
Annual observation: Changes and progress in the fund short video war


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In recent years, the traffic of TikTok and video accounts has been growing rapidly. Fund institutions have taken advantage of this "incredible wealth" and stepped into the red ocean of short videos. Behind this is a strong demand to build brand influence and increase customer contact channels.

In the article "Where will fund short videos go?", Yiwealth Research Institute took stock of the operating performance of fund institutions as of the end of July 2023. One year later, Yiwealth Research Institute took stock of the operating dynamics of fund institutions on video accounts and Douyin accounts to see the trend changes in the past year and find the key to success of institutions that are ahead and making faster progress.

The top structure of fund video accounts has changed

As of the end of April 2024, a total of 109 fund management institutions have entered the Video Account, with a settlement rate of nearly 70% and 152 registered accounts. The number of accounts has not changed much compared with last year. Most of the fund institutions dedicated to public domain customer acquisition have basically entered the market.

The uniqueness of Video Account in the WeChat social ecosystem and its decentralized traffic distribution mechanism have attracted more fund institutions to carry out refined operations.Comparing the data from December 2022 to April 2023 and December 2023 to April 2024, the number of fund video works released this year has decreased relatively, and the average number of likes has not changed much compared with the same period last year (from 120 last year to 126 this year), but the quality of top works has improved significantly. During the statistical period, the industry's average hit rate (likes > 1000) was 2.74%, compared with 1.29% in the same period last year. The output rate of hits by institutional accounts has doubled.

In terms of subject matter, the content produced by institutions ranges from "active" to "passive".In 2023, the keywords for fund institutions' video accounts are "manager" and "pension", and it is the mainstream for fund institutions to output product mentality through the investment values ​​of fund managers. Since the beginning of this year, the performance of active equity funds has declined, the effect of star fund managers has declined, and passive funds have received more attention from users. At the same time, the number of short video works related to "index products" produced by fund institutions has increased, surpassing the word "manager" in December last year, and even ranked first in high-frequency words in January this year.

As the wealth management industry is transforming towards a “user-centric” approach,Yiwealth Research Institute found that the content production strategy of fund institutions has also changed from the previous "sales thinking" to the "user companionship thinking".Institutional content production also began to rotate as user attention shifted. In addition to the above-mentioned change from "active" to "passive", between December 2023 and April 2024,As investors' risk appetite declines, the high-frequency words on the production side related to investment themes have shifted from "technology" to "gold" and "bonds".

From the consumer side, product promotion content that promotes long-term values ​​and demonstrates the high value of the brand is more likely to attract users to like it. The reason is that this type of work, under the distribution logic of video accounts based on likes and pushing to Moments, helps users establish a "positive energy" personality, and users are more inclined to like this type of content.

The top video accounts have changed. In the article "Where will fund short videos go?", Minsheng Jiayin Fund and Southern Fund Micro Vision, which ranked first and second in average likes performance of video accounts, did not appear in the top ten list in this statistics. On the one hand, it shows the volatility of fund video account operations, and on the other hand, it also means more possibilities.

Combining the data of the two period dimensions, the long-term account operation quality of China Europe Fund, Fullgoal Fund, and China Universal Fund is stable. This year, China Europe Fund has stepped up its operation on the video account platform, with an average number of likes of more than 1,200 in the statistical period, doubling that of last year and far ahead of other institutions.

Fund companies have two ideas for producing popular content.One is taking the example of China Asset Management, which uses quantity to bring quality. From December 2023 to April 2024, it published 219 works and 35 works with more than 1,000 likes, ranking first; the other is the account represented by China Europe Fund. The number of works published is not large, but the content quality is excellent and the ability to become a hit is strong. During the data statistics period, China Europe Fund published a total of 62 works and produced 34 works with more than 1,000 likes, with a hit rate of up to 54.84%.

It is worth mentioning that both Wells Fargo Fund and China Europe Fund pay more attention to the incubation of IP. Whether it is Wells Fargo Fund's Chorus (employee IP), Invest Together (fixed investment product IP), or China Europe Fund's Niu Ou Ou (mascot IP), People Who Spread Time (content IP), they have spent 1-2 years to update high-quality content for a long time and cultivate users' content consumption habits to form influential IP.

