
How much do you know about the secrets of soybeans?


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On June 27, scientific and technological personnel conducted a sampling survey on soybeans at the experimental field of Beidahuang Group Wudalianchi Farm Co., Ltd.

On July 6, at the Beidahuang Group Wudalianchi Farm Co., Ltd. in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area, large agricultural machinery was carrying out summer management operations in a soybean field.

At the Chuoer River Farm of Hulunbuir Farm Reclamation in Inner Mongolia, workers are leveling soybeans.

As you grow up, your parents always hope that you will be healthy and smart, and they will pay special attention to the selection of your diet.
Recently, a new study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign found that school-age children who eat more soy foods containing isoflavones have improved thinking skills and attention. The research team presented this result at the 2024 American Nutrition Society Annual Meeting held from June 29 to July 2. Today, let us learn about soy.

What nutrients are in soybeans?

Soybean is a plant-based food with extremely high nutritional value. It is rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In particular, lecithin and isoflavones are particularly important for brain health. Lecithin is an important component of cell membranes and can promote the function of nerve cells and improve memory and learning ability. Isoflavones have antioxidant effects and can protect brain cells from damage by free radicals.
To investigate the potential benefits of soy isoflavones, compounds found naturally in various plants, especially soybeans and soy products, the team reviewed data from a previous study involving 128 children aged 7 to 13 years.
Based on the children's 7-day dietary records, the team calculated each child's average dietary intake, including isoflavones. To assess the children's intelligence, the team used a set of special paper tests, and also used a computer test called the "flanker task" to assess attention, while recording the children's brain wave activity to measure information processing speed and concentration.
The analysis showed that children who consumed more soy foods showed faster reaction and processing speed in attention assessments, but the study did not find a significant association between soy isoflavone intake and intelligence levels.
In addition to direct nutritional supplements, soybeans can also help regulate blood sugar levels and avoid blood sugar fluctuations caused by diet, thereby maintaining children's attention stability. In addition, the dietary fiber in soybeans contributes to intestinal health, which is believed to be closely related to brain function. A healthy intestinal microbial environment can affect mood and cognitive function through the "gut-brain axis."

Is soy suitable for everyone?

Although soy has many benefits, it should be noted that not all children are suitable for consuming large amounts of soy. For some children who are allergic to soy, consuming soy products may trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, when increasing the intake of soy products, you should ensure that your child has no corresponding allergic history and consult a professional doctor or nutritionist for advice if necessary.
In order to let children benefit from soybeans, parents can try to incorporate soybean products such as tofu and soy milk into their children's daily diet. At breakfast, a cup of soy milk with whole grain bread is not only nutritionally balanced, but also can provide children with the energy and nutrition they need for the day. At lunch or dinner, adding some stewed tofu or fried dried tofu can not only enrich the table, but also contribute to the development of children's brains.
Researchers said that a serving of about 230 grams of soy milk contains about 28 mg of isoflavones. In order to increase the intake of isoflavones, soybeans or soy milk are good choices, and fermented black beans and tofu are also recommended foods.

What are the characteristics of Chinese soybeans?

Soybeans originated in my country. According to research, beans and millet occupied an important position in the composition of food crops in ancient China. "The sage ruled the world and made beans and millet as abundant as water and fire" (Mencius); "If beans and millet are insufficient and no one is allowed to grow them, the people will surely feel hungry" (Guanzi); "The emperor lives in the left corner of the Mingtang... and eats beans and chickens" (Book of Rites); "The gentleman sips beans and drinks water" (Xunzi); "What the people eat is mostly bean rice and soup" (Strategies of the Warring States). In ancient China, soybeans were once the staple food. Later, with the development of cereal crops and the development of soybean processing and utilization, especially the invention of tofu in the Han Dynasty, soybean products gradually became a side dish.
As the only academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who studies soybeans, Gai Junyi has been with soybeans for more than 60 years, just like a soybean firmly rooted in the field: no matter which direction the wind blows, he has always been "growing" in the land, so he is affectionately called "Soybean Academician" by people around him.
In the 1950s, soybean production in the United States was almost wiped out by cyst nematode disease. It was the disease-resistant gene of Beijing black beans in my country that saved the fate of local soybeans. However, since then, American countries have surpassed China in soybean production through scientific research, variety selection, and mechanized planting. The gap in soybean production between China and the United States deeply touched Gai Junyi, who realized that only by mastering the genealogy of germplasm resources can better varieties be cultivated.
You may not know that my country used to be a soybean exporter, and its soybean production once ranked first in the world. However, as soybean production in the Americas soared, my country gradually became the world's largest soybean importer after 1996. At present, my country's soybean self-sufficiency rate is only about 18%.
Gai Junyi said that compared with developed countries such as the United States, my country still has a large gap in basic research on soybeans. "From the research point of view, the soybeans imported from the United States are derived from Northeast China. It has been less than 100 years since Northeast China's soybeans arrived in the United States. After continuous cultivation and improvement, the yield has exceeded that of our varieties."
West China Metropolis Daily-Cover News reporter Bian Xue Photo from Xinhua News Agency