
hunan provincial market supervision bureau, provincial consumer protection committee: resist credit consumption among primary school students!


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recently, some consumers reported that there was a phenomenon of credit consumption for primary school students around a certain primary school campus. some unscrupulous merchants asked primary school students to buy on credit in order to make profits. the primary school students could not resist the temptation and owed money for consumption. afterwards, the merchants asked their parents for money, which caused disputes. in order to effectively protect the healthy growth of minors and resist bad business and consumption behaviors, the hunan provincial market supervision administration and the hunan provincial consumer rights protection committee jointly issued a consumer reminder: care for the healthy growth of minors and jointly resist credit consumption for primary school students.

fully understand the negative impact of credit consumption on the growth of primary school students

primary school students have limited cognitive level and self-control ability, and they are easily tempted to consume on credit. once primary school students fall into this behavior of buying on credit, it will have a serious adverse impact on their growth. first, buying on credit can easily form bad consumption habits. once the habit of owing money to consume without considering one's actual ability to pay is formed, it may be difficult to form healthy consumption habits in the future. second, it affects students' academic and mental health. disputes caused by owing money to consume may cause children to have negative emotions such as anxiety and pressure, which will not only affect their academic performance, but also their mental health. third, it brings about moral risk problems. primary school students may unconsciously form irresponsible consumption concepts, which hinders the establishment and formation of integrity awareness and sense of responsibility. fourth, primary school students' buying on credit behavior is generally not recognized by their parents. once they start buying on credit, they are likely to fall into difficulties in buying on credit, causing psychological burdens, and even leading to radical or illegal behavior.

working together,actively resist credit consumption by minors

parents are the first responsible person for their children's growth. parents should take a variety of measures to guide and manage their children and help them establish healthy consumption concepts. first, provide good education and guidance. through real-life examples, help children understand the risks of buying on credit and let them realize the burden and responsibility of debt. second, maintain good communication with children, understand their needs and consumption, and promptly discover and deal with potential problems. third, cultivate children's savings habits, help them set savings goals, encourage them to buy the toys or supplies they want through savings, and let them experience the fun and sense of achievement of saving.

school management and education are crucial. first, educate students on their consumption concepts. through classroom teaching and extracurricular activities, help students understand the negative impact of credit consumption, so as to establish a correct consumption concept. second, schools can formulate consumption norms on campus and prohibit students from purchasing on credit in stores around the school. third, supervise consumption behavior around the campus to ensure that no merchants provide credit services to primary school students, and establish a mechanism to allow students, parents and teachers to report credit consumption and provide timely feedback and handle related issues. fourth, maintain communication with parents, introduce the school's measures in this regard, and encourage parents to strengthen their children's consumption education at home. fifth, pay attention to students' psychological conditions, provide psychological support in a timely manner, and help them solve practical problems. sixth, through campus cultural activities and publicity, advocate healthy consumption concepts and create a campus environment that supports good consumption habits.

business operators around the campus must assume primary responsibility, abide by laws and regulations, strengthen business ethics, avoid making profits by inducing primary school students to buy on credit, and consciously reject students' requests for credit consumption.

establish awareness of safeguarding rights according to law and protect their own legitimate rights and interests

the general provisions of the civil law stipulates: "minors over the age of eight are persons with limited civil capacity, and their civil acts shall be performed by their legal representatives or with the consent and ratification of their legal representatives." "minors under the age of eight are persons without civil capacity, and their civil acts shall be performed by their legal representatives." according to the law, the creditor-debtor relationship formed by merchants lending credit to primary school students without the parents' knowledge is not protected by law. if a dispute arises and parents cannot reach an agreement with the merchant, they can call the 12345 citizen hotline to complain.