
education can be different


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at 6:56 in the morning, zhang yanqing, vice principal of zhongguancun no. 3 primary school education group in haidian district, beijing, boarded the high-speed train out of beijing at beijing west railway station. an hour later, she became the principal of xiong'an xiongdong experimental school of zhongguancun no. 3 primary school in xiong'an new district, hebei province. in the transition of time, region, and identity, zhang yanqing has long been accustomed to this dual-city trip.

on april 1, 2017, the cpc central committee and the state council decided to establish xiongan new area in hebei province. located in the hinterland of beijing, tianjin and baoding, xiongan new area, as a concentrated carrier of beijing's non-capital functions, strives to build an innovative development demonstration zone that implements the new development concept and builds it into a "city of the future" that is "indescribably wonderful".

it is this major decision-making and deployment that has attracted more and more "zhang yanqing" to participate. the seemingly insignificant education cooperation is gradually gathering into a powerful force in the coordinated development of beijing, tianjin and hebei and the construction of xiong'an new area.

education first, laying the foundation for the "city of the future"

this is the sixth year that zhang xinxin, principal of xiongan shijia hutong primary school, has come to xiongan.

in the corridor on the first floor of the teaching building, xiong'an shijia hutong primary school created an exhibition wall called "xiongan in newspapers". zhang xinxin and her colleagues edited the reports on this land one by one, framed them in different categories and hung them on the wall to evoke people's fond memories of this ever-changing land.

in august 2017, beijing and hebei signed the "strategic cooperation agreement on jointly promoting the planning and construction of xiongan new area in hebei province", which clearly stated that beijing would support the construction of a kindergarten, a primary school, a comprehensive middle school and a general hospital in xiongan new area in a "turnkey" manner. today, three schools, including xiongan shijia hutong primary school, have been put into use.

education should provide support for urban development. as a new city with a long-term plan, how should xiongan new area's education, as a basic livelihood project, be planned and deployed? over the past seven years, the party working committee and management committee of xiongan new area have always attached great importance to the development of education, adhered to high-standard planning and high-starting point positioning, and created "future education" with the temperament of a "city of the future".

"we are painting on a blank sheet of paper. schools with different concepts, different forms and different cultures are slowly growing up on the land of xiongan new area. however, we are not simply copying and pasting. instead, we combine the actual situation of xiongan new area to establish an educational model that conforms to the characteristics of the new area and create a modern education system that meets the needs of people at multiple levels." said gao lichun, director of the public service bureau of xiongan new area.

in order to support xiongan new area in accelerating the construction of a modern education system, the ministry of education issued the "implementation opinions on comprehensively supporting the high-quality development of education in xiongan new area", supporting xiongan new area in building a national model of education modernization and a model of future education. at the same time, the ministry of education's education development research center took the lead in formulating the "special education plan for the starting area" in accordance with the new development concept and the requirements of high-quality development, and comprehensively planned and designed in terms of through-training, small-class teaching, and personalized learning, to build a modern education system with xiongan characteristics, domestic leadership, and world-class.

xiongan new area has also established an education expert advisory committee, organizing more than 30 authoritative education experts from home and abroad to offer suggestions and jointly draw a picture of educational innovation and development. on this basis, xiongan new area has successively issued a series of implementation measures, including the "xiongan new area smart education five-year action plan (2021-2025)" and the "hebei xiongan new area three-year action plan for building a modern education system".

as a concentrated carrier of beijing's non-capital functions, xiongan new area's education not only bears the responsibility of educating people, but also bears the responsibility of serving the overall development of the new area, taking over the relocation and serving the introduction of talents. to this end, xiongan new area has issued documents such as the "implementation plan for the education support policy for taking over beijing's non-capital functions" and the "procedures for the transfer of children of beijing-based relocated personnel between beijing and xiongan", and launched the "transfer service platform for children of beijing-based relocated personnel", realizing the co-construction and sharing with the beijing transfer platform and student database, unblocking the transfer channels for the children of beijing-xiongan relocated personnel, and serving the transfer of children of relocated personnel.

in order to effectively alleviate the problem of "difficulty in caring for" children of employees and the general public, xiong'an new area, with the help of the "xiong'an free care for children" platform and 33 pilot schools, carried out 8 free care sessions during the winter and summer vacations, serving 48,000 people. this is also the first in the country to achieve three "full coverages", namely "full coverage of winter and summer vacations, full coverage of urban and rural areas, and full coverage of middle schools and primary schools."

in the past summer vacation, students in xiongan new area had an unforgettable vacation. during the summer public welfare care service, six scientists from the chinese academy of sciences visited the school to conduct scientific education lectures, bringing students a different scientific education experience.

