
2024 china city talent attraction ranking: beijing and shanghai's net talent inflow ratio decreased, while shenzhen and guangzhou's ratio increased slightly


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text: ren zeping team


population is the foundation of all economic and social activities, and talent is the primary resource. in our previous series of reports, we proposed the logic of "people follow industries and people go to higher places", pointing out that the population is continuing to gather in large cities and metropolitan areas. as the demographic dividend disappears and the value of talent becomes increasingly prominent, we have been working with zhaopin for many years to launch the "ranking of talent attraction in chinese cities" report in order to accurately grasp the characteristics of talent mobility and continue to track talent mobility trends.talent mobility will continue to differentiate in 2023.


data has more than 349 million professional users, of which about 80% have a college degree or above, far exceeding the 22.1% of the total employed population in china. among job seekers, about 40% are mobile job seekers who move across cities.

the characteristics of mobile talents in 2023 are as follows:in 2023, 59% of mobile talents are male, higher than the 54% of job seekers overall. men are still more likely to seek jobs across terms of age,among mobile talents, 46.4% are aged 18-25, higher than the 40.1% of job seekers overall. talents under 25 are more likely to seek jobs across cities.from the perspective of academic qualifications,52% of mobile talents have a bachelor's degree or above, which is higher than the 46% of job seekers. highly educated talents are more likely to seek jobs across terms of salary level,34% of mobile talents have a monthly income of more than 8k, an increase of 3.6 percentage points from 2022 and higher than the 30% of the overall job seekers in 2023. those with higher incomes are more likely to seek jobs across cities;from the industry perspective,55% of mobile talents are distributed in it internet, real estate, and manufacturing industries, an increase of 3 percentage points from 2022. among them, due to the fact that the real estate industry is still in a period of adjustment, the proportion of talents seeking jobs in other places has been relatively high in recent years.

overview of the list: beijing, shanghai and shenzhen still rank in the top three, and talents continue to gather in the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta.

1) top 100 cities with the most talent attraction in china in 2023: beijing has topped the list for many consecutive years, and the number of cities in the yangtze river delta urban agglomeration entering the top 50 has increased by 2 compared to 2022.judging from the results, beijing, shanghai, shenzhen, guangzhou, hangzhou, chengdu, nanjing, suzhou, wuhan and wuxi will rank in the top ten in 2023. chengdu surpasses nanjing to rise to sixth place, and wuxi retains its tenth place.

2) talent mobility trends: talents gather in first-tier cities, the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta, and high-level cities have high talent mobility.thanks to its strong economic foundation and high strategic positioning, talent continues to gather in the east, while there is a continuous net outflow from the central, western and northeastern regions.looking at the different lines, the concentration of talent in first-tier cities has slowed down, while the net inflow of talent in second-tier cities has returned to positive.talent continues to flow out of third-tier and fourth-tier cities, but the outflow ratio has city cluster,more than 60% of talents flow to the five major urban agglomerations. talents continue to gather in the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta, while talents in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region have turned to a net outflow trend. talents in chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river continue to have a net outflow.

1) first-tier cities: beijing and shanghai saw a decrease in the proportion of net talent inflow, while shenzhen and guangzhou saw a slight increase

in 2023, the net inflow of talent in beijing, shanghai, shenzhen and guangzhou will account for 0.5%, 1.5%, 1.2% and 1.0% respectively, with shanghai having the highest proportion.due to strict population control, industrial relocation, and high employment competition pressure, the proportion of talent inflow has decreased. the net talent inflow in 2023 has dropped by 1 percentage point compared with 2022.shanghaithe change in the proportion of net talent inflow is an inverted "v" shape. due to the decrease in talent inflow, the proportion of net talent inflow in 2023 decreased by 0.4 percentage points compared with 2022, but it still topped the list;shenzhenwith a lower settlement threshold than beijing and shanghai, as well as an innovative industrial structure that can provide more jobs, the net inflow of talent in 2023 will increase slightly by 0.1 percentage points compared with 2022;guangzhouthe economy is developing rapidly, and the cost of living and housing prices are the lowest among first-tier cities, attracting talent to gather. the net inflow of talent in 2023 will increase by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022.

2) second-tier cities: hangzhou has the largest net inflow of talent, while nanjing and wuxi have a stable net inflow of talent.

in 2023, the net inflow of talent in hangzhou, chengdu, nanjing, suzhou, wuhan and wuxi will account for 1.2%, -0.3%, 0.7%, 0.8%, 0.1% and 0.6% respectively, with hangzhou having the highest proportion.the net inflow of talent in 2023 will decrease slightly compared with 2022, but hangzhou is still the city with the highest net inflow among the six key cities. hangzhou has rapid industrial development represented by e-commerce and other industries, a livable environment and relatively high salaries;chengduthe proportion of fresh graduates and talents with master's degrees and above is at the forefront of the country, and the proportion of net talent inflow has increased by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022;nanjingin recent years, there has been a continuous net inflow of talent, and the proportion has remained stable. the main reason is the rapid development of high-tech industries, the implementation of the "ningju plan" and the continuous optimization of details, etc., which continuously attract and retain talent;suzhoutalents are on a net inflow trend, mainly due to suzhou's strong economic strength and rapid development, leading innovation and development, and obvious location advantages;wuhanthe main reason for the gathering of talents is the active promotion of the implementation of policies such as "one million college students stay in wuhan" to attract talents and retain talents, and the threshold for settling in wuhan is further relaxed to attract all kinds of talents to wuhan;wuxiin the past two years, the net inflow of talent has remained at around 0.5-0.6%, mainly because industries such as integrated circuits have developed rapidly, and compared with cities in the same echelon, wages are higher and the cost of living is relatively low.

