
2024 beijing catering brand conference was successfully held


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on september 17, a reporter from beijing business daily learned that the 2024 beijing catering brand conference was successfully held in beijing recently. with the theme of "open integration and renewal", the conference brought together government departments, leading catering companies, industry experts and skill masters to work together to help beijing build an international food capital. the conference not only released the "2024 beijing catering industry observation report", deeply analyzed the current situation and future trends of beijing's catering industry, and promoted the industry to accelerate its path towards high-quality development, but also announced the top ten catering brands in beijing in 2024, as well as nearly 100 catering brands and outstanding talent cases such as beijing catering brand vitality star, beijing catering food popularity star, and 2024 beijing catering craftsmen, setting a benchmark for quality improvement and innovative development of beijing's catering industry.

according to reports, the conference is guided by the beijing municipal bureau of commerce, co-organized by the beijing cuisine association and beijing business daily, and supported by the beijing branch of china construction bank, highlighting the high attention and common expectations of the government, industry and all sectors of society for promoting the prosperity and development of beijing's catering industry.

the 2024 beijing catering industry observation report (hereinafter referred to as the "report") was officially released at the meeting. continuing the tradition of previous years, the "report" once again drew a panoramic picture of the development of the capital's catering industry for the industry with an authoritative perspective and solid data. through the comprehensive use of questionnaire surveys, data analysis, trend forecasts and in-depth industry analysis, it deeply analyzed the current development trend of beijing's catering industry, vividly demonstrated the rapid progress and exploration process of the catering industry on the road of chain, diversification and internationalization, accurately grasped the pulse of the industry, and prospectively revealed the new trends and blue ocean opportunities for future development.

the report shows that although the number of registered restaurants in beijing has fallen back in the first half of 2024, the average daily number of newly opened restaurants remains at an active level of 26.5. multiple sets of data reflect the current situation of accelerated iteration and intensified competition in the catering industry. in terms of regional distribution, as of august, chaoyang district, changping district and yanqing district led the city in terms of the number of existing catering companies, while chaoyang district, changping district and fengtai district performed well in terms of new registrations, showing the different vitality of the regional market.

on the consumer side, the report points out that snacks and fast food continue to be popular due to their convenience and economy, especially young consumers have shown a significant increase in their preference for beverages, hot pot and other categories. the standardized operation and efficient meal delivery model of these categories not only simplify the management process, but also directly lower the industry threshold. for this reason, in terms of per capita consumption in beijing's catering stores, the stores with per capita consumption of 21-30 yuan are the most concentrated, followed by 31-40 yuan per capita, reflecting consumers' ultimate pursuit of cost-effectiveness.

in order to fully showcase the industry style and boost market confidence, this event focused on promoting nearly 100 catering brands and outstanding talent cases, including the 2024 beijing top ten catering brands, beijing catering brand vitality star, beijing catering digital innovation star, beijing catering social responsibility star, beijing catering food popularity star and 2024 beijing catering craftsmen.

among them, quanjude, beijing banquet, beijing huatian, dadong, hamarhan, huda, meizhou dongpo, four seasons minfu, wangshun pavilion, and yangfang shabu-shabu were listed as the "top ten beijing catering brands in 2024", and cuihualou, bianyifang, donglaishun, huajia yiyuan, laomenkuang baodu shabu-shabu, nanlaishun, xibei, yaer liji, yulin roast duck, and ziguangyuan were awarded the "2024 beijing catering brand vitality star". these cases have built a magnificent picture of outstanding catering brands in all fields and at multiple levels, which effectively demonstrates the profound heritage and outstanding innovation ability of beijing's catering industry.

at the same time, the conference released the 2024 beijing catering craftsmen, including 20 outstanding chefs and catering service staff. with their superb skills and excellent services, they have interpreted the ingenuity of catering people and become the vanguard team leading beijing's catering skills to climb to new heights.

