
don’t mention wenchang like this anymore, it’s so beautiful and delicious


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when capricorn transits, everything is devastated.

the cities with the greatest impact in our country are haikou, hainan, and wenchang, which is only 17 minutes away from haikou by high-speed rail.

nearly a decade ago, typhoon wilson swept through this small town.

at that time, the internet was not as developed as it is now, and most people did not know how chaotic it was and how it was reborn.

ten years later, a capricorn even more fierce than wilson came.

my old classmates in wenchang told us that communications in many villages were completely cut off, and we couldn’t contact our relatives at home. there was no water, electricity, or internet.

glass windows on high floors fell and electrical appliances were damaged.

not to mention the flat-land tiled house, in the words of my old classmates -razed to the ground.

they are very calm.

when enemies come, we will fight them; when water comes, we will block it with earth, but it is heartbreaking to watch.

according to statistics, capricorn caused an estimated loss of 60 billion yuan for haikou and wenchang. if you check their gdp, you will know that it will take them two years to recover.

how fierce is capricorn?

let’s take mulan bay in wenchang as an example.

△ photo provided by xiaohongshu@citrus tropical fish.

this is the photo of mulan bay taken by blogger citrus tropical fish before the typhoon.

hainan's deep-water bay and the wind turbines on the coast have always been a scenic spot here.

the blue sky, gentle breeze and the turning windmills make mulan bay a popular destination on the internet.

△ photo provided by xiaohongshu@citrus tropical fish.

however, after capricorn transit.

in the video records of blogger uncle damo, mulan bay has become like this.

many windmills were broken in half, causing huge losses and a horrific sight.

blogger citrus tropical fish said, capricorn, you are too cruel and let the island experience a catastrophe again.

unlike sanya and wanning which are well-known across the country, wenchang, as a niche city in hainan, has always been low-key and quiet.

△ puqian old street. photo courtesy of xiaohongshu@山介广禾

but you have to know that wenchang’s treasures are countless.

wenchang chicken, rocket launch site, foguang temple, beautiful and sparsely populated bay...

friends all hope that wenchang will be seen.

but i don’t want wenchang to be mentioned in this way.


“i hope we can remember wenchang

it reminds me of the delicious wenchang chicken."

wenchang, hainan, is a place famous for wenchang chicken.

△ chicken, chicken, so tender and juicy!

a chicken is the key to the city's dining table.

when people jokingly call coconut chicken a "shenzhen specialty", it stands to reason that people in wenchang would be dissatisfied:

why were our coconuts and wenchang chickens escorted to shenzhen?

long before the birth of shenzhen coconut chicken, hainan and guangdong had an inseparable relationship.

before 1988, hainan was called the "hainan administrative region of guangdong province". after that, it was divided into a separate province.two southern favorite places for chickenthey never reunited since then.

perhaps because they appreciate each other, people in both places always have great respect for the animal "chicken".

wenchang chickens born in wenchang also have such a great mission:

to make a wenchang chicken, there should be “100 ways to open it”.

no one knows wenchang chicken better than wenchang people, not even shenzhen people.

looking at the life of a guangdong chicken, you can see how stubborn guangdong people are about their food, demanding perfection from its shape to its posture.

in comparison, wenchang chicken looks like a loser.

it has short wings and legs, a round body and flat buttocks, which is no different from "short, fat and thick" in today's terms.

perhaps the people of wenchang pay more attention to the inner beauty of the chicken, which is why some people try to eat it for the first time.

boiled wenchang chicken

wenchang, which cannot match guangdong’s speed, is quite synchronized in eating chicken.

therefore, the fate of wenchang chicken is naturally to be boiled.

△ white cut 🐔, yyds!

wenchang tianci village is the place where wenchang chicken was born.

although good mountains and good waters produce good chickens, the deliciousness of wenchang chickens can be attributed to the villagers' dedication to raising chickens:

the first thing i do in the morning is to cook chicken rice for the chickens i raise at home.

in wenchang, people holding chicken rice can experience the pleasure of being followed by crazy fans.

but the villagers' patience could only last until the 120th day.

at this time, the fat and happy wenchang chickens will switch from free-range mode to caged mode, and continue to eat whole grains, coconut oil and coconut shreds for two months.

wenchang people firmly believe that this feeding method can create the special flavor of wenchang chicken.

the villagers who feed the chickens are not idle either. they also plant some wild coriander, ginger, small limes and so on next to the chicken coop.

there are countless ways to teach outsiders how to eat wenchang chicken on the internet, and chinese people have an extremely strong interest in tracing the origin of food. them in summary, it is best to eat locally.

when people come to the village farmhouse, the chickens have grown up, and the villagers grow ingredientsjust came in handy

as long as the chicken shop is open, people will always find a reason to go to wenchang.

