
going to the toilet late at night is a serious violation of discipline. why have school rules become a "joking rule"?


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recently, "a high school student was deemed to have committed a major disciplinary violation for going to the toilet after 11pm" has sparked heated public debate. a student from yundong middle school in huairen city, shanxi province, was given a serious warning for going to the toilet at around 11:10pm. he was also deducted 5 points from his class's moral education assessment for this month as a "major disciplinary violation" and was required to print 1,000 copies of "self-awareness" at his own expense and distribute them to all classes, dormitories and departments.

the huairen municipal education bureau issued a statement on september 18, saying that after investigation, the main reason for the incident was that the school had unreasonable problems in its management system. it ordered yundong middle school to learn a profound lesson, required the school leaders to conduct a thorough inspection, had a reminder talk with the director of the school's moral education department, and optimized and adjusted the school's management system.

it is said that people have three urgent needs, and going to the toilet is a basic physiological need of human beings. it cannot be controlled and should not be controlled. it is incredible that a school has defined going to the toilet late at night as a "major violation of discipline" and severely punished the students. putting yourself in their shoes, can the educators who set this rule and exercise the power of punishment guarantee that they will not go to the toilet late at night?

of course, the school gave a reason for this rule. after the lights are turned off at night, students are not allowed to go to the toilet or walk around freely because they are "worried about disturbing other students' sleep." if you have to go to the toilet during this period due to physical discomfort or other reasons, you need to inform the management teacher in advance, otherwise you will be given a serious warning. a staff member also revealed: "the moral education group leader said that since the first grade of high school has just arrived, he wants to focus on discipline and let the students pay attention."

school management certainly requires a certain degree of discipline, but is it reasonable to give a serious warning just for going to the toilet late at night? is such a school rule really necessary? moreover, students are required to print 1,000 copies of "self-awareness" at their own expense and distribute them throughout the school. this is more like an insulting punishment and is difficult to understand.

the "rules for educational punishment in primary and secondary schools (trial)" clearly stipulate that the implementation of educational punishment should be in accordance with the laws of education, focus on educational results, follow the principle of rule of law, be objective and fair, and choose appropriate measures that are commensurate with the degree of the student's fault. however, the handling of this school in shanxi is obviously not objective and fair, the punishment is not proportionate to the fault, and there is no educational effect.

so, how did such unreasonable school rules come into being? the school rules of a school affect the study and life of thousands of students, and they cannot be set "on the spur of the moment". according to the "rules on educational punishment in primary and secondary schools (trial)", "when formulating school rules and regulations, schools should widely solicit opinions from faculty and staff, students, and students' parents or other guardians (hereinafter referred to as parents); if conditions permit, hearings may be organized with the participation of students, parents, and representatives of relevant parties. school rules and regulations shall be submitted to the parents' committee and the faculty and staff representative assembly for discussion, and shall be implemented after being reviewed and approved by the principal's office meeting, and shall be reported to the competent education department for filing." so, has the school's relevant management system been widely consulted? has it been fully discussed?

let's take a step back and say, have the rule makers considered how to enforce the rules? do they have to wait in the student dormitories every night to prepare for the students' toilet application? or do they require students to know their toileting schedules throughout the night and apply in advance?

education is not obedience training, and it should not emphasize punishment blindly. middle school students who have just started boarding life will indeed encounter some situations that they are not used to, and they may indeed violate certain school rules and regulations. as educators, on the one hand, we should patiently guide them and fully explain to students the importance and necessity of school rules and regulations. on the other hand, for students who make mistakes, punishment is not the goal, but only an auxiliary means of education. this is what education should be.

in this case in shanxi, the school administrators did not allow students to "go to the convenience" just for their own convenience, thus establishing such a simple, crude and unreasonable system. the root cause behind this is probably that the school does not regard students as "people", but only as objects of management. in the introduction of the school, the school stated that it adheres to the school-running philosophy of "people-oriented, student development-oriented, and comprehensive improvement of student quality-oriented." but in this case, where does the "people-oriented, student-oriented" come from? unreasonable systems must be changed, of course, but how these weird school rules were introduced should be deeply reflected upon.

special commentator tu tu rong