as one of the schools for the children of relocated beijing talents, huang chun, principal of beijing no. 4 middle school xiong'an campus, said: "educational development is closely related to social and economic development. with a history of 117 years, beijing no. 4 middle school has accumulated rich experience in running schools. i believe that our school can reassure the relocated units and parents."

a promise for the future: “one school” influences “one city”

the "little cppcc members" exchanged views on 17 proposals, including the widespread application of smart scenarios, inheritance and protection of "intangible cultural heritage", food safety on campus, and protection of migratory birds in baiyangdian. through proposal presentation, group discussions, on-site defense and other links, many innovative and feasible plans were formed.

this was a scene at the first simulated comprehensive practice conference for primary and secondary school students in xiongan new area in june this year. students from primary, middle and high schools not only expressed their views accurately, but also demonstrated excellent critical thinking and communication skills.

talent is the key to building the "city of the future". xiongan new area focuses on personalized and diversified education models to provide strong support for students' all-round growth and future development.

huang chun wants to make the school a "school for three people", namely teachers, parents and students. he said, "only when adults grow up can students grow up; if everyone is making progress, students will also make progress."

it is under this concept that teachers and parents at the xiong'an campus of beijing no. 4 middle school must learn ballroom dancing. the school holds a dance party every month to let teachers and parents feel the beauty of life. before the school starts, parents must enter the school before their children, and parents are taught what they can and cannot do in the parent school...

"beijing and hebei have different educational concepts and standards, and parents have different lifestyles and habits. we will do our best to make up for the differences while respecting them," said li yujin, deputy director of the xiongan new area public service bureau. "you may not be able to adapt to it at first, but we have to do it because education is not just about scores and grades. it can also be something else."

a brand new city has sprung up, villages have become cities, and fields have become high-rises. some people's living habits and ideological awareness have not kept up. the significance of a school is to influence "a city" from "a school". zhongguancun no. 3 xiong'an xiongdong experimental school has specially organized the "children's talk is also useful" activity, allowing students to go into the community to find problems, conduct research, and find ideas to make everyone's community better and better; it also actively carries out activities such as "xiong'an is mine", "i like this place", and "i want to build xiong'an well" to let students root in the idea of ​​loving their hometown from an early age, and then influence their families.

sun lanping, a native of hebei, was transferred from xiongxian no. 2 primary school in hebei province to xiong'an xiongdong experimental school of zhongguancun no. 3 primary school as vice principal. faced with the reality that 192 students come from more than 40 different schools, the school does not simply emphasize management, but helps students in need through diverse activities, rich social practices, and optional courses, so that no child leaves school with regrets.

in the past seven years, xiongan new area has undergone tremendous changes in both people's lives and urban construction, but what remains unchanged is the inclusive attitude towards all changes. at present, the xiongan campus of beijing no. 4 middle school does not participate in the xiongan new area unified examination. the school has its own curriculum characteristics and schedule. as huang chun said, "xiongan new area does not interfere with the school's autonomy in running schools, allowing us to maintain our own pace and ensure that the concept is implemented." this is what huang chun values, and it is also the attitude that the "city of the future" should have.

the development of a new city always attracts more attention. how to turn "onlookers" into "co-builders"? xiong'an new area actively builds the "home-school-social-government collaborative education project experimental area", studies and formulates the implementation opinions of the "future city" home-school-social-government co-education integration, promotes the construction of parent schools and parent schools of primary and secondary schools, and realizes full coverage of parent schools. at the same time, promote the "flower care plan", carry out the "home-school-social-government concentric circle" public welfare theme activities, apply the "intimate huiyu" family education model, provide professional consulting services for parents or teachers, meet the personalized needs of family education guidance, and create a model area for home-school-social-government collaborative education.

moreover, in order to create a social atmosphere of integration, openness, sharing and convenience, xiongan new area arranges school facilities according to the "15-minute living circle" of 5 minutes to kindergarten, 10 minutes to primary school and 15 minutes to middle school; the school functions are designed to be complete and advanced. according to the development trend of diversified, personalized and intelligent learning, ordinary classrooms and functional classrooms are configured in a 1:1 ratio. sports fields, weatherproof playgrounds, lecture halls, libraries, etc. have become standard configurations of schools, leaving enough space for the diversified development of schools and the all-round development of students. at present, there are 98 schools built and under construction in the new area of ​​xiongan new area, and 50 schools are in operation. people can enjoy high-quality and convenient education services at their doorstep.

sharing the same ideas, bringing together multiple resources into one river

“it turns out that dance classes can be taught this way!” an art teacher at xiongan shijia hutong primary school couldn’t help but exclaim after listening to the second-grade dance class “the naughty little alarm clock” taught by diao wen, an art teacher at beijing shijia hutong primary school.