coconut milk wenchang chicken

in wenchang, where chickens are everywhere, the locals do not only recognize boiled chicken like the cantonese people.

after all, hainan is truly a "god-given land".

coconut is the best companion for eating chicken, and coconut milk wenchang chicken is a good choice.

everyone sat in a small restaurant, beat the old coconut meat and young coconut into fragrant coconut milk and poured it into the pot, without adding any other ingredients, and poured the chicken into the pot.

even before taking the first bite, you can tell by just smelling the taste:

the coconut comes from dongjiao coconut grove, which dominates the coconut chicken soup base in shenzhen.not only the chicken was traced back to its origin, but also the soup base.

salt-baked wenchang chicken

no matter how many ways there are to eat chicken, salt-baking is a must.

while enjoying the delicious food, the people of wenchang will not forget to nourish the chicken - they stuff wolfberry, red dates, codonopsis pilosula, and angelica into the chicken's stomach. the chicken is salty, fragrant, tender and smooth, with a hint of medicinal flavor.

△ photo provided by xiaohongshu@mo xingxing.

there is no need to worry about your image, the correct way to eat it is to tear it into pieces.

the most popular one is next to wenchang middle school. the ratio of locals to tourists is almost the same, and they even pack up their food to take away.

△ photo provided by xiaohongshu@mo xingxing.

if you want to experience the most authentic hainan style.

you can go to the coconut park in the coconut grove in the eastern suburbs, where there is a wenchang chicken restaurant known only to the locals. it has no sign and is surrounded by ponds and farmland. people sit in a semi-open-air shed to eat.

next to it is a tall coconut tree with a hammock hung on the tree. it is very nice to lie on it and enjoy the breeze after eating.

△ chicken legs are the most popular item! photo courtesy of xiaohongshu @莫醒醒.


“i hope we can remember wenchang

it reminds me of the countless delicious foods at the beach."

wenchang is the city with the longest coastline in hainan.

therefore, it seems unreasonable not to eat seafood when visiting wenchang.

wenchang seafood

the people of wenchang venture into the sea, cultivate the sea, and make a living from the sea, bringing richness and delicious food to this place.

the word "seafood" has long been deeply rooted in the lives of wenchang people.

lobster, abalone, hairtail, spanish mackerel, mantis shrimp, conch, razor clam, sea cucumber...

there are countless seafood options.

3 yuan for an oyster, 8 yuan for a sea urchin, 30 yuan for a grouper...

cheap and delicious.

△ photo provided by xiaohongshu@mo xingxing.

you can kill them or not, just take them to the nearby fishing boat for processing.

everyone can unlock various ways of eating seafood in wenchang: garlic, stir-fry, steamed, and blanched.

△ photo/ official account @hainan culture and tourism

from common to rare, from shallow sea to deep sea, from fish to shellfish.

anyone who has watched the video of catching the sea,even if you have never been to wenchang, you already know the sea of ​​wenchang very well.

△ 3 seconds, guess what they are catching?

not only are the chicken and seafood here delicious, but the various noodles and snacks are also excellent.

wenchang baoluo rice noodles

wenchang baoluo noodles, another authentic delicacy named after "wenchang".

baoluo is a place name in wenchang.

there are as many baoluo noodle shops in wenchang as there are wenchang chicken specialty shops, and they can be found in every street and alley.

△ there are noodle shops everywhere in wenchang!

most baoluo noodle shops, in addition to pickled noodles and soup noodles, also have half-soup and half-pickled options.

unlike regular rice noodles, baoluo noodles are coarser and more like udon, but have a softer texture than udon.

the soup base is sweet and sour, and when eaten with beef jerky, lean meat, sour bamboo shoots and chili peppers, it is absolutely "wenchang".

△ different ways to prepare baoluo noodles! picture 1/ wechat official account @小岛食光

puqian dregs vinegar

when you arrive at wenchangpuqian town, you must try some dregs vinegar.

the food of dregs vinegar is like durian.people who don't like it sneer at it, but people who love it can't help themselves.

the dregs left over from winemaking are then brewed into sour-sweet dregs vinegar.

add garlic, hot sauce and oil, as well as vegetables, offal, cartilage, crab roe, oysters…just this bowl of food can give you a spicy tropical flavor.

△ it’s everywhere!

it is always the first thing that appears on the table as an appetizer before dinner.

for those who are reluctant to give up the food after eating it, the boss will sell it in plastic bottles, and you can take a bottle home for more than ten yuan.

△ some people also use dregs vinegar for hot pot! photo courtesy of xiaohongshu @莫醒醒.

wenchang chicken rice

there is no hainanese chicken rice in hainan, but hainanese chicken rice is indeed made by hainanese people.

back then, hainanese people went to singapore, malaysia and thailand, where they started selling their first chicken and rice balls.

people named this fast food combination of chicken and rice balls "hainanese chicken rice".