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3.1 first-tier cities: beijing and shanghai saw a decrease in the proportion of net talent inflow, while shenzhen and guangzhou saw a slight increase

3.2 second-tier cities: hangzhou has the largest net inflow of talent, while nanjing and wuxi have a stable net inflow of talent.


data description and characteristics:zhilian recruitment has more than 349 million working professionals as users and has cooperated with more than 13.41 million companies. among them, about 80% of job seekers, i.e. users who submitted resumes that year, have a college degree or above, far exceeding the 22.1% of the national total employed population. among job seekers, about 40% are cross-city job seekers, i.e. mobile talents whose current city of residence is different from the city to which their resumes are submitted.

1) in terms of gender, men accounted for 59% of mobile talents in 2023, higher than the 54% of the overall job seekers, and men are still more likely to seek jobs across 2023, the male-to-female ratio of job seekers is 54:46, among which the male-to-female ratio of mobile talents is 59:41. the male-to-female ratio of mobile talents in 2020, 2021 and 2022 were 57:43, 58:42 and 56:44 respectively. the gender ratio of job seekers in 2023 increased.

2) in terms of age, among the mobile talents in 2023, talents aged 18-25 accounted for 46.4%, higher than the 40.1% of the overall job seekers. talents under the age of 25 are more likely to seek jobs across cities.among the mobile talents in 2023, those aged 18-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-45, and 46 and above accounted for 46.4%, 22.5%, 14.8%, 8.4%, 4.2%, and 3.7%, respectively. each age group was 6.3, -0.6, -2.6, -1.6, -0.8, and -0.7 percentage points higher than the overall job seekers, indicating that talents aged 25 and below are more likely to seek jobs across cities. among the mobile talents in 2020-2023, those aged 25 and below accounted for 37.1%, 34.5%, 39.6%, and 46.4%, respectively.

3) in terms of educational background, 52% of mobile talents in 2023 have a bachelor's degree or above, which is higher than the 46% of the total job seekers. highly educated talents are more likely to seek jobs across 2023, the proportion of job seekers with junior high school or below, high school, junior college, undergraduate, and graduate and above education was 3.7%, 15.1%, 35.1%, 41.1%, and 5.0%, respectively. the proportion of mobile talents with bachelor's degree or above was higher than the overall level. in 2023, the proportion of mobile talents with bachelor's degree or above was 52.1%, 6.0 percentage points higher than the overall job seekers. the proportion of mobile talents with bachelor's degree or above in 2020-2022 was 56.6%, 55.7%, and 51.6%, respectively.

4) in terms of salary, 34% of mobile talents in 2023 will have a monthly income of more than 8k, an increase of 3.6 percentage points from 2022, and higher than the 30% of the overall job seekers in 2023. those with higher incomes are more likely to seek jobs across 2023, the proportion of job seekers and mobile talents with monthly income below 8k was 69.6% and 66.4% respectively, and the proportion of those with monthly income of 8k and above was 30.4% and 33.6% respectively. from 2020 to 2022, the proportion of mobile talents with monthly income above 8k was 24.4%, 29.6% and 30.0% respectively. those with high income were more likely to seek jobs across cities.

5) from the industry perspective, 55% of mobile talents in 2023 are distributed in the it internet, real estate, and manufacturing industries, an increase of 3 percentage points from 2022. among them, due to the fact that the real estate industry is in a period of adjustment, the proportion of talents seeking jobs in other places has been relatively high in recent 2023, the top three industries with the most overall job seekers are it|communications|electronics|internet, real estate|construction, and production|processing|manufacturing, accounting for 19.8%, 16.8%, and 15.9%, respectively, and a total of 52.6%, up 2.5 percentage points from 2022; the top three industries with the most mobile talents are also the above three industries, accounting for 20.1%, 18.9%, and 16.2%, respectively, and a total of 55.3%, indicating that the distribution of mobile talents is more concentrated. among them, due to the adjustment period of the real estate industry, the proportion of job seekers in recent years is relatively high, and the distribution of mobile talents in the real estate|construction industry is much higher than that of overall job seekers. from 2020 to 2023, the proportion of mobile talents was 17.4%, 19.3%, 17.5%, and 18.9%, respectively, which was 2.5, 3.2, 2.0, and 2.1 percentage points higher than that of overall job seekers.

judging from the talent attraction index, beijing, shanghai and shenzhen ranked in the top three in 2023. beijing has topped the list for many consecutive years. guangzhou, hangzhou, chengdu, nanjing, suzhou, wuhan and wuxi ranked in the top ten.

in order to measure the talent attraction of a city, the talent attraction index is defined as the proportion of talent inflow, the proportion of net talent inflow, the proportion of fresh graduates inflow, the proportion of master's degree and above talents inflow, per capita disposable income, and net population inflow. the proportion of talent inflow = the number of talents flowing into a city / the total number of mobile talents in the country, and the proportion of net talent inflow = (the number of talents flowing into a city - the number of talents flowing out of a city) / the total number of mobile talents in the country, which respectively reflect the city's ability to attract and retain talents. among them, the talents flowing into a city refer to the talents whose current residence is not in the city but whose resumes are submitted to the city; the talents flowing out of a city refer to the talents whose current residence is in the city but whose resumes are submitted to other cities; the total number of mobile talents in the country refers to the talents whose current residence and resume submission place are inconsistent. the proportion of fresh graduates inflow = fresh graduates who are sent to a city / the total number of fresh graduates seeking employment, and the proportion of masters and above talents inflow = masters and above who are sent to a city / the total number of masters and above seeking employment, which respectively reflect the city's attractiveness to young college students and highly educated talents.

