
latest! fadada and zhixianghui jointly released the "seventh human resources shared service center research report"


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on september 5, the "all in 2024 human resources service exhibition-shanghai station" was grandly held at the shanghai international procurement exhibition the exhibition, the "seventh human resources shared service center research report" jointly published by the human resources intelligence sharing forum (hereinafter referred to as "intelligent sharing forum") and fadada was officially released.the report is based on industry change trends and dialogues with corporate executives and industry experts. it deeply explores the second half of hrssc's (human resources shared service center) strategy from the dimensions of existing problems and challenges, its own value, value-added empowerment, and how to make good use of digital tools.
zhixianghui is a high-end, professional and influential enterprise in china, providing membership services to professionals in the field of human resources in china. in this report, based on the fact that the establishment and operation of human resources shared service centers often involve a variety of digital tools, zhixianghui specially selected "electronic signature" as a typical representative of digital tools, and conducted market research from four aspects: online rate of electronic signature, application scenarios, deployment mode, and manufacturer selection.the results show that 84.47% of the participating companies have launched electronic signatures.
(search for the “fadada” wechat account to download the full report for free)
hrssc opens the second half, "tools", "localization" and "digitalization" become high-frequency words
faced with market fluctuations and intensified competition, digital transformation is not only a development trend, but also a necessary means for enterprises to cope with changes in the external environment. as the "vanguard" of digital transformation of human resources in most enterprises, the human resources shared service center has been stable after 10 years of "rapid growth" from 2012 to 2022, and the establishment rate has remained at around 60% in recent years.
it is worth noting that compared with 2012, the number of local enterprises building sscs in 2024 has increased from 10% in the past to 44.66%.there is an obvious trend of “localization” in human resources shared service centers.
as ssc continues to mature, exploring more personalized digital solutions, implementing refined management based on local conditions, and deeply mining data value to assist business decision-making have become new challenges facing human resource shared service an important tool for enterprise digital transformation, electronic signature is widely used in ssc upgrade strategy.
more than 80% of the participating enterprises have been connected, and electronic signature fully empowers hrssc
the report shows that more than 80% of the participating companies have already launched electronic signatures, and the vast majority of participating companies that have not yet introduced electronic signatures also stated that they are considering introducing electronic signatures in the future.
in terms of application scenarios,it has become a common practice for companies to use electronic signatures in the recruitment and resignation process. among them, the "offer signing" in the onboarding process is the most frequently used scenario, with a usage rate of 81.61%. in addition to the application in basic scenarios such as entry, transfer, and resignation, the survey also found that some companies have begun to apply electronic signatures to areas such as salary, taxation, and social insurance, which shows that the application of electronic signatures in human resources shared service centers is gradually diversifying.
in terms of deployment methods,among the enterprises that have launched electronic signature, nearly 60% use saas service solutions provided by electronic signature manufacturers, of which 37.93% choose to store contract documents on cloud servers, and 21.84% choose to store contract documents within the company. at the same time, more than 30% of enterprises choose to deploy the electronic signature system within the company.
at the same time, most of the participating companies that use saas service solutions provided by electronic signature manufacturers have also integrated electronic signature applications into their internal business application systems.
in terms of electronic signature manufacturer selection,human resource managers attach far more importance to "the degree of connection with other systems" and "after-sales service and guidance" than other factors, accounting for 72.41% and 50.57% respectively, which are factors that will directly affect the convenience of enterprises in using e-signatures after they are launched. from considering price and brand to connection and after-sales service, the application of e-signatures by enterprises is gradually maturing and deepening.
in addition to the above content, this report also interviews corporate executives and deeply interprets the success stories of many industry leading companies such as faw-volkswagen, centaline property, greentown international, boe, wanda, debon securities, vivo holdings and state-owned enterprises, empowering human resources upgrade construction from multiple perspectives and dimensions.
as a safe and efficient electronic contract intelligent signing and management platform, fadada's services in the field of human resources have covered various industries such as logistics, consumption, catering, manufacturing, construction and real estate, finance, medical care, internet, e-commerce, etc. many well-known companies such as ctrip, haier, yinlu, peacebird, stanley, china southern airlines, jitu express, jiu mao jiu, wufangzhai, three squirrels, perfect, semir, etc. have already carried out in-depth application of fadada electronic signature in human resources scenarios.
(search for the “fadada” wechat account to download the full report for free) (xianning news network)