△ the first internet celebrity, hainanese chicken rice balls!

although there is no authentic hainanese chicken rice, there iswenchang chicken rice

even people from other cities in hainan drive here specifically to eat there.

there are so many ways to eat △ 🐔

but it is not common nowadays.

each of them is an old store that has been open for more than 20 years.

if you want to eat chicken quietly, order one or two boiled chickens or a serving of chicken rice and enjoy the tropical flavor in one bite.

the contrast between the delicious chicken and the casual environment and service is very hainanese.

△ both 🐔 and 🍚 must be golden!

dongge kueh zai

whether in a star-rated hotel or a snack street, in a tea shop or a street stall.

there will always be a bowl of dongge kueh, which is loved by wenchang people.

△ photo/ hainan culture and tourism channel

there are many kinds of kueh zai, the most famous one is made from acanthopanax affine.

it's not what you think. chicken shit vine is just the common name given to it by people in wenchang. it is a traditional chinese medicine that can relieve heat and dampness.

△ photo/ hainan culture and tourism channel

beat the chicken shit vine into juice, pour it into flour and knead it into a ball, then you can "roll" it to make rice cake.

depending on the ingredients, each bowl has a warm and spicy or sweet taste.

it can be eaten hot or the evening, when the moon is above the willows, inviting a few friends to enjoy a bowl of rice noodle soup has long become a "dietary health habit" for the islanders.

△ photo/ hainan culture and tourism channel

coconut milk refreshing drink

qingbuliang is the exclusive summer dessert for hainanese people, because hainan qingbuliang is so famous.

in wenchang, people prefer to use coconut milk to pair it with other drinks.

add red beans, coix seeds, tapioca pearls, watermelon, corn, glutinous rice balls, quail eggs, taro, jelly and other ingredients to coconut milk, mix them and make them taste good.

△ many ingredients to choose from

dessert shops in the streets and alleys will freeze the qingbuliang to be icy cold. in the hot summer, one bite will bring you back to life!

△ it’s so cold, and i want to add two ice creams!


“i hope we can remember wenchang

it reminds me of the beauty and magic of this place.”

it can go into the sea and into the sky.

this is also wenchang.

so many people say that wenchang is so magical.

the country's only coastal launch center is here.

while people were thinking about how to go to heaven, the locals in the old town were also thinking about where to go for the next good drink of lao ba tea.

△ photo/ hainan culture and tourism channel

there is the rhythm of a modern free trade port; there are also century-old streets and neighborhoods.

there are endless delicious foods to eat, as well as stunningly beautiful niche check-in spots.

stone park

this is a must-visit place in wenchang.

the pure sea and the large and small rocks scattered along the coast create a unique landscape.

walking on the beach, the clear sea water hits the rocks and then slowly recedes from the beach, which is particularly pristine.

moon bay

moon bay, the beach is flat and wide.

some people describe this place as a beautiful place that has never been visited by humans.

foguang temple

it was built in imitation of the sakyamuni buddha statue and buddhist temple on the top of pattaya mountain in thailand, and is known as the "bronze drum buddha light".

you can see beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

east suburb coconut grove

dongjiao coconut grove is one of the most famous attractions in wenchang.

whether in the minds of locals or outsiders, the east suburb coconut grove is a unique feature of wenchang and even the entire hainan.

half of the coconuts produced in hainan every year come from wenchang.

large tracts of emerald green coconut groves form a cozy "little place", with the sea not far away, which makes it extremely happy.

during the day, you can enjoy the sea breeze or lie in a hammock between coconut trees, and be happy without knowing the time is passing.

in the evening, this place turns red, and the setting sun makes the coconut groves look like hainan in the evening.

last time i went to wenchang,

in addition to the leisurely atmosphere here, what impressed me most was dad’s tea.

△ dad’s tea!

on lazy afternoons, many wenchang people will go to drink dad’s tea.

most tea shops are not decorated in a very fancy way and are located on the street.

if you arrive late, the place is often crowded and filled with smoke, with people sitting inside quietly "drinking tea".

there are many types of tea, such as homemade green, black tea, or chrysanthemum and jasmine.

wenchang people also eat some snacks while drinking tea, and there are many kinds of snacks:

mung bean soup, qingbuliang, fried dough sticks, dim sum, etc. the baoluo rice noodles mentioned above are also one of the snacks for drinking tea.

i could spend the whole day just drinking tea.

i think it is an emotional exchange and also a unique life paradigm for wenchang people.

the typhoon has now passed, but post-disaster reconstruction has just begun.

i hope wenchang can recover its former beauty and relaxation soon.

drink dad's tea in the afternoon.

watching the sea breeze at night,

eat another wenchang chicken.

this is the correct way to remember wenchang.