
excellent fitness team in jiangsu province showcases its style | houshan fitness team in anzhen street, xishan district, where the elderly can contribute and enjoy themselves


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with the continuous development of national fitness, more and more middle-aged and elderly people are beginning to seek ways to live a healthy life by participating in scientific physical exercise. however, unlike young people who prefer sports and fitness programs with strong confrontation and high exercise intensity, middle-aged and elderly people living in urban communities prefer to participate in physical exercise in a way that suits them. in xishan district, wuxi city, there is such a fitness team. for many years, it has been adhering to the attitude of "the elderly have something to contribute and have fun", leading the middle-aged and elderly to enjoy the happiness and health of physical fitness.
in xishan district, wuxi city, the name of the houshan fitness team in anzhen street has actually entered the daily lives of many middle-aged and elderly people. this fitness team has nearly 60 social sports instructors, and its daily activities mainly include leading everyone to participate in tai chi, qigong, tai chi health stick, five animals exercises and other fitness activities. over the years, the team has adhered to the purpose of "enriching life and strengthening physical fitness" and the spirit of "self-entertainment, free teaching, unity and mutual assistance". it has led a group of brothers and sisters who love sports in anzhen street, xishan district. it is a team full of cohesion and appeal, and a standardized team with organization, system and code of conduct, which has vigorously promoted the development of mass cultural and sports entertainment activities in the jurisdiction.
according to the team leader, the houshan fitness team has been mainly responsible for leading people to practice health qigong since its establishment ten years ago. almost every morning, the team sends different teachers to lead people to practice at various stations. for example, the houshan park station is led by teachers hua kunrong and ni shanliang; the jinniu community square is led by teachers qian shouying and gu zhiying; the chaqiao people's square is led by teachers gu yueyuan and shao youjuan; the shanyun d district square is led by teachers qian mingfen, zou huifen, and ni xueqin, etc.
"under the leadership of the site managers, each station is active among the masses all year round. they not only lead everyone to practice and keep fit every day, but also promote the management and development of each fitness station." the person in charge said that it is because the site managers have made valuable contributions tirelessly and silently that anzhen street is now able to better promote scientific fitness, gradually lead more middle-aged and elderly people to participate in sports, and improve their health level.
in addition to daily practice, the houshan fitness team also selects personnel to participate in various health-preserving qigong competitions at the provincial, municipal and district levels every year, and has achieved excellent results in both group and individual competitions. in the national health-preserving qigong competition for the elderly held in may 2023, the team won the collective "twelve methods" first prize, team member wang ying won the individual "big dance" first prize, wang ya and ni jindi won the individual "yi jin jing" excellence prize, and hua yanhong won the individual "health-preserving staff" excellence prize.
"at present, the team is mainly led by teacher wang ying, who is responsible for the learning, training and joint practice of the 11 sets of qigong exercises." the team leader said that while the team is doing a good job in daily practice at each station, they often conduct concentrated joint practice at the shanyun jiayuan neighborly center square, which has achieved the goal of making the team's exercises uniform, standardized and complete. "so far, all 11 sets of qigong exercises have been mastered. the leaders of each station and excellent instructors set an example and created a high-quality team."
on august 27, 2023, we achieved excellent results in the "happy jiangsu" 2023 jiangsu province health qigong site league and were reported by the china senior sports mobile multimedia platform. there are countless competitions of all kinds, whether it is team competitions or individual competitions, and countless awards have been won.
it is worth mentioning that as a folk fitness team rooted in the community streets, the houshan fitness team also actively participates in the volunteer activities of the streets. in 2023, the team participated in the anzhen street pioneer free haircut volunteer team. every sunday, free haircuts, blood pressure measurements, free knife sharpening and other volunteer service activities are carried out for the elderly residents of xianfeng village and baidanshan village, with a total of 44 activities. "these activities provide residents with many convenient services and enhance the interactive connection between elderly friends in the community. through these volunteer activities, the happiness of residents' lives has been greatly improved and the cohesion of the community has been enhanced." the team leader said that in the future, the team hopes to carry out such free haircut activities on a regular basis, wholeheartedly provide more volunteer services for the middle-aged and elderly in the street community, and convey more positive energy to the society.
yangzi evening news/ziniu news reporter huang xiyin
proofread by tao shangong