
why is it controversial to encourage food delivery riders to take photos to monitor food safety?


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let the people closest to the food delivery supervise the food delivery. recently, shenyang encouraged food delivery riders to "take photos" to supervise food safety, which caused heated discussions. some people praised it and said that more supervision means more guarantee for food safety. some people also worry that it will be difficult to implement, that food delivery riders lack enthusiasm, that supervision is difficult to implement, and that the "supervision outsourcing" of relevant departments is suspected of "lazy governance". it can be seen that it is not easy to turn good ideas into good results.

as more and more consumers order takeout, the phenomenon of dirty and messy kitchens in some takeout businesses and the sharing of business licenses by multiple stores has become a matter of public concern and outrage. eating a clean and safe takeout has become a social pain point that must be faced and resolved. for thousands of takeout restaurants, consumers who place orders online often cannot see their actual environment and have no way to provide evidence, and it is difficult to "cover every store" with the limited manpower of market supervision and management departments alone. allowing takeout riders to participate in social co-governance of food safety is an effective supplement and deserves encouragement. in fact, innovations in food safety supervision have been carried out earlier in many places, and many rectification cases of takeout merchants are precisely the positive role played by takeout riders "blowing the whistle".

the key is how to implement it in a sustainable and effective way. since it is voluntary participation, a positive incentive mechanism is needed to motivate the delivery riders. it is generally believed that delivery riders, platforms, and merchants are in the same interest chain. if the riders report more merchants, will they retaliate against the merchants, or will they have less work to do? this mentality of not causing trouble cannot be eliminated by spiritual encouragement such as selecting the "most beautiful delivery rider". incentives are in place, relying on both spiritual encouragement and material rewards. it is recommended that local governments reward "whistleblowers" of major food safety incidents, comparable to the heavy penalties imposed on illegal merchants. if rewards and penalties are drizzle, the cost of breaking the law is low and the cost of supervision is high, "protecting the safety of the tongue" will be empty talk. in reality, many delivery riders who actively participate in food safety supervision have a strong sense of public welfare, but the incentive mechanism cannot be absent. at least, delivery riders who participate in professional training should be given legitimate "supervisor" certificates, a sense of professional honor and timely humanistic care, such as personal accident insurance, physical examinations, and judicial protection.

if we talk about checking from the source, it is more important to mobilize the enthusiasm of food delivery platforms to participate. the platform takes on both consumers and merchants, and has the responsibility to control access. it should improve the qualification review, risk control, and reporting handling mechanisms of merchants, and take multiple measures such as routine supervision, on-site review, and on-site inspections. it encourages deliverymen and consumers to "take photos and check" in stores. the market supervision department makes good use of the "scoring power" of the platform, and encourages the platform to mobilize full-time food safety supervisors and its food delivery riders to participate in extensive inspections and visits, scoring and deducting points for food delivery merchants, and adding points to food delivery riders. the incentives and positive energy from the platform are often more valued by food delivery riders. when the partner becomes the auditor and the deliveryman becomes the supervisor, it will form a strong constraint on the merchant.

shocking cases have repeatedly warned that food safety cannot be "reliant on conscience and self-consciousness" and requires social supervision, industry self-discipline, and law enforcement to form a supervisory force. there are also feasible technical measures, such as setting up a "open kitchen takeaway" live broadcast on the app, allowing consumers to directly view the kitchen and meal preparation, and monitor food hygiene and safety in real time. in short, when food safety supervision continues to inject new power, and when more and more takeaway merchants take food safety to heart, safe and satisfying takeaways will be delivered to your door.