
Special Planning | How to calm your emotions?


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Editor | summer

In 2015, Pixar's Inside Out threw a stone into the animation film market. With its interesting imagination, cute characters and theme of growth, this animated film won the hearts of the public and won the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.

Nine years later, "Inside Out 2" hit the big screen. The heroine Riley entered puberty. Compared with the five basic emotions in the first film, four more complex new emotions: Jiao Jiao, Mu Mu, Jiao Gan, and Sadness began to compete for control of the brain.

The reason why this film can attract people's attention again is mainly due to the creative team's deep insight and grasp of emotions. They not only make the abstract and hidden emotions concrete, but also integrate them well into an adventure story. Not only does it allow everyone to see the changes in the characters' inner emotions, but it also allows everyone to experience the pleasure of having their imaginations opened up.

In fact, we can more or less see the shadow of our own growth in the girl Riley. The desire to express oneself in adolescence, but the fear of failure and embarrassment, the anxiety after growing up, the desire for the future, and the frequent self-denial. Especially in the current environment of general involution, anxiety seems to have become one of the most common emotions.

Perhaps out of a desire for stability, capybaras have become an "Internet celebrity" animal because of their stable emotions. Not only that, young people today have even listed this factor as a must-have for modern people in choosing a spouse. After all, they believe that emotions cannot be the master of the body, and only by better facing different feelings and emotions can one better master life. Based on this, TOPHER has launched this special plan, hoping that everyone can properly place their emotions.

PART 1 Understanding Emotional Problems

Human diseases have entered the "era of mental illness". Mental illness is on the rise both at home and abroad. On the other hand, we lack sufficient understanding of mental illness or have cognitive biases.

As early as the end of the last century, various signs and statistical data showed that the history of human disease development has entered the broad "era of mental illness" centered on brain diseases from the "era of infectious diseases" and "era of physical diseases". Entering the 21st century, experts at home and abroad have lamented that the era of mental illness has quietly arrived and mental illness is an epidemic in the 21st century.

In addition, according to a study in The Lancet, 80% of respondents strongly believe that stigma and discrimination may have a more serious impact than mental illness itself. Most people lack a correct understanding of mental illness, which leads to a life full of misuse, accusations and stigmatization: "depression" is used to express a bad mood, and "autism" is used to express introversion; and words like "mental retardation", "dementia" and "neurosis" have evolved into offensive terms in daily life; there are also topics that often spark public debate, such as whether mental illness and minors are "golden cards" for crimes? Is game addiction a manifestation of weak will? Is depression caused by children's ignorance? Even if they receive treatment, some people think that they don't need to take medicine or refuse to take medicine for fear of side effects, and some people pessimistically believe that their lives are ruined.

As a world-renowned neuroscientist, psychiatrist and Nobel Prize winner, Kandel explains to readers the biological mechanisms behind neurological and psychiatric diseases such as autism, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychopathic behavior, and addiction disorders in his book Neurological and Mental Illness of Our Time.

While explaining the biological mechanisms behind the disease, he directly refuted various stigmas and prejudices, introduced various viewpoints to conduct in-depth discussions on issues that readers may be concerned about and curious about, and stated that "education and science are our best means to eliminate stigma, so that individuals and society can treat" the disease and its patients in a more rational way.

In addition, Kandel also introduced real cases of patients with the disease, or patients' descriptions of their own experiences and symptoms of the disease, to help readers, especially family members of patients with autism and depression, understand the patients' true feelings.

This is a "comprehensive guide to psychological disorders" that everyone should read. It will help rewrite our understanding of mental illness and expand everyone's understanding of human nature and the world.

Image source: Beijing United Publishing Company

Recommended book: Neurological and Mental Illness in Our Time

Author: Eric R. Kandel

Translator: Yu Boya

Publisher: Beijing United Publishing Company

PART 2 Understanding the Value of Emotions

We are forced to adjust our emotions almost every day in order to provide "emotional value" to others. Women in particular are more often asked to complete this unpaid and exhausting work.