from the results,as a political, economic and cultural center, beijing has ranked first in the talent attraction index for many years. due to its obvious salary advantages, diversified industrial structure, and numerous top universities and research institutions, beijing maintains a high level of attraction to job seekers, and talents maintain a net inflow. it has topped the list in recent years. shanghai has a large economy with stable growth. high-tech industries, modern service industries and other fields are booming, attracting a large number of talents to shanghai. the gap between shanghai and beijing in the talent attraction index has further narrowed. in terms of ranking, it ranked 1st, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, and 2nd in 2019-2023 respectively. shenzhen has been ranked third in recent years. in 2019-2023, shenzhen ranked 3rd, 4, 3, 3, and 3; guangzhou ranked 4, 5, 4, 4, and 4 in 2019-2023, which is relatively stable; hangzhou has always ranked first among the second-tier cities due to the rapid development of industries represented by e-commerce, and ranked 5, 2, 5, 5, and 5 in 2019-2023 respectively; chengdu, nanjing, and suzhou are relatively stable, and the rankings of chengdu in 2019-2023 are 7, 6, 7, 8, 6, 7, and 6; nanjing is 6, 7, 6, 6, 8, 6, and 7; suzhou is 8, 9, 9, 7, 7, 8, and 8; wuhan is still ranked 9th; wuxi ranked tenth in 2023 after first ranking in the top ten list in 2022.

among the top50 cities in 2023, there are 37, 7, 4 and 2 cities in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions, respectively, accounting for 42.5%, 8.8%, 4.2% and 5.9% of the total number of cities in each region; there are 4, 27, 16 and 3 cities in the first, second, third and fourth tier cities, respectively, accounting for 100.0%, 77.1%, 19.8% and 1.7% of the total number of cities in the first, second, third and fourth tier cities; there are 21, 7, 3, 3 and 2 cities in the yangtze river delta, pearl river delta, beijing-tianjin-hebei, the middle reaches of the yangtze river, and chengdu-chongqing urban agglomerations, respectively, accounting for 80.8%, 77.8%, 21.4%, 12% and 12.5% ​​of the total number of cities in each region. among them, the number of cities in the yangtze river delta urban agglomeration entering the top 50 increased by 2 compared with 2022.

in 2023, 18.6% and 25.1% of fresh graduates and talents with a master's degree or above will send their resumes to first-tier cities, which is 1.6 and 8.1 percentage points higher than the number of mobile talents flowing to first-tier cities respectively; about 50% of fresh graduates and talents with a master's degree or above will send their resumes to second-tier cities. fresh graduates and talents with a master's degree or above are more inclined to gather in first- and second-tier cities.the influx of fresh graduates into first- and second-tier cities accounts for 67.8% in total, higher than the 61.3% of the overall talent inflow. compared with the overall mobile talents, fresh graduates are more inclined to first- and second-tier cities.from the perspective of talents with a master's degree or above,the inflow of talents with master's degree and above into first- and second-tier cities accounts for a total of 76%, which is higher than the proportion of talent inflow. among them, the inflow of talents with master's degree and above in first-tier and second-tier cities accounts for 8.1 and 6.6 percentage points higher than the proportion of talent inflow respectively. compared with the overall mobile talents, talents with master's degree and above tend to flow into first- and second-tier key cities and gather.

the proportion of net talent inflow is the core indicator of the talent attraction index, which is equal to (talents flowing into a city - talents flowing out of a city) / total number of mobile talents in the country.

1) by region, the proportion of net talent inflow in the eastern region will decline slightly in 2023, while the proportion of net talent inflow in the western and northeastern regions will rebound. the net talent inflow in the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions will be 13.5%, -6.7%, -4.1% and -2.6% respectively. talents will continue to gather in the eastern region, while there will be a net outflow in the central, western and northeastern regions.

from the perspective of the proportion of talent inflow and outflow,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in the eastern region dropped from 61.6% to 59.2%, and the proportion of talent outflow dropped from 55.8% to 45.7%. the talent mobility in the eastern region declined; in 2023, the proportions of talent inflow and outflow in the central region were 18.7% and 25.4%, down 0.3 and up 0.5 percentage points respectively from 2022; in 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in the western and northeastern regions increased slightly compared with 2022, and the talent outflow decreased slightly.from the perspective of the proportion of net talent inflow,from 2019 to 2022, the proportion of net talent inflow in the eastern region increased from 5.8% to 14.0%. although it dropped slightly to 13.5% in 2023, thanks to its strong economic foundation and high strategic positioning, talents continued to gather in the east; the central region continued to experience a net outflow of talents, and the proportion of net inflow in 2023 was lower than that in 2022; the proportion of net talent inflow in the western and northeastern regions rebounded, and the proportion of net talent inflow in 2023 was -4.1% and -2.6% respectively, up 0.6 and 0.7 percentage points respectively from 2022.

