
beijing releases the first international professional qualification recognition catalogue. these new policies and regulations are worth paying attention to.


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on september 14, during the 2024 china international fair for trade in services, the beijing municipal bureau of human resources and social security organized a human resources service-themed event at shougang park and held a conference on the integrated development of the human resources service industry.
at the meeting, the beijing municipal bureau of human resources and social security released the "beijing international professional qualification recognition catalogue (version 1.0)", which recognized 149 "high-value" overseas professional qualifications and professional certifications, and achieved two important sets of international mutual recognition and cooperation with a "small incision".
in addition, the reporter learned from the theme event that some new standards and policies were also released at this event. for example, starting next month, the new version of the beijing-tianjin-hebei collaborative standard for human resources services will be implemented. at the same time, beijing also released a new quality productivity human resources development catalog, including two important contents: the "key industry human resources development catalog" and the "skilled talent demand catalog".
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149 highly valuable professional qualifications were selected for recognition
the "beijing international professional qualification recognition catalogue (version 1.0)" jointly issued by the beijing municipal human resources and social security bureau and the beijing municipal talent work bureau was released at the human resources service industry integration development conference held in shougang park on september 14.
focusing on science and technology, new generation information technology, modern service industries and other fields, and closely integrating with beijing's industries and development needs, the "catalog" selects 149 high-value professional qualifications for recognition, with a combination of high and low, of which 25 highly recognized professional qualifications and 8 urgently needed and scarce professional qualifications correspond to intermediate and senior professional titles respectively; and uses "small incisions" to achieve two important groups of international mutual recognition and cooperation.
specifically, beichen group and the international congress and convention association (icca) mutually recognize each other in the field of international business exhibitions, and alibaba cloud computing co., ltd. and microsoft corporation mutually recognize each other in the field of cloud computing engineers. among them, the municipal bureau of human resources and social security signed an agreement with the international congress and convention association (icca) to clearly implement "one evaluation and three certificates" in the field of exhibitions. relevant professionals can participate in an evaluation in beijing and obtain internationally recognized corporate certification certificates, exhibition designer professional skill level certificates and professional technical title certificates at the same time.
in order to better serve talents, beijing has carefully planned and launched the "76543" multi-dimensional policy matrix. specifically, it refers to: "7" basic convenience services, providing work residence permits, professional titles and skill level correspondence services for certificate holders in the "catalog", helping certificate holders integrate into life and work in beijing. "6" upgraded services, providing services including senior professional title correspondence and talent introduction for certificate holders in the urgently needed and scarce catalog, creating a career development fast track for urgently needed and scarce talents. "5" efficient services, providing entry and exit convenience, foreign personnel work permits and other services for overseas professional certification personnel, helping chinese corporate standards go global.
"4" types of overseas professional qualifications, namely finance, accounting, doctors, and teachers, can be practiced in beijing in accordance with the regulations of the competent authorities to promote the international development of the industry. "3" regions share a query and verification platform, and beijing, tianjin and hebei work together to promote the recognition of international professional qualification certificates to better serve the national strategy of coordinated development of beijing, tianjin and hebei.
"in the next step, the municipal human resources and social security bureau will work with the municipal talent affairs bureau, the municipal public security bureau's exit and entry administration bureau and other departments to refine the relevant handling procedures and provide more efficient and convenient services for professional talents. at the same time, we will actively explore more application scenarios and strive to achieve mutual recognition and interoperability of domestic and foreign professional qualifications and professional certifications in more fields and on a larger scale, so as to provide more convenience and support for the accurate evaluation of international talents and improve the level of openness of cross-border trade in services." a relevant person in charge of the beijing municipal bureau of human resources and social security said.
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new quality productivity human resources development catalogue released, adding “key demand areas” for the first time
on september 14, during the 2024 china international fair for trade in services, the beijing municipal bureau of human resources and social security issued the beijing new quality productivity human resources development catalogue (2024 edition). this is the fifth consecutive year that beijing has compiled and issued a human resources development catalogue, which is a market "barometer" of the human resources needed in beijing's key industrial sectors.
the 2024 edition of the "catalog" consists of the "catalog of human resources development in key industrial fields" and the "catalog of skilled talent demand", focusing on the development requirements of new quality productivity, and more prominently serving scientific and technological innovation, promoting digitalization and greening, and regional talent needs.
the "catalogue of human resources development in key industries" includes 13 industries, 60 core areas, 147 key directions, lists 347 representative positions, and provides reference values ​​for annual salary ranges. a comprehensive rating is given to each core area based on the three dimensions of difficulty in matching supply and demand of human resources, difficulty in training, and difficulty in job transfer. this year, 16 core areas such as quantum information technology research and development, computing power infrastructure construction, and chip design were rated 5 stars for comprehensive shortage.