in addition, the conference also announced the top 50 catering enterprises (groups) and top 100 catering stores in beijing in 2024. these outstanding representatives are not only role models in the industry, but also an important force in leading new trends in catering and enriching the food culture of beijing. their extraordinary achievements have injected vigorous impetus into the high-quality development of beijing's catering industry.

beijing business daily reporter zhang tianyuan

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beijing municipal bureau of commerce signed an agreement with seven provincial offices in beijing

in order to push the cooperation between beijing and various provinces and cities to a new level, assist in the construction of an international consumption center city, and continuously meet the people's increasingly diversified catering consumption needs, at the 2024 beijing catering brand conference, the beijing municipal bureau of commerce and the beijing offices of seven provinces, including hebei, liaoning, heilongjiang, anhui, hainan, yunnan, and xinjiang, jointly signed the "cooperation agreement on building an international food capital". they will give full play to the advantages of the beijing office as a bridge and link, open up the catering industry chain inside and outside beijing, promote resource sharing and complementary advantages, attract catering brands from all over the country to develop in beijing, better meet the quality, characteristic, diversified and convenient catering consumption needs of citizens and tourists, accelerate the high-quality transformation and upgrading of beijing's catering industry, and contribute to beijing's construction of an international food capital.

in february this year, the beijing municipal bureau of commerce, together with eight departments, issued the "action plan to promote the high-quality development of beijing's catering industry and accelerate the construction of an international food capital", proposing to "give full play to the role of the beijing office to drive more local restaurants to settle in beijing."

at present, it has cooperated with the provincial offices in beijing to promote more than 10 local delicacies such as guangxi cuisine, shandong wine, guizhou cuisine, and yunnan cuisine; jointly released a number of food maps of restaurants recommended by the beijing offices to strengthen the promotion of beijing's characteristic restaurants; and linked 27 beijing offices and 47 beijing liaison offices to organize the "2024 taste of beijing food festival", which attracted nearly 60,000 consumers and sales of more than 3 million yuan in 4 days. the effect of promoting the development of the catering industry by linking up with the beijing offices continues to play a role, and the diversification and richness of the city's catering market continues to improve, allowing consumers to eat all kinds of food in china without leaving beijing.

the signing of this cooperation agreement is not only a solid step for beijing to move towards its goal of building an international food capital, but also opens a new chapter for both sides to work together to create a better future.

beijing business daily reporter zhang tianyuan

on september 14, the 2024 beijing catering brand conference was held in beijing. with the theme of "open integration and renewal", the conference brought together government departments, leading catering companies, industry experts and skilled masters to work together to help beijing build an international food capital. during the conference, many industry elites conducted in-depth exchanges on topics such as "strengthening brand influence, activating the consumer market, and deepening the inheritance of food culture", and jointly discussed how the catering industry can strengthen its competitiveness and sustainable development capabilities through resource integration and innovation-driven strategies.

fang aiqing, former vice minister of commerce:

digital transformation is the top priority for innovation and upgrading of the catering industry

industrial innovation and upgrading is an important path to promote the high-quality development of the catering industry. the catering industry is an important industry in the national economy. it is an industry that integrates the primary, secondary and tertiary industries. it is connected to farmers on one end and consumers on the other. it is of great significance to meet the different needs of consumers, expand consumption and promote high-quality economic development. however, the catering industry itself has shortcomings. the degree of catering organization, catering modernization level, catering quality and catering cultural service level all need to be improved.

for this reason, the industry needs to innovate and upgrade, and form new quality productivity through revolutionary technological breakthroughs, innovative allocation of factors, and deep transformation and upgrading of the industry. this is also an urgent need for the high-quality development of the catering industry. when the industry innovates and upgrades and forms new quality productivity, it will not only realize immediate consumption, but also develop potential consumption and create new consumption. after consumption expands, it will continue to promote industrial innovation and upgrading, increase investment, and further expand consumption, forming a virtuous circle.

