construction of a long-term mechanism for real estate. It is expected that there will be more flexible and precise measures for taxation in various links such as real estate development, trading, and holding.

At present, my country's real estate market is still in an adjustment cycle, and positive changes are also taking place. All regions will adhere to the combination of digesting the stock and optimizing the increment, further implement and improve the new real estate policies, do a good job in ensuring the delivery of houses, and revitalize the stock of commercial housing and land resources. New urbanization is still being promoted, and there is still considerable room for high-quality development of real estate. The stable and healthy development of the real estate market can be expected. (Source: Economic Daily Author: Kang Shu)