Image source: Fuguo Fund, China Europe Fund video account

The number of fund Douyin accounts published has increased significantly

As of the end of April 2024, a total of 99 fund management institutions have settled in Douyin, with a settlement rate of 62.7%; the number of registered accounts is 113, of which 77 accounts were updated between December 2023 and April 2024, with an account update rate of 68.1%.

The number of fund institutions' accounts has not changed much, but the number of works released by fund companies on Douyin has increased significantly compared with the same period last year, indicating that fund institutions are updating content on Douyin at a higher frequency.

The competition in the Douyin ecosystem is more intense than that in the video account. Whether from the likes data of the works or the number of fans of the account, the "28 effect" is significant. In terms of likes data, from December 2023 to April 2024, the average number of likes for fund Douyin works was 2510. During this period, the median number of likes was only 35, with obvious differentiation. In addition, the distribution of fans also illustrates a similar phenomenon. According to the data from Yiwealth Research Institute, the total number of fans of the TOP20 accounts with the number of fans accounts for more than 90% of the total number of fans of all fund Douyin accounts. In other words, the user traffic of most fund Douyin accounts flows to the head.

In terms of the ability to create blockbuster works, there is a big gap between different accounts. China Europe Fund Niu Ou Ou and E Fund have strong blockbuster capabilities, with an output rate of more than 50% of works with 10,000 likes. From a full-scale perspective, from December 2023 to April 2024, there were 201 works with 10,000 likes on the fund's Douyin account, accounting for 6.43% of the total works. In comparison, China Europe Fund Niu Ou Ou's nearly 71% blockbuster rate can be said to have greatly exceeded the industry average, accurately grasping user preferences, and its high-quality pan-financial science popularization content topics such as "One Minute Financial Management" and "Ask If You Don't Understand" have gained high fan loyalty. Among them, the "Ask If You Don't Understand" series is a new content topic under the China Europe Fund Niu Ou Ou account. The topic selection style is similar to "One Minute Financial Management", but the "speaker" of the content has been changed from "Niu Ou Ou" to "real people with emoji avatars". Compared with animation IPs, real-life IPs can give users a more real feeling and help enhance users' trust.

Image source: China Europe Fund Niu Ou Ou Douyin account

Unlike video accounts, general financial content is the most popular content on the Douyin platform.General finance, investment education knowledge, and interpretation of market hot spots are the three main types of content produced by fund Douyin accounts. Under the general finance content, "cold knowledge" popular science works with novel topics are more likely to gain user likes.

However, while some fund companies are doing well on Douyin, for example, China Asset Management has gained 930,000 followers in five months, surpassing China Europe Fund's Niu Ouou in total followers; some accounts are facing the pain of content transformation and traffic decline due to various reasons after operating for a period of time. For example, Tianhong Fund, which ranks high among fund accounts in terms of the number of followers, saw a decline in the frequency of its work releases and the quality of its works at the beginning of this year, and its number of followers showed negative growth.

In general, although Video Account and Douyin Account are both short video platforms, the characteristics of explosive content are different in the two platforms due to the differences in user portraits and traffic distribution mechanisms. Some fund institutions that are good at public domain operations have begun to create differentiated content systems for different platforms.

(Left: China Europe Fund video account, right: China Europe Fund Niu Ouou Douyin account)

In fact, for fund institutions, whether it is a video account or a Douyin account, it is a way to reach users with content carriers and platforms that are familiar to users. By influencing the minds of users with high-quality content over the years, fund institutions can build a strong brand influence and achieve upward business development. However, the effect of creating content in the public domain is not intuitively visible. From traffic to fans, and then to the final conversion, the efficiency of the funnel model is "unclear". Therefore, a small number of fund institutions have their accounts become silent after a period of operation.

However, more fund institutions are "rolling up". For example, Yiwealth Research Institute has observed that a higher proportion of high-quality content is created on video accounts and Douyin accounts. More institutions have gained fans by relying on high-quality content operations, and top accounts are constantly iterating their content strategies to maintain their traffic advantages... These phenomena all illustrate the operational value of short video platforms.