Ross Hackman, a well-known British writer and journalist, combines case studies and statistics to reveal the prevalence of emotional labor in society and explore the inequality of emotional labor between the sexes.

Although emotions are commonplace, emotional labor is usually unknown. The value of emotions is well known, but the value of emotional labor is still little known. This book explains emotional labor and its impact on people's lives, work and sense of value, especially revealing the relationship between the emotional experience hierarchy system and patriarchy.

In her book The Value of Emotions, she interviewed hundreds of women, starting from the nature and source of emotional labor, helping us to deeply understand this concept and teaching us how to transform exhausting emotional labor into a positive force.

This book explains emotional labor and its impact on people's lives, work, and sense of value, especially revealing the relationship between the emotional experience hierarchy system and patriarchy. Hackman said that women are expected to undertake more emotional labor. At the same time, she further elaborated on the disadvantaged situation of women in patriarchal society. In addition, she also explored the essential reasons and solutions behind emotional labor, pointing out the way for us to change the status quo.

After reading this book, you will find that emotional labor is real, but it does not need to become a psychological burden. Only by recognizing the value of emotional labor can we gain freedom for all mankind.

Image source: CITIC Publishing Group

Recommended book: "The Value of Emotions"

By Ross Hackman

Translator: Xu Hang and Pan Yiran

Publisher: CITIC Publishing Group

PART 3 Eliminate random thoughts

Have you ever had this experience: you were caught up in a catastrophic fantasy because of some problem, but when you reviewed it later, you realized that the root cause was actually not worth mentioning? Have you ever gone to a friend to talk about some problem because you were entangled in it, and their words woke you up, gave you a new perspective, and immediately felt relieved?

When you start thinking differently, your feelings change and a lot of annoying thoughts go away. We experience this simple truth every day - how we think determines how we feel. This concept is the core principle of cognitive behavioral therapy.

Dr. Sarah Edelman, an Australian clinical psychologist, has taught cognitive behavioral therapy courses for more than 20 years. She condensed her knowledge and experience into the book "The Guide to De-Thinking", which brings people a good way to heal their emotions.

This book is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to cognitive behavioral therapy, covering several types of negative emotions that can be found everywhere in daily life. For each emotional problem, the author provides very practical solutions and exercises to help us dig out the wrong ideas behind the emotions, use thinking and actions to change feelings, and stay away from unhealthy ways of thinking.

The author believes that thinking, action and emotion influence each other. Negative emotions often hide distorted, exaggerated and unrealistic wrong thinking. Cognitive behavioral therapy provides an effective way to reverse emotions through thinking and action, and is a powerful tool commonly used by clinical psychotherapists.

This book addresses eight common emotional problems, including frustration, anger, anxiety, inferiority, and depression, helping you discover and correct wrong thinking, break out of the vicious circle of rumination, and put an end to mental exhaustion.

The book includes a large number of cases and demonstrations, makes a detailed and clear classification of erroneous thinking, provides practical tools such as thinking monitoring tables, logical and behavioral refutations, and comes with reference answers, teaching you step by step how to be your own psychological counselor.

I hope that through this book, you can grasp the essence of cognitive behavioral therapy, effectively sort out the thoughts in your mind, and deal with your daily emotions. It can free your thoughts and give your emotions a new lease of life.

Image source: China Friendship Publishing House

Recommended book: "A Guide to Eliminating Wild Thoughts"

Author: Sarah Edelman

Translator: Chen Xuanshi

Publisher: China Friendship Publishing House

Producer: Houlang

PART 4 ​​Facing Conflict Bravely

It is human nature to fear conflict. In order to avoid conflict, we often swallow our anger, flatter others, or shut ourselves off. However, avoiding conflict will not only fail to bring harmonious interpersonal relationships, but will also start a war in our hearts, exposing ourselves to embarrassment, anger, grievance, fear, and regret. Therefore, we need to dare to face all kinds of conflicts in interpersonal communication.

