
is this... something that can be said?


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"what kind of conditions are needed to support a person's reputation?"

author | dengtuzi


typesetting | die

a female artist casually said this on a talk show, and it immediately caused a stir.

it was rumored online that the program arrangement of the mid-autumn festival gala had been temporarily changed, which seemed to support what the female artist said.

now a lot of gossip has been exposed on the internet.

the artist studio mentioned by the female artist issued a statement, saying that it would hold the person accountable to the end.

soon after, a producer condemned the film on social media, saying that the review was not strict. the official media also spoke out and reposted the producer's words.

i was thinking:

sometimes, what kind of conditions are needed to support a person's reputation?

works? or character?

should celebrities be careful about what they say in public?

should the platforms and program producers conduct a serious review?

it is difficult to judge a female artist who has spoken out, as her emotional life is far more exciting than her works.

of course, in today's society, many things involve "freedom", so there is no question of "should or should not", only "whether or not".

is everything the female artist said on the show true?

i believe there is currently no answer to this question.

a few days ago, i was still lamenting with my friends that the film and television industry is not easy to get into, and that publicity and marketing are not easy to do. everyone is trying their best to attract the public's attention.

when it comes to this topic, everyone has a headache:

how can it be so easy to attract attention?

it turns out that "gossip" is more effective than any other marketing.

if you think about it carefully, it's quite sad.


there are two types of public opinion: industry public opinion and public opinion.

it is actually difficult to evaluate industry opinion.

a long time ago, when weibo was just becoming popular, many celebrities in the domestic entertainment industry had verbal battles. you don’t like me, so i don’t like you. the verbal battles were interesting, and fans and passers-by in the comment section also quarreled fiercely. sometimes, for a movie or a song, people made innuendos and finally gave the organizers of offline activities a headache:

there are strict rules and rules for deciding who to invite and who not to invite, otherwise you might offend people accidentally.

so who is right?

hard to say.

anyway, most of them have never contacted each other since then.

to be honest, there were still outspoken people in the domestic entertainment industry at that time.

later, the atmosphere gradually changed, and everyone began to enjoy the blooming flowers and the peaceful years.

in the eyes of outsiders, domestic entertainment lacks a lot of fun.

until something bad happened to an artist, everyone was surprised and shocked, as if they had just met this person on the first day.

it's really unbearable to think about.

i have always believed that celebrities should be role models.

no matter who it is.

a few days ago, mr. solzhenitsyn said, "andy lau is a perfect idol," and mr. 9527 said, "some people have not been in the industry for long, and have more scandals than works." i guess this is probably what these two old people suddenly felt nostalgic for.

i have been in the industry for nearly twenty years and have seen many artistes (let's just follow the term used in hong kong and taiwan, after all, there are many who have made a name for themselves in film, television and music) go from establishing their image to having their image collapsed. there are really not many who are still strong after more than a decade and still have people who like and care for them.

entering the industry requires both opportunity and hard work.

the former is metaphysics, while the latter is mixed with too many factors.

for example, if you say that you are a great person, what is great about you?

good looks, good acting skills, good singing, humble personality...these are all considered "great".

what about character?

solzhenitsyn said that "artistic ethics are very important", and i agree with him.

this "virtue" should be possessed both on and off the stage.

in the "olden days", the old entertainment reporters were very arrogant, and the artists dared not mess with them because no one could tell which video and audio these reporters had in their hands. i have seen even more arrogant entertainment reporters change their careers and directly take their equipment to somalia to interview pirates...

at that time, information was always in the hands of a few people.


it’s different now. with the popularity of smart phones and the ability to convert voice into text, everyone can capture other people’s actions at the first possible moment and everyone can become a “frontline reporter” in seconds.

tonight i saw the news from a few days ago, which showed a bed photo and a small blog post...

this is very dangerous for public figures.

it is even more necessary for each of us to have strict ethics.

moreover, even if there is no real evidence, a "short essay" in a book can put a person to death.

you say this matter is completely false, but it will have some impact on your image.

the "soft value" of an image cannot be calculated in monetary terms, but it does exist and can depreciate at any time.

otherwise, why did ruan lingyu always mutter “people’s words are scary”?

the social atmosphere has changed.

it is also hard to say whether it has become better or worse, it’s just that everyone’s “armor” is getting thicker and thicker.

everyone needs an idol, a perfect, healthy and upright idol.

the problem is that most of those who can be called "idols" are too young, and are unable to understand the evil nature of human nature, so they often cause some indecent things.

in the first half of this year, some artists’ inappropriate remarks have caused great controversy. on the surface, the matter has passed, but within the industry, development opportunities and career directions are under discussion.

haven’t you seen teacher chen from more than ten years ago as an example?

europe and the united states are no exception, and public opinion will also affect an artist's artistic life.

although the laws and regulations of eastern and western countries currently restrict the behavior of some artists, some do not.

but as mentioned above:

there is public opinion.

the relevant national departments generally still adhere to the principle of "no problem if there is no problem, punishment if there is a problem."

with the information accessibility of the new era, artists are required to maintain their image at all times.

in the future, this constraint will be even stricter.

i think this is a good thing.


the female artist's shocking remarks directly led to the new artist being caught up in public controversy.

the conflict between personal emotional life and public moral standards is clearly evident.

the most direct victims are not only the new artists themselves, but also the activities and film and television projects they are involved in.

this kind of loss is immeasurable, and there are many more cases in the industry where innocent people have been affected, which are not listed here one by one.

therefore, i have always paid attention to the industry ecology, focusing more on upstream creation and downstream distribution, and rarely talk about things between artists. but isn’t the artist factor important?

very important.

all work will eventually fall on specific people. the plays are filmed by people, and the songs are sung by people. even though there was talk of "ai replacing everything" a while ago, i definitely don't believe it.

nothing is warmer than a real person facing you and me.

people come first.

public opinion is currently divided into two camps, one supporting the female artist's courage to love and hate, and the other mocking her for being "abstract" herself.

again, the same words:

it’s hard to tell who is to blame for entertainment gossip.

but one thing is clear:

when people have problems, things become difficult to do and the film and television industry will easily be affected.

in his blog post, the producer believed that the female artist's speech "was a typical case of obvious generalization of social morality."

from another perspective, the industry ethics of domestic entertainment is also part of social ethics. so where is the moral bottom line of domestic entertainment?

this is not a simple matter of "correcting what is wrong and trying harder if there is nothing wrong".

if there is nothing wrong with people, everything will go smoothly.