
over a thousand people have signed up for the night school swimming class, which starts tonight: it's never too late to learn if you want to.


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teng yitao, reporter of chao news client

"take a deep breath. don't be afraid with your goggles on. keep your eyes open when you go into the water." coach ye fangjie gently advised the students who were about to go into the water.

on the evening of september 23, the pao yue-kong swimming pool at the huanglong sports center was brightly lit. in the sparkling blue swimming pool, students of the autumn night school swimming class welcomed their first class.

previously, the "art and literature empowers beauty" national art school autumn charity course launched by zhejiang provincial cultural center introduced physical education courses for the first time, involving 20 classes in eight sports including swimming, tennis, badminton, squash, archery, wing chun, pilates, and women's self-defense. after the registration was opened, the popularity of swimming classes was far ahead, becoming the course with the largest number of registrations and the most popular course.

according to the registration app "zheli culture circle", the number of applicants for swimming class 2 alone reached 1,366, which is about 137 people competing for one spot. adding the number of applicants for swimming class 3, there are more than 2,700 people competing for swimming lessons.

the night school trend that’s all the rage in hangzhou has this time blown into the swimming pool. how did everyone go with the first class?

on-site report: the students were excited and serious throughout the class

at 6 o'clock in the evening, the reporter walked into the swimming pool and was greeted by a fresh and slightly moist air.

at the poolside, the students were wearing swimming caps, goggles and racing swimsuits, ready to enter a completely new environment, with both anticipation and a hint of hesitation in their eyes.

"hello, students, welcome to the swimming class. today, we will start with the most basic water adaptation and breathing control." coach ye's gentle and caring words instantly relieved the students' nervousness before entering the water.

"don't be anxious, warm-up exercises are essential before we officially start." at the beginning of the class, teacher ye emphasized the most basic and important safety issue.

learning to hold your breath photo by reporter teng yitao

on the side, 21-year-old senior student xiao huang followed teacher ye's movements and stretched hard. "i didn't expect to win the lottery. i was so lucky. opportunities don't come easily, so i must study hard." xiao huang told reporters that the night school swimming class was systematically taught by the coach, and she felt the teacher's professionalism in the first class.

"i was deeply impressed by pan zhanle's cool swimming style and his domineering attitude when he won the championship at the olympics. i also want to truly master this cool sports skill." at the same time, in xiao huang's view, swimming is not only a way to exercise the body, but also a good way to relax. "i hope that through this course, i can not only learn to swim, but also find a way to relieve stress during the tense job-hunting period after graduation."

“the olympics a while ago made me very excited, so i wanted to pick up swimming again which i had given up.” xiao zhao, born in the 1990s, told reporters that he had tried to learn swimming but did not persist because it was a bit difficult. “this time the teacher’s step-by-step teaching relieved me of a lot of pressure. in every class i try to set a small goal for myself and take it step by step.” in xiao zhao’s view, as long as he challenges himself, he wins.

"for office workers who sit for a long time, it is very comfortable to come to the swimming pool to exercise." xiao zhao said that after the class, he and many other students still felt that they had not finished. "this hour was very fulfilling."

"most of the students in the class are very young and energetic. the atmosphere is very relaxed." an older student said with a smile, "i am also a role model for them. as long as you want to learn, it is never too late."

learning through entertainment: boring repetitive exercises become interesting

in teacher ye's opinion, if you want to learn how to swim, the first step is to learn how to relax. "it is very important to adjust your mindset. it also allows you to hold your breath longer in the early stages."

“try to use your waist strength to control your body’s balance as much as possible. imagine yourself as a piece of wood and let yourself float by stretching your whole body.” these humorous words instantly ignited the atmosphere in the swimming pool and made the nervous beginners among the students gradually relax.

teacher ye is demonstrating how to kick correctly. photo by reporter teng yitao

starting with the most basic breathing exercises, the students gradually learned how to keep balance in the water and how to kick and paddle correctly. teacher ye patiently demonstrated and corrected the students' movements one by one, allowing everyone to feel the joy of progress.

at the same time, through interesting games and interactive sessions, teacher ye, who has rich teaching experience, also made the originally boring basic swimming exercises lively and interesting, which greatly stimulated the students' enthusiasm for learning.

in the swimming pool, students' figures appeared one after another. some, led by their companions, struggled in the water, trying to push out a few meters with their legs; others grabbed the edge of the pool and held their breath for as long as possible.

students listen carefully to the lecture by reporter teng yitao

whenever someone successfully completed a challenge or swam a certain distance, there would be applause of encouragement from all around. "this atmosphere of mutual encouragement and common progress also makes me full of energy."

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