
the girl was given 218 injections, which does not meet the standard of school bullying. who condoned the spread of this evil?


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□zou siyao (shandong university)
recently, a video circulating online about a girl in zhangqiu, shandong being bullied by her deskmate has attracted widespread attention from the society. the girl in the video is a sixth-grade student at zhangqiu bilingual school in zhangqiu district, jinan city, shandong province. she mentioned that she was stabbed with awls, compasses and other objects by her deskmate, with as many as 218 needles. the incident happened in june. at that time, the zhangqiu district education and sports bureau and shengjing police station participated in the investigation and believed that it did not meet the criteria for filing a case. they suggested that both parties conduct civil mediation. however, in the video on september 10, it was shown that the suspected school leader responded that the way and procedure to determine whether it constituted bullying was a vote by 14 people, including school leaders, police officers from the police station, lawyers, etc., and 8 of them believed that it did not constitute campus bullying.
the victim's complaint was rejected by such a rash vote. in the girl's diary that was subsequently made public, we can see the girl's fear of the boy's violence and her despair of being unable to resist. "his eyes can kill me, so scary!" "it really hurts, but i dare not resist!"... the girl's mother revealed that the girl's deskmate was a transfer student. not long after he arrived, he boasted in class that his father knew the principal of the school. he said that he had beaten a former classmate into a comminuted fracture before, and finally paid money to settle it. unexpectedly, her daughter became his target of bullying again. why did no one take any measures during the six-month-long campus bullying process, and only dared to expose the matter on a public platform until the girl was promoted to the seventh grade? in this long and vicious bullying, the perpetrators, the school, and everyone in the relevant departments are the pushers of the crime.
the perpetrators learned to use power to control others, use violence to oppress classmates, and enjoy torturing the weak at an age when their minds are still immature. the seeds of evil have been planted at the beginning. if no one intervenes, the malice will spread wantonly and even commit more serious crimes. after the incident, the school not only did not notify the parents immediately, but chose to keep quiet and even put the blame on the girl. such a negative attitude not only reveals the huge loopholes in school supervision, but also reflects the indifference and irresponsibility of the staff. the official education bureau refused to file a case due to the so-called "insufficient evidence", and it was even revealed in the subsequent investigation that the decision was made by voting, which further shows the indifference of the relevant personnel to the victims and the frivolity of life.
according to article 21 of the regulations on the protection of minors in schools, if a student who has an advantage in age, physical strength or numbers intentionally or maliciously commits physical violations, intimidation, insults, robbing property, malicious exclusion, online defamation, etc. against the other party, causing personal injury, property loss or mental damage, it can be considered bullying. in this incident, the perpetrator not only used awls, slaps, and kicks on the victim, but also joined other students to verbally abuse, isolate and even blackmail the victim, etc., which can clearly constitute school bullying. however, the school and other parties refused to file a case. the perpetrator claimed that he had a relationship with the school leaders, which made us wonder whether the school deliberately sheltered and protected the perpetrator. in any case, faced with such a young victim and such a bad violent incident, the school did not show sympathy and concern for the victim, but instead found various reasons to conceal the incident and evade responsibility. it can be seen that the school did not have basic care and love for the students, and was even extremely indifferent.
in recent years, school bullying has gradually attracted more and more attention at the social level, and more and more hidden malice has gradually surfaced. countless victims have not only suffered physical damage after being bullied, but also suffered serious psychological trauma. on the one hand, they have to deal with the cruel and direct malice from the perpetrators, and on the other hand, they have to deal with the disregard and indifference of bystanders. bystanders are also silent perpetrators. they can obviously stop the spread of malice, but they pretend to be asleep and pretend not to see the evil that is within their reach. or because they are threatened or afraid of getting into trouble, they choose to protect themselves, but in this indifference, they push the victims step by step into a more desperate abyss. the victims are always in a position of isolation and helplessness. they are hurt, coerced, and gagged and unable to speak. no one holds their outstretched hands, and no one sees their eyes asking for help. malice gradually spreads in this silent acquiescence until things get worse.
in the face of school bullying, if we don't want to be silent promoters, what should we do? first of all, the school should promptly investigate and handle the incident in accordance with the emergency response plan and handling process of bullying incidents, and secondly, impose corresponding punishments on the students who commit bullying according to the actual situation. finally, psychological counseling and compensation should be provided to the victims to help them return to campus life. the relevant departments should strictly follow the legal procedures, investigate the incidents, impose corresponding public security management penalties in accordance with the law, and file a case for investigation in accordance with legal procedures when the circumstances are serious. the society should also popularize the knowledge about anti-bullying, establish corresponding organizations, and provide psychological counseling and other services to victims so that they are no longer lonely and helpless. only in this way can we nip the crime and violence in the bud and prevent more young people from struggling in the dark.