2) looking at the different lines, the concentration of talent in first-tier cities will slow down in 2023, the net inflow of talent in second-tier cities will return to positive, and the talent outflow from third-tier and fourth-tier cities will continue, but the outflow ratio will decrease. the net inflow of talent in first-tier, second-tier, third-tier and fourth-tier cities will account for 4.3%, 0%, -0.4% and -3.9% respectively.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in first-tier cities continued to decline, from 20.2% to 17.0%, and the proportion of outflow decreased from 22.7% to 12.7%, and the decline in the proportion of outflow was much greater than the inflow; the proportion of talent inflow and outflow in second-tier cities both declined; the proportion of inflow and outflow in third- and fourth-tier cities both increased, and the increase in the proportion of outflow was smaller than that of inflow.from the perspective of the proportion of net talent inflow,in recent years, the proportion of net talent inflow in first-tier cities has declined, from 5.4% to 4.3% in 2021-2023, and the concentration of talent in first-tier cities has slowed down; due to the decline in the proportion of talent outflow, the proportion of net inflow in second-tier cities will return to positive in 2023; third- and fourth-tier cities will still have a net outflow of talent, but the outflow rate will decline. in 2023, the net inflow proportion of third- and fourth-tier cities will be -0.4% and -3.9%, up 0.1 and 0.4 percentage points from 2022.

3) looking at the city clusters, more than 60% of talents flow to the five major city clusters. in 2023, talents will continue to gather in the yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta, while talents in the beijing-tianjin-hebei region will turn to a net outflow trend, and talents in chengdu-chongqing and the middle reaches of the yangtze river will continue to flow out.from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in the yangtze river delta will drop from 22.6% to 22%, and the proportion of talent outflow will drop from 17.6% to 14.2%; the proportion of talent inflow in the pearl river delta will increase slightly, and the proportion of talent outflow will drop from 11.1% to 9.9%; the proportion of talent inflow and outflow in beijing-tianjin-hebei will both show a downward trend; the proportion of talent inflow and talent outflow in chengdu-chongqing will be relatively stable; the proportion of talent inflow and outflow in the middle reaches of the yangtze river will both increase slightly. compared with 2019, the talent mobility of the five major urban agglomerations will decline in 2023. from 2019 to 2023, the total proportion of talent inflow in the five major urban agglomerations will drop from 63.1% to 60.6%, and the proportion of talent outflow will drop from 59.8% to 51.4%.from the perspective of the proportion of net talent inflow,from 2019 to 2023, the net inflow of talent in the yangtze river delta increased from 5% to 7.8%, which was higher than that of other urban agglomerations, and a large number of talents gathered in the yangtze river delta; the pearl river delta increased from 2.8% to 4.3%; beijing-tianjin-hebei was -4.0%, -0.7%, -0.6%, 0.5%, and -0.5% year by year, respectively. due to the decrease in the proportion of talent inflow in 2023, the net inflow of talent turned negative again; the middle reaches of the yangtze river and chengdu-chongqing showed a net outflow of talent, and the net inflow of talent in 2023 was -1.2% and -0.7%, respectively. (note: the data of the yangtze river delta urban agglomeration in 2023 includes wenzhou)

3.1 first-tier cities: beijing and shanghai saw a decrease in the proportion of net talent inflow, while shenzhen and guangzhou saw a slight increase

in terms of the proportion of net talent inflow, beijing, shanghai, shenzhen and guangzhou will account for 0.5%, 1.5%, 1.2% and 1.0% respectively in 2023, with shanghai having the highest proportion and beijing having the lowest. due to beijing's strict population control, industrial relocation and high employment competition pressure, the proportion of talent inflow has decreased, and the proportion of net talent inflow in 2023 will decrease by 1 percentage point compared with 2022; the change in the proportion of net talent inflow in shanghai is an inverted "v" shape, with a net talent inflow of 1.5% in 2023, down 0.4 percentage points from 2022, but still at the top of the list; shenzhen and guangzhou's net talent inflow in 2023 will increase slightly compared with 2022, up 0.1 and 0.3 percentage points respectively.

1) beijing: the net inflow of talent in 2019-2023 will be -3.9%, 0.2%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 0.5% respectively. due to the decrease in talent inflow, the net inflow will decrease slightly in 2023. among the top ten cities where beijing talents flow from, four are in the beijing-tianjin-hebei urban agglomeration, accounting for 15.9%, higher than 9.2% in 2022.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,in recent years, the proportion of talent inflow and outflow in beijing has declined significantly, and talent mobility has weakened. from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow has dropped from 6.3% to 4.7%, while the proportion of talent outflow has dropped from 10.2% to 4.2% during the same period. beijing's talent inflow and outflow ranked first among cities in the country. in 2019, the outflow was significantly greater than the inflow, resulting in a net outflow of talent. after 2020, the outflow of talent slowed down significantly, and the net outflow turned into a net inflow. 2022 was the highest point in recent years. in 2023, the net inflow of talent accounted for 0.5%, a decrease of 1 percentage point from 2022.

from the source,in 2023, the top ten cities from which talents flow to beijing account for a total of 35.4%, of which tianjin accounts for the largest proportion, at 6.4%. beijing has a significant siphoning effect on surrounding cities. talents flow into beijing mainly because of its large economic scale and high income level. in 2023, the gdp will reach 4.4 trillion yuan, and the per capita disposable income in urban areas will be 88,700 yuan, second only to shanghai and ranking second in the country. according to zhaopin data, the average recruitment salary in beijing in 2023 will be 12,644 yuan/month, second only to shanghai among key cities. however, beijing's talent introduction policy in 2023 is weaker than that of other cities, and the proportion of talent inflow has declined.

from the direction,the top ten cities where beijing's talents flow account for a total of 40.0%, lower than 41.1% in 2022. among them, the largest number of talents flowing out of beijing went to tianjin, accounting for 6.8%, followed by shanghai. in recent years, beijing has continued to relieve non-core functions of the capital and connect with tianjin and hebei to coordinate industries. according to data from the beijing municipal development and reform commission, over the past ten years, a total of more than 25,000 new establishment or change registration businesses have been rejected, about 3,200 general manufacturing and polluting enterprises have withdrawn, nearly 1,000 regional professional markets and logistics centers have been relieved and upgraded, and urban and rural construction land has been reduced by 130 square kilometers, achieving the goal of a 15% decrease in the permanent population of the six urban districts compared to 2014. the talent acceptance capacity of cities around beijing has improved to a certain extent. among the top ten cities where talents flow out of beijing, there are 4 cities in tianjin and hebei, accounting for 15.9%, higher than 9.2% in 2022.