strategy is not a choice of reality, but a choice of the future. strategic thinking is high-end wisdom, and high-end wisdom reflects high-end cognitive level. the innovation and upgrading of the catering industry requires strategic thinking and advanced awareness. in the future, consumers' demand for catering may revolve around health, pleasure, and efficiency, and there will be five major catering consumptions: healthy catering consumption, cultural catering consumption, integrated catering consumption, digital catering consumption, and green catering consumption.

the innovation and upgrading of the catering industry must put digital transformation at the top of the list. digitalization is the general trend, which can help the catering industry accelerate the pace of innovation, achieve scale efficiency, improve the quality of the whole process, and optimize resource allocation, thereby solving the shortcomings of the catering industry and realizing the five major consumptions.

yun cheng, president of beijing cooking association:

beijing's catering industry is accelerating, competition is intensifying, and demands are changing

the overall situation and characteristics of beijing's catering industry can be roughly introduced with three keywords. the first keyword is iterative acceleration. in the first half of 2024, the number of registered catering companies in beijing was 4,842, with an average of 26.5 new restaurants opened every day, which is still the most active format. from a regional perspective, as of august 2024, the top three districts in terms of the stock of catering companies in beijing are chaoyang district, changping district, and yanqing district. chaoyang district, changping district, and fengtai district ranked at the forefront in the number of registered catering companies in the first half of the year. the industry's transition from an incremental to a stock era means that high-quality catering companies with strong stress resistance have attracted much attention.

the second keyword is intensified competition. faced with the accelerated reshuffle in the industry, new and old brands are competing with each other while also facing profitability difficulties under price wars.

the third keyword is innovation and change. facing the current situation, the catering industry has shown strong vitality and resilience in the face of challenges, and enterprises have explored new models, new scenarios and new products. against the backdrop of the introduction of a number of policies to promote consumption and development, the catering market has been further stimulated to become more active, and the goal of building an international food capital has been steadily advanced.

changes in beijing's catering market have also brought new challenges. consumers' demands for catering are becoming more personalized and quality-oriented. they pursue special cuisine, innovative dishes and unique dining experiences, which has forced catering companies to continue to innovate and upgrade. the purpose of dining has also become more diversified. socializing and experiential elements have been integrated into catering consumption, driving catering venues to develop towards multifunctionality. at the same time, consumer behavior has become more rational. while paying attention to quality, they also have a high consideration for cost performance.

since the beginning of this year, with the further release of consumption potential, the industry has shown strong vitality and tenacity. at present, beijing's catering industry is still facing many challenges, and market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. enterprises need to make continuous breakthroughs in quality, service, innovation and other aspects to stand out in the competition. enterprises need to grasp market demand more accurately and provide products and services that meet consumer expectations.

zhou yanlong, party secretary, director and general manager of china quanjude group:

find the right innovation points to make time-honored brands meet market demand

for quanjude, which has a history of 160 years, innovation is an unavoidable topic and test. innovation is not about subversion, but integrated development. we must face our own problems and find the right innovation points to meet market demand. to be innovative, we must first stick to the right path. the quanjude team deeply understands that innovation is a breakthrough in the underlying logic and business thinking, and has established that innovation is the fundamental principle of development. the commercialization of catering business operations is the direction to enhance the main business, and the foodization of catering products is the path to promote the development of the food business. rejuvenation and digitalization are the theoretical systems of brand renewal goals. the innovation of time-honored brands is not subversion, but more of an integrated development. it is to face their own problems, find the right innovation points, combine market demand, rise to the challenge, and set off again. innovation is based on the logical thinking of integrated development. it is necessary to make systematic plans based on problems and market demand.

yang xiulong, chairman of beijing banquet, ceo of south beauty, and chief experience officer of haiguihai:

consumption will only upgrade. cost performance does not mean low price and low quality.

as the times change, consumption will only upgrade. consumers now demand better things, spend less money, and have better experiences, which is a manifestation of consumption upgrading.