the catalogue of skilled talent demand includes 8 industries and 68 occupations (jobs), and provides a basic description of the occupations (jobs). each occupation (job) is rated according to general, relatively, and extremely urgent and scarce. this year, 20 occupations (jobs) such as digital solution designers, intelligent networked vehicle testers, and drone assembly and maintenance workers have entered the extremely urgent and scarce sequence.
this year, combined with the analysis of 9.97 million recruitment data in the human resources market and the results of questionnaire surveys of key enterprises, the catalog has been comprehensively optimized and upgraded. for the first time, a "key demand area" has been added to help deepen the integration of production and talent. focusing on serving the development of new technologies and new formats, core areas such as digital human technology research and development and application, and low-altitude aircraft research and development and manufacturing have been added. anchored on the goal of accelerating comprehensive green transformation, core areas such as environmental and social governance (esg) system construction and hydrogen energy technology research and development and application have been added. keeping up with the changes and trends in career development, new occupations (jobs) such as cloud network intelligent operation and maintenance personnel and intelligent networked vehicle testers announced by the ministry of human resources and social security and other three departments in 2024 have been included in the catalog.
in addition, the 2024 edition of the catalog has constructed a three-dimensional and realistic portrait of the human resources needed in beijing's key industrial fields, and has strong application value. in practical applications, employers and workers can use it as a "market guide" for targeted recruitment and job hunting; human resources service agencies and social training institutions can provide more precise services to market entities; colleges and vocational schools can refer to the catalog to adjust their majors and course settings; government departments can improve employment and talent policies based on the catalog to attract and gather outstanding talents.
in the next step, the municipal human resources and social security bureau will work with relevant municipal departments to give priority to the recruitment of college graduates and outgoing postdoctoral fellows in key industrial fields, advanced training for professional and technical personnel knowledge update projects, give full play to the role of headhunting agencies in attracting talents and integrating intelligence, and strengthen the training of skilled personnel in accordance with the catalogue, increase policy integration innovation and support efforts, and strengthen human resource support for the development of new quality productivity.
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the new version of "regional collaborative local standards" will be implemented in october
in order to implement the strategic deployment of coordinated development of the beijing-tianjin-hebei region and promote the coordinated development of human resources, the human resources and social security departments of the three places jointly compiled the "local standards for human resources services for the beijing-tianjin-hebei regional coordination" and launched it nationwide for the first time in 2018.
so far, nearly 1,400 institutions in the three places have been rated, allowing job seekers to enjoy unified human resources services in the three places, and the ratings of service institutions are mutually recognized in the three places. in july 2024, the new version of the "regional collaborative local standards" successfully passed the review and was officially released to the public at this year's services trade fair, and will be officially implemented on october 1.
the new version of the regional collaborative local standard consists of two parts: human resources service specifications and human resources service agency grading and assessment. the specifications include basic requirements and nine business specifications, covering three high value-added businesses: senior talent search, assessment and management consulting, as well as six traditional businesses: recruitment, career guidance, training, outsourcing, labor dispatch and personnel file management for mobile personnel. the grading and assessment quantitatively evaluates the employment of human resources service agencies and assigns ratings from a to 5a.
in recent years, the scale of the human resources service industry in the three regions has continued to expand. by the end of 2023, there will be more than 12,000 human resources service agencies in the three regions, with annual operating income exceeding 600 billion yuan. today, the coordinated development of the human resources service industry in the three regions has entered a new stage, and new changes have occurred in the development of the industry. the new version of the "regional collaboration local standard" has also been comprehensively optimized and upgraded in terms of structural framework, indicator system, etc.
the new version of the "regional collaborative local standard" presents three characteristics. first, differentiated evaluation is implemented according to the current development status. taking into account the development status of the human resources service industry in beijing, tianjin and hebei, differentiated evaluation standards are set to seek common ground while reserving differences and be accessible and feasible. secondly, it plays a guiding role in keeping up with the new quality productivity. encourage the digital transformation of human resources service agencies, improve the level of digital management, and promote the gathering of human resources to new quality productivity. finally, an evaluation system is set up to cover all areas of the industry. a business specification and quantitative evaluation system covering the entire process of talent selection, training, use and retention has been established to provide a construction basis for improving the standardized management level of human resources flow in the three places.
the beijing municipal human resources and social security bureau introduced that in the next step, the human resources and social security departments of the three places will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation, and jointly promote the integration of the human resources markets of the three places through joint training on standards implementation, policy publicity, grade assessment and other work, so as to promote the higher-quality coordinated development of the human resources service industries in beijing, tianjin and hebei, and better serve the overall regional economic and social development.
beijing news reporter wu wei
editor: liu qianxian proofreader: liu jun