2) shanghai: the net inflow of talents in shanghai from 2019 to 2023 accounted for 0.5%, 1.2%, 2.1%, 1.9% and 1.5% respectively, with obvious concentration of talents. due to shanghai's large economic scale, high salary level and initial success of new economic promotion policies, it attracts talents to work in shanghai. combined with the relaxation of settlement policies, the outflow of talents is reduced.

from the perspective of the proportion of talent inflow and outflow,the proportion of talent inflow in shanghai from 2019 to 2023 dropped from 5.2% to 3.9%. the proportion of talent inflow in 2023 dropped slightly by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022, while the proportion of talent outflow remained stable at 2.3%, so the proportion of net inflow decreased slightly.

from the source,in 2023, the top ten cities where talents flow to shanghai account for a total of 36.1%, lower than 37.9% in 2022, and the concentration of talent sources in shanghai has declined. among them, there are 3 cities in the yangtze river delta, accounting for a total of 10.5%. talents flow into shanghai mainly because shanghai has a large economic scale and high salary levels, the new economy promotion policies have begun to show results, and shanghai has relaxed its talent introduction policies. in 2023, shanghai's gdp will reach 4.72 trillion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents will be 89,000 yuan, both ranking first in the country. according to data from the shanghai municipal economic and information commission, in 2023, shanghai will have 17 of the top 100 chinese internet companies, ranking second among all provinces and cities in the country, and the development effect of the "online new economy" will be obvious. in 2022, the conditions for talent settlement in shanghai will be relaxed, and five types of talents, including high-level talents, talents urgently needed by key institutions, and high-skilled talents, can directly settle in shanghai, and the application announcement period will be reduced from 15 days to 5 days. in addition, for overseas students, the social security payment base and payment period requirements are cancelled for those who graduated from the world's top 50 universities, and they can directly settle down in shanghai after working full-time; those who graduated from universities ranked 51-100 in the world can apply for settlement after working full-time in shanghai and paying social security for 6 months. overall, the settlement policy is more relaxed and the process is more simplified than that of beijing, which can better attract young and outstanding talents to work in shanghai.

from the direction,the top ten cities where shanghai's talent flows in 2023 account for a total of 46.6%, lower than 48.0% in 2022, and the concentration of talent outflow from shanghai has declined. among them, the number of cities in the yangtze river delta has increased to 4, accounting for a total of 19.9%. the outflow of talent from shanghai is mainly due to shanghai's control of population size and industrial transfer. the 2016 shanghai "13th five-year plan" and the "shanghai urban master plan outline (2015-2040)" both require that the permanent population of shanghai be controlled within 25 million in 2020 and beyond.

3) shenzhen: the permanent population in 2023 hit a record high, an increase of 128,000 year-on-year, and talents also maintained a net inflow. the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 accounted for 0.2%, 1.3%, 1.4%, 1.1% and 1.2% respectively. talent concentration is obvious, mainly due to shenzhen's rapid economic development, lower settlement threshold than beijing and shanghai, and innovative industrial structure, which can provide more jobs.

from the perspective of the proportion of talent inflow and outflow,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in shenzhen dropped from 4.7% to 4.4%, and the proportion of talent outflow dropped from 4.6% to 3.1%, and the mobility of talent declined. as the proportion of inflow and outflow decreased by a similar amount, the proportion of net talent inflow remained stable in recent years, and the proportion of net talent inflow in 2020-2023 was 1.3%, 1.4%, 1.1% and 1.2% respectively.

from the source,in 2023, the top ten cities from which talents flow to shenzhen account for a combined 39%, lower than the 41.1% of the top ten sources in 2022. the concentration of talent sources in shenzhen has declined. among them, the number of cities in the pearl river delta has dropped to 3, accounting for a total of 18.2%. 10% of the talents flowing into shenzhen come from guangzhou, and 9.6% of the talents flowing into guangzhou come from shenzhen. shenzhen and guangzhou are each other's top talent source cities. the influx of talents into shenzhen is mainly due to its rapid economic development. in 2023, shenzhen's gdp reached 3.5 trillion, ranking third in the country. combined with a lower settlement threshold than beijing and shanghai, as well as an innovative industrial structure, it provides more jobs and can attract more talents to work in shenzhen.

from the direction,the top ten cities where shenzhen's talents flow account for a total of 50.2%, which is lower than the 52% of the top ten sources in 2022. shenzhen's talent destinations are more dispersed. among them, there are 4 cities in the pearl river delta, accounting for a total of 31.8%, higher than 29.8% in 2022. among the talents flowing out of shenzhen, 12.5% ​​flowed to guangzhou, followed by dongguan, huizhou and foshan, accounting for 10.2%, 4.9% and 4.3% respectively. among the industry talents flowing into and out of shenzhen in 2023, it|communications|electronics|internet accounted for 26.3% and 31.6%, both much higher than the other top ten cities. shenzhen's it|communications|electronics|internet industry talent flow is relatively frequent.

