
The digital wave is surging! Human resource management is embarking on a new era, reshaping organization and talent development


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[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] The AI ​​wave is sweeping in with unprecedented momentum, profoundly reshaping the grand landscape of corporate management. In this context, how to examine the new relationship between people, AI, organization and management is the core topic for companies to explore, study and discuss.

On July 7, an event that brought together elites and sparks of wisdom from all walks of life - the Digital Transformation Workshop (11th session) was successfully held at Shanghai Zhishi Academy. It was co-organized by Kingdee and the "Knowledge Laboratory". The theme of this workshop was "Embrace AI and Maximize People's Value", and it discussed the in-depth application of AI in the field of human resources.

At the event, Chen Chunhua, Dean of Shanghai Creative Organization Research Institute and co-founder of Zhishi, gave a course sharing entitled "Accelerating the Digital Transformation Journey of HR - The Impact of Digital Technology Development on Organizational and Human Development."

01Digital technology reshapes the face of the times: innovative transformation, seizing opportunities

In today's ever-changing era, digital technology is like an unstoppable torrent, profoundly reshaping the face of organizational and human development. "We are in it, and we all feel the social consensus of 'involution'. Every industry is caught in the vortex of fierce competition." Chen Chunhua praised that transformation has become an inevitable topic given by the times. Whether it is the iterative upgrade of the industry or the reshaping of personal knowledge and ability, it heralds the arrival of a new era. And only innovation can open up the road to victory. These three consensuses are thought-provoking, leading people to explore and seize development opportunities in the surging tide of digital technology.

Chen Chunhua pointed out that the evolution of digital technology has continuously expanded the boundaries of human activities, from the traditional physical world to the increasingly mature virtual space. This leap has brought unprecedented growth possibilities. Economic activities have undergone tremendous changes due to digital technology. In addition to traditional material production, interpersonal communication and self-awareness activities have also begun to generate huge economic value. The rise of live broadcasting is a vivid example, which uses digital technology to transform interpersonal communication into a trillion-dollar market.

Moreover, the Internet and digital technology have made people's fragmented time, which originally did not generate value, valuable, and expanded the value space of time. To be more specific, the essence of digital intelligence has three points: first, collaboration, human-machine symbiosis, achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement; second, adaptation, self-learning, self-adaptation, continuous adaptation to the outside world, dynamic evolution; third, precision, making data decisions more accurate and responding to users efficiently. And with the development of digital technology, people can even create value in digital avatars, humanoid robots or virtual spaces without leaving their original bodies, further expanding the possibilities of time.

In Chen Chunhua's view, the biggest challenge for enterprises is whether they can keep up with the speed of technological iteration. Since its establishment, Kingdee has firmly walked on the road of digital transformation, especially in cloud business, and has achieved remarkable results. In addition, Kingdee actively shares and transfers the experience and knowledge of digital transformation through workshops to help more enterprises keep up with the pace of the times.

02Human Resource Management 4.0 Era: Challenges and Changes Go Hand in Hand

When discussing the role and job design of human resources, Chen Chunhua pointed out that management practices in different categories are essentially a profound reflection of organizational stratification and identity recognition, which is also the core of human resource system design. Based on this, she proposed the "symbiotic concept", the essence of which lies in "mutual subjectivity and mutual effect", emphasizing the core characteristics of "value co-creation and overall evolution".

She further emphasized that in the tide of digital transformation, the leading companies, that is, those organizational systems that have successfully achieved digital transformation, all display the following characteristics: ecological partners are mutually dependent, both internally and externally they focus on mutual benefits, and co-creating value becomes the norm, on which they achieve overall evolution.

Regarding the challenges in the human resource management industry, Chen Chunhua tends to examine its changes and evolution from the perspective of value activities. From material production to interpersonal communication, and then to the awakening of self-awareness, the value activity space of enterprises is experiencing an unprecedented expansion. This not only means the digital transformation of the business structure, but also heralds a profound change in operations and organizational structures.

In this process, organizational effectiveness and human development have become indispensable keywords. However, the support model of human resource management has quietly changed. "From traditional file management and salary payment to the division of professional functions, and then to the rise of the three-pillar model, namely the center of excellence, business partners and shared services, we are entering the 4.0 era of human resource management. The core feature of this era is that it can provide a platform for multiple contractual relationships for everyone in the organization." She praised.

In addition, to accelerate the digital transformation of human resources, first of all, human resources must be effectively aligned with corporate strategy, especially in the current environment full of uncertainty. It is necessary to find certainty from the perspectives of customer value and ecological network construction, and build a corporate strategy model with capabilities as the core. Secondly, human resources need to be transformed into a close partner of the business and jointly participate in the reconstruction of value. This requires human resources to not only focus on improving efficiency, but also be able to measure their own work with the company's performance, while taking on customer needs and realizing a deeply personalized employee experience.

Chen Chunhua also believes that it is also key to regard knowledge and capabilities as core assets. Human resources need to help companies build knowledge assets and drive the industry's intelligent process. Finally, building a human resources digital technology framework, realizing value scenario management, allowing data to drive talent decisions, and jointly moving towards the future of a "human-machine symbiotic system" is the common goal and expectation of enterprises.

03A new direction for human resources oriented towards co-creating value

The evolution of human resources is a profound transformation from professional support to co-creation of customer value. Each step is accompanied by the reshaping of management models and the continuous innovation of technical support. As the leader of this transformation, Kingdee helps enterprises move towards the value-added stage with its unremitting exploration and practice.

Furthermore, Kingdee's efforts are to light a beacon for enterprises in the ever-changing market, guide them to clear the fog and understand the way forward. From another perspective, the certainty of an organization is not a sourceless stream or a rootless tree, but is built on a solid strategic foundation and strong organizational support capabilities.

"When corporate strategy and organizational structure are closely integrated, corporate growth will be like a spring of living water, which is endless. The power of this growth comes from the creativity within the organization, which builds a new value scenario." Chen Chunhua said. Only in this way, when facing the turbulent market, companies do not need to be overly anxious. Because the key to the sustainable development of an organization lies in its internal talents and teams. This is a solid backing that companies can rely on. However, the effectiveness of the human resources system has become a major challenge today.

She mentioned that in the process of digital transformation, customers, business personnel and bosses are changing rapidly, while human resources often lag behind. This is mainly because the human resources department is far away from customer value and it is difficult to perceive market changes in real time. Therefore, companies need to break this barrier and make human resources closer to customers, understand their needs, and thus create value.

Human resources are the key to the essential difference between enterprises. An excellent enterprise is not only based on its leading technology and products, but also on the quality and ability of its human resources. To maintain organizational advantages, it is necessary to continuously improve the competitiveness of human resources, stimulate the potential of talents, and make them an important force to promote the development of the enterprise.

In this process, the human resources department needs to focus on four obstacles: the relevance to customer value, the maintenance of organizational advantages, the construction of organizational capabilities, and the release of employee potential. Only by solving these problems can the human resources system be more effective and provide strong support for the development of the enterprise. By holding workshops, Kingdee aims to improve the effectiveness of the human resources system and clarify the goals and paths of reshaping the human resources system.