Jayson Gaddis, a well-known interpersonal relationship coach, founded The Relationship School after working as a psychotherapist for more than ten years. He felt that many people were suffering from conflicts but did not know how to resolve them. He combined scientific theories with his own years of practical experience to design a systematic and flexible conflict resolution method - the "Conflict Zero Rule" to help people resolve inner and interpersonal conflicts.

In his book The Courage to Conflict, he weaves together disciplines such as psychology, neurobiology, and interpersonal dynamics. Through life-like cases, personal experiences, and various effective tools, he shows readers how to resolve conflicts caused by disagreements, childhood projections, lack of security, differences in values, and inner resentment without feeling wronged or wasting time, and to have closer and more meaningful relationships.

This book will tell you the following about conflict: Which instinctive reactions to conflict will destroy our relationship; how to change from a victim to a leader in a relationship; what is the cost of avoiding conflict, how to resolve our inner conflicts; how to calm yourself or the other party down in a conflict; how to listen effectively (LUFU method) and express yourself (SHORE method); the five most common types of conflict and how to deal with them

; The top ten obstacles to reconnecting with others and how to deal with them; How to deal with the problem of differences in values ​​and seek common ground while reserving differences.

You know, fear of conflict will not protect the marriage, family, friendship or work we want to protect, but will instead stir up huge storms in our hearts. Only by daring to conflict can we defend our own boundaries, stop internal friction, and make our relationships with close lovers, family, friends and colleagues closer.

Image source: Guizhou People's Publishing House

Book recommendation: The Courage to Conflict

Author: Jason Gaddis

Translator: Shi Ruolin

Publisher: Guizhou People's Publishing House

PART 5: Coping with grief

When sadness comes, we tend to avoid it, and even force ourselves to get out of the haze as soon as possible, but we can't avoid it at all times. If we only want to avoid it, not only will our life experience be greatly reduced, but we will also fall into a worse situation.

British journalist Helen Russell has experienced almost every sad event a person may go through, including the death of her younger sister, the divorce of her parents, the breakup of her lover and unemployment, anorexia, infertility, postpartum depression and other mental illnesses... In her book "Learning to Grieve", she leads everyone on a journey of exploring sadness that is full of life's resilience, hoping to use her own pain to illuminate everyone's pain.

In the book, the author uses literary language, combined with his own grief journey, as well as professional research and advice from psychologists, historians, sociologists, neuroscientists, etc., to answer the following questions: What is grief? Why do we feel sad? How to take care of ourselves when we are sad? How should we talk about grief? What can we do when we are sad? These analyses give us a more complete understanding of grief, and enable us to treat ourselves more gently when we look back on our sad past or face sad things in the future.

She tells us that accepting and learning to be sad can make us more resilient and open-minded, and thus have more chips for happiness, because sadness can make us pause, think about our situation, move to a new stage in life, and enrich our lives and interpersonal relationships.

This book is both the author's memoir of grief and a self-help book on grief that integrates professional research and suggestions from disciplines such as psychology, history, sociology, and neuroscience. It is both literary and practical.

Image source: Jiuzhou Publishing House

Recommended book: "Learning to be Sad"

Author: Helen Russell

Translator: Mu Yufeng

Publisher: Jiuzhou Publishing House

Life is long and complicated.

But perhaps we can find the gentlest solution.

As Lele said in the film,

Emotions have no right to decide who Riley becomes.

Can you coexist peacefully with your own emotions and the judgment of the outside world?

It is an eternal issue that needs to be solved on our path to growth.

But one thing we should remember is that

Be brave enough to accept yourself in different emotions.

Learn to embrace every side of yourself.

Only in this way,

Only then will you experience the power of healing and the motivation to move forward.

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