4) guangzhou: the net inflow of talent from 2019 to 2023 will account for 0.6%, 0.9%, 1%, 0.7% and 1.0% respectively. talents continue to gather, mainly because guangzhou's economic development is fast, and the cost of living and housing prices are the lowest among first-tier cities. the proportion of talent flowing to the pearl river delta cities in guangzhou is 39.6%, which is higher than the proportion of talent flowing to the beijing-tianjin-hebei region in beijing and the proportion of talent flowing to the yangtze river delta cities in shanghai. the internal circulation of talent in the pearl river delta urban agglomeration is stronger.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in guangzhou increased from 3.9% to 4.1%, and the proportion of talent outflow decreased from 3.3% to 3.1%. the talent flow was stable. due to the increase in inflow and the decrease in outflow, the overall talent inflow in 2023 showed a net inflow, accounting for 1.0%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from 2022.

from the source,the top ten cities where talents flow to guangzhou account for a total of 39.6%, lower than 40.1% in 2022. among them, there are 3 cities in the pearl river delta, accounting for a total of 20.7%, a slight decrease from 2022. the main reason for the influx of talents is that guangzhou's economic development is fast and the cost of living is the lowest among first-tier cities. according to zhuge data, the housing price-to-income ratios of beijing, shanghai, and shenzhen in 2023 will be 29.8, 29.4, and 35.5 respectively, while that of guangzhou is 19.1. overall, guangzhou's cost of living and housing prices are the lowest among first-tier cities.

from the direction,the top ten cities where guangzhou's talents flow account for a total of 50.8%, lower than 52.8% in 2022. among them, the number of cities in the pearl river delta has risen to 6, accounting for a total of 39.6%. in comparison, 15.9% of the talents outflowing from beijing flow to the beijing-tianjin-hebei urban agglomeration, 19.9% ​​of the talents outflowing from shanghai flow to the yangtze river delta urban agglomeration, and 31.8% of the talents outflowing from shenzhen flow to the pearl river delta urban agglomeration. the proportion of talents flowing from guangzhou to cities in the pearl river delta urban agglomeration is relatively higher. on the one hand, the outflow of talents is because most of the cities in the pearl river delta are cantonese-speaking cities with similar cultures, and the flow is relatively frequent. on the other hand, there are many universities in guangzhou. talents from guangdong province gather in guangzhou to study, and after graduation, they return from guangzhou to other cities in the province. according to data from the ministry of education, the number of ordinary colleges and universities in guangzhou and the number of 211 universities are 37 and 6, ranking 5th and 6th respectively; in 2023, the number of ordinary undergraduate and junior college students in guangzhou will be 1.47 million, ranking first in the country. in addition, among the industry talents flowing into and out of guangzhou in 2023, the trade, wholesale, retail and leasing industries accounted for 12.1% and 9.1%, respectively, both higher than the other nine cities. the flow of talents in guangzhou's trade, wholesale, retail and leasing industries is relatively frequent.

3.2 second-tier cities: hangzhou has the largest net inflow of talent, while nanjing and wuxi have a stable net inflow of talent.

judging from the proportion of net talent inflow in 2023, among the six key second-tier cities, wuxi ranked tenth after entering the top ten for the first time in 2022. hangzhou, chengdu, nanjing, suzhou, wuhan and wuxi were 1.2%, -0.3%, 0.7%, 0.8%, 0.1% and 0.6% respectively, with hangzhou having the highest 2023, the net inflow of talents in hangzhou will drop slightly to 1.2% compared with 2022, but it is still the city with the highest net inflow among the six key cities. hangzhou has rapid industrial development represented by e-commerce and other industries, a livable environment and relatively high salaries; chengdu's inflow of fresh graduates and masters and above are among the highest in the country, and the net inflow of talents has increased by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022; nanjing has continued to have a net inflow of talents, and the proportion has remained stable. nanjing's main reason is the rapid development of high-tech industries, the implementation of the "ningju plan" and the continuous optimization of details, etc., which continuously attracts and retains talents; suzhou's talent is showing a net inflow trend, mainly due to suzhou's strong economic strength and rapid development, leading innovation and development, and obvious location advantages; wuhan's talent gathering is mainly due to the active promotion of the implementation of talent attraction and retention policies such as "one million college students stay in wuhan", and the threshold for settling in continues to be relaxed, attracting all kinds of talents to wuhan, promoting its net inflow of talents; wuxi's net inflow of talents has remained at around 0.5-0.6% in the past two years, mainly due to the rapid development of industries such as integrated circuits, and compared with cities in the same echelon, wages are higher and the cost of living is relatively small.

1) hangzhou: the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 accounted for 1.4%, 1.6%, 1.6%, 1.3% and 1.2% respectively, which has always been positive. the talent attractiveness ranking has remained at the forefront. the main reason is that hangzhou has rapid development of industries represented by e-commerce, live streaming, life and health fields, a livable cultural environment and a high average recruitment salary. in 2023, it will surpass shenzhen and guangzhou and rank third among key cities.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,in 2023, the permanent population of hangzhou will increase by 146,000 year-on-year. in terms of talent, the proportion of talent inflow in hangzhou from 2019 to 2023 has remained stable, always maintaining at around 3%, and the proportion of talent outflow has dropped from 2.0% to 1.6%. hangzhou has a strong ability to retain talent. the inflow of talent is significantly greater than the outflow, which has kept the proportion of net talent inflow at a high level, exceeding 1.2% in the past five years.

