
study times front-page commentary: let reformers rise, and those who don’t reform fall


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after the political line is determined, cadres are the decisive factor. the third plenary session of the 20th cpc central committee opened a new journey of further deepening reform and promoting chinese-style modernization, emphasizing the need to "implement reform with a spirit of perseverance" and "test reform with actual results and people's satisfaction". we must be practical in understanding reform, planning reform, and implementing reform. in the new round of reform, we must train, test, and select cadres, and strive to form a personnel orientation that promotes reformers and demotes those who do not reform, select and use those who want to reform, plan for reform, and are good at reform, and continuously push the reform ship forward.

comprehensively deepening reform is a broad and profound social revolution involving all aspects of the whole process. only by actively reforming can we seize the historical initiative and strive for development opportunities. stagnation will inevitably be eliminated by history and abandoned by the times. at present, comprehensively deepening reform has entered a deep-water zone and a critical period. the scope involved is wide, the interests involved are deep, the difficulty of tackling tough problems is great, and the risks and challenges are unprecedented. many problems cannot be avoided or circumvented. if the pace of reform is small, the progress is slow, the intensity is weak, and there is hesitation, we will miss development opportunities, delay the reform process, and even give up halfway and lose all previous efforts. party members and cadres are the backbone of promoting comprehensive deepening reform. only by forming an atmosphere of supporting reform, advocating reform, praising reform, and promoting reform, and letting reformers rise and non-reformers fall, can we adhere to the strong leadership of the party in comprehensively deepening reform, firmly grasp the initiative of reform, implement the major decisions and arrangements of the party central committee, and achieve results, and effectively respond to various risks and challenges and withstand various major tests.

who to use and who not to use is a direct reflection of the principles of cadre standards and the clarity of cadre policies. only by establishing a correct orientation for the use of personnel will party members and cadres know where to go and be in awe, and the courage to reform and take responsibility will become a common practice. strict standards for employment should be adopted to select cadres who have a clear stance, effective measures, and strong execution in implementing the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee. we must not use cadres who disobey orders, stop prohibitions, make choices that make adjustments, or act insincerely; we must select cadres who dare to fight against the difficulties of high-quality development, are determined to reform, are proactive, and are good at overcoming difficulties. we must not use cadres who take detours when encountering problems, passively dodge, are timid, or lie down and let things rot; we must select cadres who are able to adapt to the needs of modernization, have high qualities, strong skills, outstanding reform achievements, and remarkable development results. we will not use cadres who are "only in charge but not on the battlefield", who are mediocre and inactive, who are greedy for empty achievements, who are keen on creating momentum and putting up flower stands, and who engage in "image projects" and "political achievement projects"; we will select cadres who are concerned about the overall situation and the long-term, who benefit the people, who do not seek personal gain, and who are honest and upright, and we will resolutely not use cadres who are seriously parochial, who are eager for quick success and instant benefits, who engage in "half-finished projects", who eat up the next year's food before the current one, who seek personal gain in the name of reform, and who waste people's money and labor, so that those who dare to reform, are good at reform, and who can become reformers can have positions, be valued, and be rewarded, and those who do not reform, fake reform, and make mistakes in reforming can be removed from their positions, have their hats removed, and be punished. we will give full play to the role of assessment as a "baton", deepen and implement the assessment of the political quality of cadres, improve the performance assessment methods, especially improve the performance assessment methods for promoting comprehensive and in-depth reform, improve the mechanism for promoting the promotion and demotion of cadres, further refine the circumstances, and optimize the procedures, so that those who reform can be promoted with confidence, and those who do not reform can be demoted with conviction, and promote the formation of a good situation in which the capable are promoted, the excellent are rewarded, the mediocre are demoted, and the inferior are eliminated.

of course, it is impossible for every work to succeed without failure, especially reform. comprehensively deepening reform is a process of exploration and practice. in many aspects, we need to take roads that our predecessors have not taken and do things that our predecessors have not done. we need to break through the shackles of old ideas and concepts and the obstacles of outdated systems and mechanisms. it is inevitable that some people's "cheese" will be touched, and we will encounter the fetters of various complex relationships, make various mistakes, and even be falsely accused, framed, retaliated, and pay a heavy price. let reformers have the heart to do things without worrying about others. organizations at all levels must clearly support and encourage cadres who are responsible for reform and innovation. implement the "three distinctions", correctly view and distinguish the mistakes and errors made by cadres in performing their duties, reasonably define the circumstances of reducing and exempting responsibilities, and boldly use disciplinary measures against cadres with outstanding performance and outstanding achievements after the expiration of the impact period, so as not to let cadres bear unreasonable "reform costs" and effectively prevent the "dishwashing effect". we will establish and improve a mechanism for clarifying and rectifying names, promptly clarify and rectify names for cadres who have been falsely reported, falsely accused, or framed, and severely punish false accusations, frame-ups, and retaliation in accordance with discipline and law, so that reformers will not "sweat and cry." we will implement measures of care and concern, give full play to the effects of the parallel system of positions and ranks, help solve the practical difficulties of cadres, actively select advanced reform models, increase commendation and rewards, and further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the majority of party members and cadres to participate in the comprehensive deepening of reform.

only those who reform can make progress, only those who innovate can become strong, and only those who reform and innovate can win. party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres must closely unite around the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core, be brave doers and promoters of reform, be determined to reform, take responsibility, turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality, and write a new chapter in further comprehensively deepening reform and promoting chinese-style modernization.