in the face of changes in the consumer market, catering brands must first be delicious and cost-effective. low barriers to entry can bring high revenue, but low barriers to entry do not mean low prices or low quality. cost-effectiveness = value/price. the emotional value determines the cost-effectiveness. at the same time, in terms of customer experience, catering brands must provide consumers with high-quality hardware culture, food taste, and software services. the trinity brings emotional value to win consumer recognition. indeed, in the current catering market, cost-effectiveness and quality-price ratio are gradually becoming important factors in consumer decision-making, and are also driving brands to continue to make efforts in cost-effectiveness.

du bosi, professor at the school of folk literature, beijing normal university:

beijing's unique catering advantages: tradition, internationalization and seasonality

brand is an emotional connection with consumers and a cultural identity recognized by consumers. to strengthen the food brand, we need to highlight the characteristics of the city. for example, the characteristic food of paris is croissants, and the characteristic food of chengdu is spicy. i have been reflecting on what is beijing's unique identity. the brand of a city is not only about what it is, but also about the difference from other cities. in my opinion, the unique advantages of beijing's catering are tradition, internationalization and seasons.

the 24 solar terms are another direction that beijing catering can try to update. young consumers pay more attention to environmentally friendly and organic eating methods, which is very consistent with the characteristics of the 24 solar terms and the central axis culture of beijing. holding corresponding food events during different solar terms is a way to form beijing characteristics.

wang yue, deputy general manager of xinlongfu company and chairman of the business management company:

create a catering format with cultural heritage and creativity

longfu temple carries the urban memories of many beijing consumers, and also contains rich cultural and commercial genes. in terms of project construction, xinlongfu company mainly focuses on four dimensions: introducing the artistic lifestyle of longfu temple, gathering the brands of managers with their own characteristics, creating a multi-category and multi-field vertical community ecology, and innovative formats of time-honored brands. in the introduction of catering formats, on the one hand, xinlongfu emphasizes its inheritance and development. on the other hand, for new catering formats, xinlongfu emphasizes brand integration and creativity to provide consumers with more emotional value.

zhang lei, manager of business management department of jinyu xingfa science park:

creating a new paradigm for non-standard business

non-standard business is different from traditional box-type business, which mainly provides corresponding business services. for non-standard business, catering brands can be divided into two categories: those with content productivity and those without content productivity. take the huairou xingfa science and technology park project that jinyu group is preparing as an example. the park is committed to providing consumers with a core product - "relaxation". therefore, when selecting catering merchants, the park pays special attention to the content productivity of the merchants, hoping that they can create a space with a sense of relaxation based on this common theme and concept.

li bo, chairman of orsen fashion (beijing) planning consulting co., ltd.:

young consumers' demands are diversified and personalized

at present, young consumers' demand for catering shows a trend of diversification and personalization, which is mainly reflected in healthy diet, convenience, experience and social interaction, cost-effectiveness and cultural integration. in terms of experience and social interaction, the "check-in" culture is prevalent in today's era. zaoge park still maintains the industrial nostalgic architectural style, and creates an interesting and interactive holiday style scene layout inside. the all-weather multi-floor public space has a strong visual appeal, attracting young people to gather.

hu qiyue, general manager of beijing satellite manufacturing plant science and technology park project:

build a small but beautiful science and technology innovation industry community with small efforts

beijing satellite manufacturing plant science and technology park is the birthplace of dongfanghong-1. the goal of urban renewal is to provide work and living scenes for science and technology enterprises in the park, and at the same time provide more beautiful and relaxing life scenes and leisure spaces for people in zhongguancun and haidian areas. it is very important to use "cleverness" to operate the beijing satellite manufacturing plant science and technology park project investment promotion. all scenes in the park need to be carefully created to meet the emotional value needs of consumers and become a popular check-in place. from the perspective of people, production, and city, it fully satisfies the self-pleasing mentality of scientific and technological talents and consumers.

beijing business daily reporters guo binlu, zhang tianyuan, hu jingrong, qiao xinyi, lin yuwei
