
Grassroots Roundtable | How can community property management avoid the “housekeeper” becoming an “enemy”?


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*This article is from the 11th issue of Banyuetan in 2024
The property management and service of residential communities directly affect the quality of life of residents and are closely related to the harmony of the community. If the property management is not done well, the owners will be unwilling to pay the property management fees; if the property management fees are not paid, the property management will be even worse... In the long run, it will be a vicious cycle, and the "owner" and the "housekeeper" will inevitably become "enemies". How can the property management of residential communities be done well? This issue of the "Grassroots Roundtable" invites grassroots cadres and community workers from Chongqing, Tianjin, and Guangxi to talk about "property management matters".

Shi Jianfei, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shuangfu Subdistrict, Jiangjin District, Chongqing:
Shuangfu Subdistrict has a permanent population of about 300,000, 97 residential communities, 72 property communities, and 63 property companies, making it the town with the largest number of property companies and property communities in the district. With such a large management scale, good results can only be achieved by starting with system construction.
Shuangfu established the city's first town-level property dispute pre-trial mediation studio - Fu Guanjia. Mediation work is divided into three levels: the first level is to set up a Fu Guanjia fine-tuning room in the community, where street residents and grid members talk to community residents and solve problems to quickly eliminate public dissatisfaction; the second level is to set up a Fu Guanjia discussion hall in the community, where the two community committees, resident leaders, team leaders, police officers, NPC deputies (deliberative representatives), CPPCC members and other forces jointly participate in talking with property and owners, solving problems, and guiding both parties to empathize with each other, think from each other's perspective, identify problems, and prescribe the right medicine; the third level is to set up a pre-trial mediation studio in the street grassroots governance command center, where relevant functional departments of the street, property associations, and courts in the jurisdiction talk to the conflicting parties about legal principles, solve problems, explain the law, and inform both parties of their legal responsibilities, so as to encourage both parties to reach a settlement.
Shuangfu also established the first town and street property management association in the district. From the perspective of the association, it established an industry self-discipline mechanism to guide property companies to establish a business philosophy of integrity and standardize business models. At the same time, it organized members to visit and study on the spot, invited relevant experts to hold special lectures, and enhanced the service awareness of property practitioners.
At the same time, property management companies are subject to standardized assessment and evaluation. According to relevant policies and regulations, Shuangfu has formulated assessment methods for property management companies in the area and detailed assessment indicators based on the actual property management work in the area. The street offices, property management associations, communities, and property owners' representatives score each item against the indicators, and the scores are reported quarterly and summarized at the end of the year. Excellent property management projects are rewarded and those with low rankings are urged to make rectifications.

