
baidu's liang zhixiang: cherries are delicious and the trees are easy to grow. intelligent agents make marketing easier


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"big models have enabled the marketing industry to achieve 'cherries are delicious and trees are easy to grow'," liang zhixiang, vice president of the china advertising association and senior vice president of baidu group, said at the 2024 china advertising forum held recently. intelligent bodies based on big models are bringing profound changes to the marketing industry. they can not only become the "gold medal employees" of every company and provide "exclusive assistants" for every user, but also have a low threshold for building intelligent bodies and are easy to distribute, which can make marketing simpler.
liang zhixiang compared intelligent entities to the "cherries" of the marketing industry, which can solve a variety of complex and tedious problems in various marketing scenarios. large-model marketing platforms like baidu qingge can achieve efficient distribution of intelligent entities, accurately match merchants and users, reduce the difficulty of corporate marketing, and truly achieve "cherries are delicious and trees are easy to grow."
liang zhixiang, vice president of china advertising association and senior vice president of baidu group
why is the “cherry” of intelligent agents so delicious?
how to thrive in the era of generative artificial intelligence? the harvard business review, known for its observations on the marketing industry, raised this question in its latest cover article, which has become a "must-answer question" for marketers in this era.
"in fact, big models are very close to marketing," liang zhixiang analyzed. intelligent entities based on big models can solve many pain points in traditional marketing scenarios such as services and products.
in service scenarios, users often encounter such experiences: they have questions about the product, but cannot find customer service late at night or on holidays; they ask professional questions, but the merchant cannot answer them; when communicating with the merchant, they are asked for their phone number after just a few words, which is a very bad experience.
the intelligent agent can be online at any time, achieving a 100% late-night response rate. faced with various professional questions from users, the intelligent agent can also understand and answer all the questions. take a real story as an example. when a user encountered a problem, he consulted the intelligent agent. the conversation lasted for 5 hours and 288 rounds. at present, the number of professional answers provided by the merchant intelligent agent every day has exceeded 2.5 million.
"intelligent agents can become the 'gold medal employees' of every company and the 'exclusive assistants' of every user, and can effectively solve the pain points of traditional marketing."
the value of intelligent agents goes far beyond this. as the application of intelligent agents in commodity scenarios, products such as huiboxing e-commerce digital humans "completely subvert the traditional live broadcast model."
the large model gives the digital human an ai brain, which can interact deeply with users, and the entire live broadcast room is completely intelligent, unmanned, and fully managed. in the digital human live broadcast demonstration, the male anchor and the female assistant anchor each performed their duties, cooperated smoothly and naturally in displaying and explaining the products, and were able to answer user questions in a timely manner. for questions that were not answered verbally in time, the ai ​​assistant anchor also gave text replies. so far, "huiboxing" has helped tens of thousands of merchants achieve revenue growth, bringing an average of 62% gmv increase.
how to make cherry trees no longer difficult to grow?
although intelligent entities are good, how can we make b-side merchants more willing to use them and make it easier for them to use them? in his speech, liang zhixiang made a vivid analogy - "cherries are delicious but the trees are difficult to grow." the key to determining whether the trees are difficult to grow is distribution. only by accurately and efficiently distributing the intelligent entities created by merchants to the right users, and allowing users and merchants to work together in both directions, can the value be released.
to this end, baidu launched the qingge platform to improve the efficiency of intelligent agent distribution. qingge not only understands merchants more and more with use, but is also simple and easy to operate. "natural language interaction as the body, graphical interface as the use", the big model reconstructs the way of human-computer interaction. just speak directly and the machine will understand, without flipping through menus and searching for functions repeatedly. just like the meaning of the name "qingge", when merchants launch and distribute intelligent agents, they say goodbye to complexity and return to simplicity, just like "the light boat has passed through thousands of mountains."
in addition, baidu search is also the best distribution scenario for intelligent agents. every time a user uses search, they are actively expressing their needs, which enhances the natural match with intelligent agents. based on the search needs of hundreds of millions of users every day, intelligent agents can be distributed more accurately.
both users and businesses are willing to use it, and baidu's natural scenario advantages have driven the flywheel of the intelligent body ecosystem. at present, baidu's intelligent body has been distributed more than 8 million times a day, and more than 16,000 companies use baidu's intelligent body every day, covering more than 30 industries such as education, real estate, and machinery. it can be said that intelligent bodies are becoming a standard for business operations.
"the big model-driven marketing revolution has just begun. the technology will be immature at first, just like a train is slower than a car at first, but we must believe in the power of trends," liang zhixiang called at the end of his speech: "the future is here, embrace the big model, this is the mission of every advertising marketer, and it is also our future."