from the source,in 2023, the top ten cities where talents flow to hangzhou accounted for a total of 31.9%, lower than 33% in 2022. among them, 3 are from the yangtze river delta region, accounting for a total of 10.0%. among them, shanghai is the largest source of talents in hangzhou. hangzhou's talent source regions are more diverse and the scope of talent attraction is wider. the influx of talents into hangzhou is mainly due to the rapid development of industries such as digital economy and life and health, and relatively high income levels. according to data from the hangzhou municipal bureau of statistics, in 2023, the added value of hangzhou's core digital economy industries increased by 8.5% year-on-year, accounting for 28.3% of the city's gdp, a record high. as the "capital of e-commerce" and "city of digital economy", hangzhou's average recruitment salary ranked third among key cities in 2023, higher than first-tier cities shenzhen and guangzhou, and has great appeal to talents. in terms of destination, the top ten cities where talents flow to hangzhou accounted for a total of 41%. among them, 7 cities went to the yangtze river delta, accounting for a total of 29.5%. hangzhou talents mainly flow to the yangtze river delta, and exchanges within the region are close.

2) chengdu: in 2023, chengdu will surpass nanjing and rank sixth in the country. the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 will be -0.6%, -0.1%, 0.0%, -0.6% and -0.3% respectively. the net inflow of talents in 2023 will increase by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022. the proportion of fresh graduates and talents with master's degrees and above are both among the top five in the country.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,chengdu has a large inflow and outflow of talents. in 2023, the inflow of talents in chengdu accounted for 3.0%, and the outflow of talents accounted for 3.2%. the overall talent mobility is strong. due to the significant reduction in the proportion of talent outflow, the net inflow of talents in 2023 will increase by 0.3 percentage points compared with 2022. in addition, in 2023, the proportion of fresh graduates and talents with a master's degree or above in chengdu will be 3.8% and 4.0% respectively, ranking fifth and fourth in the country respectively.

from the source,the top ten cities from which talents flow to chengdu account for a total of 35.9%, lower than 37.4% in 2022, and the sources are more extensive. among them, chongqing is the first source of talent inflow to chengdu, accounting for 9.8%, mainly because the planning of the chengdu-chongqing twin cities economic circle has been implemented, which has helped the frequent flow of talents in the cities within the economic circle. the main reason for the influx of talents is that chengdu, as a central city in the western region, has relatively active economic development, developed cultural and creative and electronic information industries, a good ecological construction of attracting and retaining talents, and high livability. among them, chengdu took the lead in the country to implement "settlement first and then employment" and "settlement first and then employment", and deployed the "chengdu youth talent station" in the whole region. job-seeking graduates can apply for free accommodation for up to one month with only an interview notice. in the "2023 china's best employer of the year" selection event hosted by, peking university social survey research center, and peking university national development research institute, chengdu was named the 2023 "china's best talent attraction city", and has won this title for five consecutive years.

from the direction,the top ten cities where chengdu’s talent flows account for a combined 39.4%, lower than 40.4% in 2022, of which 7.4% flowed to chongqing. in 2023, 25.3% of chengdu’s outflow of talent came from the real estate and construction industry, significantly higher than other key cities, and much higher than the 9.2% of chengdu’s inflow of talent to this industry.

3) nanjing: the net inflow of talents from 2019 to 2023 will be between 0.7% and 1%, which is always positive and relatively stable. the main reason is the rapid development of high-tech industries, the implementation of the "ningju plan" and the continuous optimization of details, which continuously attracts and retains talents.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in nanjing dropped from 2.8% to 2.4%, and the proportion of talent outflow dropped from 1.9% to 1.6%. the range of change was relatively small, which made the proportion of net talent inflow in nanjing remain basically stable at 0.7%-1% in recent years.

from the source,the top ten cities where talents flow to nanjing account for a total of 31.7%. among them, five are in the yangtze river delta region, accounting for a total of 17.2%, higher than 14.9% in 2022. talents flow into nanjing mainly due to the rapid development of its high-end industries and relaxed settlement policies. in recent years, nanjing has cultivated and expanded the "2+6+6" innovative industrial clusters. in 2023, investment in high-tech industries increased by 7.7% year-on-year, 9.6 percentage points higher than the growth rate of fixed asset investment, driving the rapid growth of related industries. the output value of high-tech industries above the designated size accounted for 57.1% of the industrial output value above the designated size. in addition, in 2018, nanjing implemented the "ningju plan", and subsequently launched the "25 measures for talent strengthening the city" and "7 strategies for talents in key industries", and comprehensively upgraded the talent policy system to smooth the entire chain of "attracting, cultivating and retaining" talents. according to data from the nanjing municipal bureau of human resources and social security, since 2018, the city has accumulated more than 1.5 million new employment and insurance people with college degrees or above, and the retention rate of college graduates in nanjing has increased from 20% to about 33%.

from the direction,the top ten cities where nanjing’s talent flows account for a total of 45.5%. among them, 7 are in the yangtze river delta, accounting for a total of 34.6%. nanjing and the yangtze river delta have frequent talent interactions, partly because nanjing has many universities, and talents from the yangtze river delta gather in nanjing to study, and return from nanjing to other cities in the yangtze river delta after graduation. according to data from the ministry of education, nanjing has 37 regular universities and 12 211 universities, ranking 5th and 3rd respectively.