Tan Chenghua, Party Secretary of Jinxiang Community, Renhe Street, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing:
The community elected the first Environmental and Property Management Committee (EPMC) in Liangjiang New Area through the Residents' Representative Assembly, which built a bridge of communication and consultation between the government, enterprises, communities, owners and the owners' committee. The EPMC visits and supervises the owners' committee and property companies to check on the performance of each party; it holds regular meetings every month to analyze and collect problems, and establishes a discussion and consultation mechanism to guide residents to actively participate in community governance, effectively improving the efficiency of handling property issues.
The Environmental and Property Committee has played a good role in combining rigidity and flexibility in property management. The so-called "rigidity" means that under the leadership of the community party committee, the property owners' committee and the property management company carry out their work in accordance with the system formulated by the Environmental and Property Committee. For example, in response to the opaque use of elevator maintenance funds, the Environmental and Property Committee requires property management companies and maintenance units to provide maintenance information for the past year and accept supervision from owners. The so-called "flexibility" is to become a buffer zone between owners and properties, and between owners and the government, to deal with unreasonable demands. For example, some owners require property management companies to pay for the problems left over by developers, which is beyond the scope of the property service contract. The Environmental and Property Committee will explain to the owners. With the Environmental and Property Committee, residents' satisfaction with the property has increased from 75% to 92%, and the resolution rate of property conflicts and disputes has reached 95%.
Qi Xue, Party Secretary of Baihe Chuntian Community, Wanxin Street, Dongli District, Tianjin:
The 64th row of bungalows on Shaliu North Road in the area is an "enclave". Not only does it not have property services, but it was even out of control for a time due to the complex affiliation. In 2020, Tianjin launched the "enclave" governance, and the Lily Spring Community took on the responsibility of property management.
The community sorted out and checked the information of residents, visited each household, and carried out special actions such as demolishing illegal buildings, eliminating chaos, and eliminating safety hazards, which greatly improved the appearance of this area. There must be a determination to "manage" and a way to "manage". In order to ensure the sustainability of governance results, the community arranges grid members to patrol daily, calls on party member volunteers to "grid" docking responsibilities, "face-to-face" ordering services, "one-to-one" pairing assistance, and regularly conducts legal knowledge lectures, so that the governance and maintenance of the "enclave" environment have both the "soft guidance" of moral power and the "hard constraints" of the rule of law. The community party committee also regularly organizes deliberation and consultation meetings to discuss solutions to property problems with residents, so that residents can change from "bystanders" to "participants".
Residents chatting at the community leisure area. Photo by Jiang Han
Liu Xiaoying, Party Secretary of Fengqi Community, Yufeng District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi:
There are some large residential areas in the area with many households and dense population. The residents have a wide range of needs, but the property resources are limited, and the residents' demands are often difficult to be resolved in a timely manner. To this end, the community has established and improved the "Bai Liao Hui" deliberation and consultation mechanism to extend the reach of solving people's problems.
The community has set up "opinion boxes" at residents' activity venues, and regularly collects residents' opinions at party and mass service centers, deliberation corridors, etc. The community party committee has formulated a deliberation activity plan based on investigation and research, and soliciting opinions and suggestions from residents at home. According to the process of "collecting opinions - determining themes - organizing consultations - forming plans - organizing implementation - tracking feedback", the issues that residents have reflected most frequently are taken as the topics of the "Bai Liao Hui" meeting, and flexible and diverse consultation activities are carried out in layers and categories, so that all parties can fully express their opinions.
In view of the fact that some property problems are caused by complex reasons and involve many departments, the community has implemented a deliberation model of "People's Congress representatives + resident representatives + volunteers + industry experts + heads of relevant departments (units)", gathering the strength and wisdom of all sectors of society to jointly promote the environmental renovation of old communities, elevator installation, road repair, and flywire rectification. So far, the community has resolved more than 120 property conflicts and disputes with the help of the "Bai Liao Hui" mechanism.
Feng Ping, Party Secretary of Chengzhong Community, Lingnan Town, Heshan City, Guangxi:
In the past few years, the property management companies of some communities in the jurisdiction withdrew for various reasons. As a result, the communities faced problems such as lack of maintenance of infrastructure, dirty and poor environment, and random parking of vehicles, which troubled the residents. Lingnan Town included the solution of community property management problems in the list of "I do practical things for the masses" projects and adopted many practical and effective methods. The first is to establish a community property management committee. Community cadres and grid members went to households to conduct a survey, and nominated party members, teachers, volunteers, etc. as representatives of the owners of each building, and established a community property management committee in accordance with the election method. The second is to guide the property management committee to carry out the selection and appointment of community property. Organize representatives of building owners to form a jury and select property management companies through competitive negotiations. The third is to take multiple measures to improve the effectiveness of governance. There are safety hazards in the community's flying wire charging. The community and the community property management committee, the municipal fire rescue brigade, the municipal urban management brigade, etc. conducted on-site inspections and introduced a third-party operating company for smart charging piles. Not only did they install charging equipment, but they also demarcated parking spaces and standardized vehicle parking.
The people are very satisfied with this series of measures. Their living environment has improved, and they have a sense of participation and voice in property issues. Naturally, the relationship between residents and property has improved.
Banyuetan reporter: Yin Siyuan, Zhou Wentao, Nong Guanbin / Editor: Jiang Lei
Editor: Qin Daixin / Proofreader: Chu Xiaopeng
original title"Community property management: Avoid the "housekeeper" from becoming an "enemy"