
the world champion returned to school to receive recognition. freshman: "he is my idol. i hope i can participate in more skills competitions."


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on september 23, freshmen of guangzhou light industry technician college met their "idols" up close - huang bolin and li ganglong, winners of the 47th worldskills competition. the school held a summary and celebration meeting for the 47th worldskills competition on the same day, commending the winners, coaches and support teams, and encouraging more students to become skilled.
gold medalist: “we proved ourselves”
in this world championships, huang bolin, a national champion in fine woodworking, and li ganglong, a national champion in woodworking, from the school stood out in the fierce international competition and won the gold medal and the honorable mention prize respectively, winning honor for guangzhou and bringing glory to the motherland.
(the scene of the competition summary celebration meeting of guangzhou light industry technician college)
this is the first time that a player from guangzhou has won a gold medal in the fine woodworking event at the world championships. talking about his experience of "changing events" and preparing for the competition, huang bolin was full of emotion: "switching from furniture making to fine woodworking means that everything needs to start from scratch, and i have also experienced some struggles and pain. for example, i was afraid of getting injured at the beginning and couldn't control the fine woodworking machine. fortunately, with the help of my coach, i finally defeated this "demon in my heart". i think, if i can't even overcome some minor injuries during training, how can i become the world's number one?"
huang bolin also thanked the school for its training: "when i stood on the highest podium, i felt that i represented the technology of our light industry and the ability of our teachers. we proved ourselves."
(when entering the venue, huang bolin high-fived the freshman representatives)
the success of children is inseparable from the support of their parents. huang bolin's parents also came to the conference to share their joy. huang bolin's mother said: "the family originally wanted bolin to study auto repair, but in the end we respected our son's interests and let him continue to deal with his favorite wood, so he chose furniture making after the high school entrance examination." huang bolin's father said: "all this is bolin's hard work and persistence. we will always support him silently behind the scenes. i hope bolin can continue to break through himself, serve the country with his skills, and continue to contribute to the country's skills development."
in the woodworking competition, li ganglong created the best record of the chinese delegation with the fifth place in the total score and won the championship. li ganglong said that although he had a little regret in this world competition, he would insist on improving his skills. he said: "we must always move forward, keep working hard and never give up."
(woodworking winner li ganglong)
new skill students met with champions face to face and were greatly encouraged
"i seldom cry, but ten minutes before bolin finished the game, my eyes were already filled with tears." huang bolin's coach, zhai zixi, a national player in the 45th world championships, said that huang bolin's training and preparations were not all smooth sailing. "few people can stick to doing the same thing day after day for such a long time. i have witnessed his perseverance and am very lucky to meet such an excellent player."
(face-to-face session with world champions)
freshmen who just entered in september met the champions face to face at the celebration meeting, and the seeds of skill development sprouted in many people's hearts. "he is my idol!" gong zhanzheng, a freshman of 24 majoring in industrial robot application and maintenance, took a photo with huang bolin excitedly. he said that the two seniors won glory for the country and were his role models. in the future, he also hopes to participate in more skill competitions to improve his skills.
"i hope that students will take the award-winning contestants as shining examples, learn from their perseverance and dedication, and constantly improve their skills." cheng zhenyang, secretary of the party committee of the municipal light industry technician college, said that the two contestants withstood complex interference and pressure, overcame many difficulties and obstacles, and achieved good results in the competition. their skills and spirit are worth learning for everyone. behind the halo are the countless days and nights of hard work of the two contestants, and the perseverance of coaches, experts and technical teams. he hopes that students will actively participate in various competitions, and constantly improve their skills and practical abilities through competition training and practice, and through communication and learning with outstanding contestants. while mastering solid professional skills, they will continuously enhance their comprehensive quality and core competitiveness, so as to better adapt to the complex and changing working environment and be fully prepared for their future careers.
text/guangzhou daily new flower city reporter: he yingsi correspondents: xu shan, luo xiaotong photo/guangzhou daily new flower city reporter: he yingsi correspondent: hong zhenhuaguangzhou daily new flower city editor: liao liming