
vehicle scrapping standards may be released soon. is the spring of playing with old cars coming?


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according to the chinese government website on september 12, some netizens suggested "canceling the mandatory scrapping of commercial vehicles and motorcycles after a certain number of years of use".make a seriesresponse

answering questions from netizens regarding scrapping of commercial vehicles and motorcycles

internet user guo jiang from shijiazhuang, hebei said: "automobile manufacturing technology has greatly improved compared to the past. some commercial vehicles are still in good condition even when they reach the mandatory scrapping age. the current mandatory scrapping regulations for commercial vehicles in china do not conform to the actual situation. mandatory scrapping is a waste of resources and causes secondary pollution. it is recommended that vehicles can continue to be used as long as they pass safety inspections."

netizen "haha" from nanjing, jiangsu said: "the mandatory scrapping of motorcycles after 13 years of use is not conducive to the development of the motorcycle industry and also reduces consumers' desire to buy motorcycles. it is recommended to cancel the mandatory scrapping of motorcycles after 13 years of use to stimulate motorcycle companies to increase core technology research and development and further stimulate consumption."

in response to netizens' questions, the ministry of commerce responded that in order to ensure road traffic safety, encourage technological progress and strengthen environmental protection, in 2012, relevant departments of the state council formulated and issued the "regulations on mandatory scrapping of motor vehicles", which put forward requirements for the scrapping management of motor vehicles including commercial vehicles and motorcycles.

with the development of the economy and society, the quality and technical performance of automobile and motorcycle products have been continuously improved, and the road traffic environment has been continuously improved, which has put forward new requirements for improving the management of mandatory scrapping of motor vehicles.

the ministry of commerce also stated that in the next step, relevant departments of the state council will comprehensively consider factors such as the technical condition of motor vehicles, usage intensity, safety needs, energy conservation and environmental protection, and expanded consumption, and integrate opinions from the public, industry enterprises, government management departments and other parties to study and determine scientific and reasonable standards for the scrapping of motor vehicles to promote the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society.

the origin of compulsory scrapping of motor vehicles

it is reported that the "regulations on the mandatory scrapping of motor vehicles" show that the service life of commercial vehicles ranges from 8 to 15 years. for example, the service life of small and micro passenger cars is 8 years; the service life of medium-sized taxi passenger cars is 10 years. however, some commercial vehicles can be extended for a certain number of years. in addition to commercial vehicles, motorcycles are also subject to regulations.butit is mandatory to scrap after 13 years of use.

it should be noted thatas for private cars (non-operating vehicles), the state has abolished the mandatory scrapping regulations based on driving age, and has instead limited the scrapping mileage to 600,000 kilometers. as long as the vehicle passes the annual inspection, it can continue to be driven on the road. this regulation applies to small and micro non-operating passenger cars, large non-operating sedans, etc.

previously, due to the gap between the level of china's automobile industry and the advanced level of the world, and the lack of maturity of the entire industrial chain, there was room for improvement in automobile production and manufacturing technology, and the level of automobile maintenance was also uneven. in order to ensure the safety of motor vehicles, especially those with high daily mileage and long service life, relevant departments have issued mandatory scrapping requirements.

the mandatory scrapping requirement has, to a certain extent, eliminated the potential safety hazards caused by long-term high-load use of motor vehicles. however, with the upgrading of china's automobile industry chain, automobile manufacturing technology has made significant progress. appropriate and flexible adjustments to the scrapping cycle of motor vehicles have also been gradually called for. at the same time, the mandatory scrapping of motorcycles also originated from earlier regulations. the motorcycle manufacturing process has also made great progress. good maintenance during the use cycle and more flexible adjustment of the scrapping cycle have also attracted attention from all parties.

xiaoxiang morning news reporter hu xiong