"affected by geographical and policy factors, differences in educational concepts, curriculum standards, teaching methods and examination requirements between beijing, tianjin and xiong'an have increased the difficulty of resource sharing," said wang ruizhi, head of the education group of the public service bureau of xiong'an new area. "in order to improve the quality of education in xiong'an new area as soon as possible, we are working hard to promote the co-construction and sharing of high-quality basic education resources in beijing and tianjin with xiong'an new area."

since its establishment, xiongan new area has received support from the ministry of education, beijing-tianjin-hebei and even the whole country. the new area management committee, public service bureau, schools of all levels and types have signed more than 20 agreements with beijing and tianjin, including the "agreement on xiongan education development cooperation", "agreement on basic education development cooperation", and "tianjin-xiongan education teaching and research integration construction cooperation agreement", and established a cooperation system covering basic education, educational research, teacher training and other fields, laying the foundation for the introduction of high-quality educational resources into xiongan new area, especially for the regular joint teaching and research activities of teachers and researchers from the two places. in may this year, four well-known principals from beijing settled in the famous principal studio in xiongan new area, and tianjin's "three schools and one park" cooperated with four schools in xiongan.

zhongguancun no. 3 primary school education group has designed a diversified, multi-layered and multi-dimensional subject and cross-disciplinary training program based on the actual needs of xiong'an xiongdong experimental school. under the guidance of the famous teachers of the main school, the school has carried out various forms of activities, established a master-apprentice pairing exchange system, and created the advantages of xiong'an xiongdong experimental school. at the same time, it supports zhongguancun no. 3 primary school xiong'an xiongdong experimental school to select a certain proportion of new teachers to follow the job training at the main school to improve the professional quality of teachers.

nervous, speaking fast... these are the feelings of qi yue, a teacher at xiong'an shijia hutong primary school, when she attended a dual-teacher classroom for the first time. "i always felt that the dual-teacher classroom was far away from me, but under the guidance of teachers from beijing, i have a new understanding of the dual-teacher classroom." now when talking about the dual-teacher classroom, qi yue is confident. "i always thought that math class was just about doing exercises, because that was the education i received since i was a child. now i know that there are many ways to take math classes. i feel like i am standing on the shoulders of giants."

in order to break through regional and inter-school resource barriers, xiongan new area has actively built a five-level teaching and research work system of "national, provincial, district, county, and school". relying on the curriculum and textbook research institute of the ministry of education, it has taken the lead in establishing the "beijing-tianjin-hebei teaching and research community" to carry out online joint lesson preparation for teachers, dual-teacher classrooms, and demonstration classes by famous schools and teachers. 41 new area teaching and research center groups have been established, covering 16 subjects in all stages of preschool, primary school, junior high school, and high school. with the teaching and research center group as the leader, the teaching and research activities of the original three county teacher development centers, school teaching and research groups, etc. are coordinated to comprehensively enhance the "blood-making" function of teaching and research in the new area.

"in terms of textbooks and teaching and research activities, we keep consistent with beijing to the greatest extent possible, organize and carry out two-way teaching and research activities, and help young teachers at the xiongan campus grow rapidly." hua guohui, assistant principal of xiongan shijia hutong primary school, introduced that he used the "dual-teacher classroom" to allow children in xiongan and beijing to "take the same class" to promote mutual exchanges and common progress.

"it is not just about running a school well. we also need to reach more schools and take on more tasks through famous teacher studios and hand-in-hand activities." in order to better play the role of incubator of famous schools, the education group of xiongan campus of beijing no. 4 middle school was officially established on september 2. this is also the first education group established in xiongan new area.

with the increase in population and schools, how can we achieve the transformation from "blood transfusion" to "blood production" and realize localized "hand-in-hand" assistance? this is a question that xiong'an must think about and a problem that must be faced in development.

in june this year, xiongan shijia hutong primary school and shangpo primary school in rongcheng county, baoding city, hebei province held a "hand-in-hand" signing ceremony. "this signing is of great significance to promoting the high-quality development of shangpo primary school and promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency of rongcheng education. i hope that rongcheng county will actively learn from the operating experience and management concepts of famous schools, and leverage high-quality educational resources to promote rongcheng education to a new level." gao lichun said at the signing ceremony.

from "one person" to "a group of people", from "my home" to "neighbor's home", from "a school" to "a city", the outline of a "city of the future" that is full of expectations is becoming clearer and clearer.

china teachers' daily, september 18, 2024, page 1

author: our reporter sun hebaochu zhaosheng
