
the top anchors are fighting, what are they fighting about?


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recently, the world of top anchors has been particularly lively. simba is fighting with three sheep and it has not ended yet, and there is a friendluo yonghaohe called out to yu minhong again.

simba and xiao yang fight each other"ximba took out 100 million to compensate xiao yangge" "ximbalive broadcast permission blocked"make friends and get three times the refund", "luo yonghao apologizes and calls out to yu minhong", followed one after another.

top anchoropenit's not without reason, so the question is, theywhat exactly is being torn?

simba "broke the promise"

on the evening of september 11,"kuaishou no. 1"simba’s kuaishou personal account page shows that the account’s live broadcast function has been banned.

previously, simba posted a message saying that if brother xiao yang did not take the initiative to compensate for the controversial products he sold, he would take out 100 million yuan to compensate consumers on behalf of brother xiao yang.

according to the live broadcast notice released by simba, simba was supposed to start the live broadcast at 8 pm on november 11, with 100 million yuan for compensation.simba did noton timeappearregarding the reason for absence from the live broadcast, xinxuan customer service responded that "we have not received the specific reason yet."

although simba did not go live as scheduled, a screenshot posted by netizens in the comment section of the latest video on his account showed that when consumers sent keywords such as "mei cai kou rou" and "moutai", simba's customer service replied that they would provide "industry consolation money."

on the 12th, xiaoxiang morning news chili finance reporter consulted the above keywords in the backstage of simba 818 exclusive store, and the customer service did respond:to provide "188 yuan industry consolation fund" for "mei cai kou rou", you need to provide order information and mobile phone number including order screenshots, payment screenshots, receipt information and order screen recording.

to provide "9,000 yuan industry consolation fund" for the "year of the rabbit maotai", consumers need to provide not only order screenshots, payment screenshots, and receipt information, but also an electronic traceability code issued by the guangzhou zhongjiu testing agency, which will provide 7 days of free appraisal services.

it is reported that,this timeindustry consolation fundthe application period will be open for seven days from 20:00 on september 11.

then,the reporter asked when simba would go live, and the customer service said that they were responsible for handling after-sales issues related to orders, but did not answer simba's relevant questions.

streamers fight each other

before simba "broke the appointment",simba and xiao yanggethe interaction betweentearalreadymake a scenea sensation.

the story began with a live broadcast on august 31. simba’s assistant said that a hairy crab brand was "criticized" by a certain anchor because the anchor promoted the brand's products first, but simba sold them at a lower price and the brand did not give the same price.

simba also explained that because he had cooperated with the brand for a longer time, the price was cheaper. simba also said that the brand told him that the product was reported and the sold-out hairy crabs could no longer be restocked on the link.

although simba did not name them explicitly, his words seemed to be alluding to brother yang and the three sheep.

afterwardslive broadcast,he continued to "fire", accusing "three sheep" of having problems in quality inspection, after-sales service, and compensation attitude.. " simba also said that the three sheep imitated xinxuan's business model.

soon, lu wenqing, co-founder of three sheep, responded to simba"i have too many ways to know what you are doing. it's too bullying. each of you does business on your own platform. you can't do this. for the sake of doing business, you have no bottom line to get traffic."

the war escalated immediately.

in the two sides you come and iduring the quarrel, simba mentioned the product quality problems that xiao yangge had encountered before, as well as xiao yangge'sand itscompany three sheepthe "melon"all of them were revealed. for a time, many entries related to the three sheep were on weibo's hot search list.

pricing anxiety

the top anchors are fighting, what are they fighting about?

it seems that both sides are quarreling with each other and there are "melons" everywhere, but the fuse of such a war of words between the top anchors is the price of the same brand of hairy crabs.

internet industry analyst zhang shule said,most of the super head anchors do not produce goods.butbecause of the huge traffic and high conversion rate achieved through live streaming,thatbecoming a super channel

in order to attract and retain fans and compete for market share, anchorspeoplethey have to attract consumers through price advantages. as one of the key factors affecting consumers' purchasing decisions, pricing power has naturally become the focus of competition among anchors.jiang han, senior researcher at pangu think tank, said.

the fierce competition in the industry and the characteristics of the fan economy are the reasons why top anchors have pricing power anxiety.

however, not producing products and attracting users with low prices or cost-effectiveness does not mean that you truly have pricing power.

zhang shule said,as a channel with strong sales capabilities, the business model can indeed put pressure on manufacturers to obtain the flattest supply price possible.。“even though the top anchors still have a great say in pricing,the so-called lowest price can only be time-limited or conditional.”

in zhang shule's opinion,the only ones who can truly guarantee the lowest price on the entire network are merchants who sell their own brand products.

focus on after-sales

perhaps it starts with pricing power.butthe battle between the two sidesnot justonlyis to fight for a "lowest price”。

this fightthe part that most affected public opinion was undoubtedly simba'squality inspection”“after-sales”“compensationthree questions about three sheep.even the follow-upalso released "ultimate", and will take out 100 million from xinxuan to help sanyang with after-sales service.

from pricing power to quality control, after-sales service, and compensation, the development of the incident has revealed another tip of the iceberg of live streaming e-commerce.

jiang han told the lajiao financial reporter that the disputes between simba, xiao yangge and other anchors do reflect the shortcomings of the live e-commerce industry in after-sales service.

live streamingofvarious quality disputes seem to focus on the internet celebrity anchors, but in the end the anchors often do notendorsementresponsible,andthe product provider is responsible for after-sales service.zhang shule said,the top anchors areno matter after coming outthis approach is essentially due to the fact that some online celebrity anchors themselves do not have the ability to provide after-sales service.。”

while the war of words between simba and xiao yangge was heating up, the "refund one and compensate three" policy of making friends came into the spotlight again.

on the morning of the 11th,the official weibo account of make friends live streaming room released the "aboutfendi casa mooncakeaccording to the "explanation of the situation and the decision on refunding one and compensating three", all consumers who purchased the product will be proactively refunded and given additional compensation of three times the purchase amount.

that afternoon, luo yonghao posted on his personal weibo that thefake foreign brandsoffendi casa mooncakethe situation was explained and apologised sincerely.will refund one and compensate three

in this response, luo yonghao also mentioned that in addition tomake a friendandxinxuanmany well-known live broadcast rooms almost never actively refund three times the amount of all orders after selling fakes and malicious products.

in addition, luo yonghao alsoshoutyu minhong,they said he had sold a series of problematic foods, including 3.15 trough meat, tiq tianqi prune juice, and fake wild ecuadorian white shrimp. they suggested that he refund three times the price of all problematic products in the history of oriental selection, otherwisesooner or later, you will pay for what you have done.

at present, live streaming has moved from cost-effectiveness to quality-price ratio, and no longer simply pursues low prices.return to the essence of word-of-mouth marketing

in zhang shule's opinion, some top anchors have begun to feel uncomfortable with the new trend.there are two paths before them:either they can truly build their own industrial chain like dongfang zhenxuan, but there are still problems with product selection, which needs to be supplemented by a modern enterprise system.or you can use experience to do word-of-mouth marketing like dong jie and zhang xiaohui.

xiaoxiang morning news reporter chen shixian luo yaqi