4) suzhou: the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 accounted for 0.3%, 0.7%, 0.9%, 1.0% and 0.8% respectively. the talent showed a net inflow trend, mainly due to suzhou's strong economic strength and rapid development, leading innovation and development and obvious location advantages.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,in the past five years, the proportion of talent inflow in suzhou has remained stable, maintaining at around 2.2-2.4%. from 2019 to 2022, the proportion of talent outflow dropped from 1.9% to 1.4%, and rebounded to 1.6% in 2023. the proportion of net talent inflow in 2023 decreased slightly by 0.2 percentage points compared with 2022, to 0.8%.

from the source,the top ten cities that attract talents to suzhou account for a total of 35%, of which 6 cities are cities in the yangtze river delta, accounting for a total of 23%. suzhou has close talent exchanges with cities in the yangtze river delta. the main reason for the influx of talents is that suzhou has strong economic strength, leading innovation and development, and is located in the hinterland of the yangtze river delta and closest to shanghai. it is the biggest beneficiary of resource spillovers, and the city is based on manufacturing, providing a large number of jobs to attract talents. in 2023, suzhou's gdp will be 2.5 trillion, ranking sixth in the country, first in jiangsu province, second in the yangtze river delta region, only lower than shanghai; suzhou has 13,500 industrial enterprises above designated size, and the total industrial output value above designated size ranks second in the country, second only to shenzhen; suzhou has 401 national specialized and new "little giant" enterprises, with 230 new ones, and the total number of enterprises has jumped to fourth in the country and first in jiangsu province.

from the direction,the top ten cities from which suzhou's talent outflows account for a total of 45.5%, of which 7 cities are in the yangtze river delta region, accounting for a total of 36.9%, higher than 33.8% in 2022. suzhou's manufacturing industry leads the country, and the mobility of manufacturing talent is higher than that of other cities. in 2023, 24.5% of suzhou's inflow of talent came from production, processing, and manufacturing, and 27% of the outflow of talent came from production, processing, and manufacturing.

5) wuhan: the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 accounted for 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. talents continued to gather. the main reason was the active promotion of the implementation of talent attraction and retention policies such as "one million college students stay in wuhan". the threshold for settling in wuhan continued to be relaxed to attract all kinds of talents to wuhan.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,from 2019 to 2022, the proportion of talent inflow in wuhan was 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.4% and 2.2% respectively, and the proportion of talent outflow was 1.8%, 2.0%, 1.8% and 2.0% respectively. in 2023, the proportion of talent inflow and outflow were both 1.9%. the proportion of net talent inflow is still positive, and talents show a trend of continuous net inflow.

from the source,the top ten cities from which talents flow to wuhan account for a combined 35%, lower than 36.9% in 2022, and the source of talents is wider. the influx of talents into wuhan is mainly due to the implementation of the "million college students stay in wuhan for entrepreneurship and employment project" in 2017 to attract graduates. in 2021, wuhan established talent group co., ltd. to specifically introduce talents to the city, and wuhan continued to relax settlement conditions, approaching "zero threshold", and the openness of settlement is the largest among national central cities. in 2023, the focus will be on implementing policies such as the "talent plan" to attract all kinds of talents to wuhan for employment and entrepreneurship. in addition, as the third city in the country with the largest number of college students, wuhan has significantly increased the number of talents staying in wuhan. in 2023, 306,000 college students will stay in wuhan for employment and entrepreneurship, exceeding the "students stay in wuhan" project plan (100,000 people per year).from the direction,the top ten cities where wuhan’s talent flows account for a total of 39.7%, lower than 41.4% in 2022. among them, shenzhen and shanghai account for a large proportion, at 6.4% and 5.6% respectively.

6) wuxi: the net inflow of talents in 2019-2023 accounted for 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 0.5%, 0.6% and 0.6% respectively. the proportion is relatively stable, and there is a continuous net inflow of talents. the main reason is that industries such as integrated circuits are developing rapidly, and compared with cities in the same echelon, wages are higher and the cost of living is relatively low.

from the perspective of the inflow and outflow of talents,from 2019 to 2023, the proportion of talent inflow in wuxi remained at 1.2%-1.5%, and the proportion of talent outflow remained at 0.4%-0.8%. therefore, the talent mobility in wuxi has remained stable in recent years, with a continuous net inflow of talent.

from the source,the top ten cities where talents flow to wuxi account for a total of 37.3%, of which 5 are from the yangtze river delta, accounting for a total of 24.6%, lower than 25.2% in 2022. talents flow into wuxi mainly because of the rapid development of industries such as integrated circuits, and compared with cities in the same echelon, wuxi has higher wages and relatively lower living costs. according to data from the wuxi municipal government, the operating income of six industrial clusters will exceed 200 billion yuan in 2023, and the integrated circuit industry integration cluster will be rated as a provincial development demonstration. the scale of the integrated circuit industry ranks first in the province and second in the country. at the same time, wuxi has many measures to attract talents. in 2016, wuxi issued the "taihu talent plan", focusing on supporting the introduction and cultivation of six types of key talents for industrial development, formulating various welfare policies such as work subsidies, salary subsidies, and settlement subsidies, and constantly updating and iterating. wuxi also adopts the "talent attraction through competition" model, and organizes innovation and entrepreneurship competitions for the development direction of key industries to attract talents from home and abroad. in the selection of "china's best employer of the year" in 2023, wuxi won the "china's best talent attraction city of the year" for the fifth consecutive year and the "best employment promotion city" for the fourth consecutive year.from the direction,the top ten cities where wuxi's talents flow account for a total of 50.9%, and the outflow to cities in the yangtze river delta accounts for a total of 43.7%. most of the outflowing talents flow to cities in the yangtze river delta. wuxi's manufacturing industry has a frequent flow of talents. in 2023, 26.1% of the inflow of talents came from production, processing, and manufacturing, and 25.9% of the outflow of talents came from production, processing, and manufacturing.