
why are netizens even more dissatisfied after the second report on the land rover woman who drove against traffic and hit someone was released?


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on august 13, a 38-year-old woman named wang from laoshan, qingdao, drove against the flow on a road near the qingshan village observation deck in laoshan scenic area. she ended up beating up a 26-year-old man from laoshan who refused to give way to her.

he was beaten six times in total.

and he didn't beat the man with bare hands, he was armed with weapons.

while beating him, the woman also cursed him crazily and shouted arrogantly:"what's wrong with me driving in the wrong direction? what's wrong with me hitting you?" "call the police."

on august 29, the police in laoshan, qingdao issued a notice stating that a 38-year-old laoshan woman named wang, who drove in the opposite direction and insulted and beat others, was sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention and a fine of 1,000 yuan.

the 10-day detention and 1,000 yuan fine in the notice sparked dissatisfaction among netizens, who believed that the punishment was too light.

on september 3, the qingdao municipal public security bureau of shandong province issued a report on the situation, stating that a special working group had been set up to conduct an investigation in accordance with the law. the full text of the report is as follows:

after the notice was issued, the topic "qingdao police report that wang drove in the wrong direction and beat others" firmly occupied the top spot on weibo's hot search list, and the number of readings quickly reached a staggering 520 million, and 307 media outlets published it.

what’s interesting is that for some unknown reason, the qingdao public security bureau’s official weibo account deleted the content and reposted it.

however, this hot search is not a good thing for qingdao police, because from the perspective of public opinion, it is obvious that this notice is a failure, almosthe successfully directed netizens' anger towards the woman driving a land rover against traffic and hitting someone towards himself.

because many netizens feel that this notice is simply looking for excuses for the illegal behavior of the woman who hit someone in the land rover. here are 5 comments from well-known influencers.

first, the question is whether the notice is whitewashing the land rover woman who hit someone while driving against traffic. one netizen commented, "after reading the entire notice, it seems that she was driving against traffic, so why couldn't she give way? an official agency came out and said that law-abiding people should give way to lawbreakers. this is unacceptable to most people and runs counter to the national propaganda."

second, it pointed out that there was not a single word in the notice criticizing serious violations of road traffic safety, but instead made people feel that normal drivers who did not give way to illegal vehicles were also at fault. it also emphasized that "in addition to restoring the ins and outs and objective truth of the beating incident, the public needs more official words and attitudes that can represent justice." "only by punishing evil can good be promoted. unfortunately, there is not a single word about this in this notice."

third, it emphasizes that "social order should be maintained, and going against it is is right to force those who are going against the flow to retreat. we should not compromise. this is the correct public opinion atmosphere in society! we cannot encourage the phenomenon of people going against the flow to cut in line.we must also oppose people who cut in line against the flow of traffic and also beat and swear at others!the ultimate goal of the law is to prevent those who go against the flow and beat others from being so arrogant, rather than for the victims to just blame themselves for their bad luck!

the fourth one pointed out that the reason why netizens did not buy into the police's announcement was that "in order to dilute the public's anger and dissatisfaction with the land rover woman and the resentment towards the police for their lenient punishment of the land rover woman,put the blame on the victim。”

fifth, to summarize, the case of the land rover woman who drove against traffic and beat others experienced three waves of public opinion, saying that the police did not respond in time and "missed the second chance to save the situation", and "successfully attracted the anger towards the land rover woman to themselves", "suggesting to be wishy-washy and biased".

the sixth one pointed out quite sharply: to be honest, in reality, when we encounter people cutting in line, driving against traffic, blocking seats, or grabbing seats, and we are too cowardly to do anything but sulk, who wouldn't want a hero to come out and kick the other person into the ditch? but now, such a person has really appeared, and his behavior has been interpreted by the official as "aggressive".

the editor is also quite confused about this announcement from qingdao police.

the first question is whether he is suspected of the crime of provoking trouble?

let’s look directly at the “interpretation of the supreme people’s court and the supreme people’s procuratorate on several issues concerning the application of law in handling criminal cases of provoking trouble”. article 1 states:if a person creates trouble out of nothing for the purpose of seeking excitement, venting emotions, showing off his strength, etc., and commits acts stipulated in article 293 of the criminal law, he shall be deemed to be "picking quarrels and provoking trouble."if a person creates trouble based on occasional conflicts and disputes in daily life and commits acts stipulated in article 293 of the criminal law, he shall be deemed to have "picked quarrels and provoked trouble", except where the conflict was intentionally caused by the victim or the victim is primarily responsible for the escalation of the conflict.

article 2 provides:beating others at will and disrupting social orderany of the following circumstances shall be deemed as "serious circumstances" as provided for in article 293, paragraph 1, item 1 of the criminal law:(6) beating others at will in public places, causing serious disorder in public order; (vii) other circumstances of serious nature.

so, is the behavior of the land rover woman who drove against the traffic and hit someoneis it "venting emotions, showing off, etc., making trouble out of nothing"? is it "beating others at will and disrupting social order"? is it "beating others at will in public places" and "causing serious disorder in public places"?

second, what does the notice mean by “continued follow-up and moving forward”?

let’s look at two cases in this regard.

the first was a post on november 13, 2020 by the official weibo account of the publicity bureau of the ministry of public security, "police and citizens go hand in hand", which said that "a driver in qingdao drove against traffic and blocked the road, saying that he could not reverse, and the traffic police persuaded him to retreat." at about 7 a.m. on november 12, a white car drove against traffic and blocked the road on a road that a community in qingdao, shandong must pass through. the blocked driver asked the white car to go back, but the driver said that he could not reverse. afterwards, the traffic police rushed to the scene, and faced with the traffic police's relentless pressure, the white car drove against traffic had to retreat.

the second one is a video showing a large truck forcing a car driving in the wrong direction to retreat.

is this what is called "continuous forward follow-up movement"?

third, should we really sympathize with the woman in the land rover who drove against the traffic and hit someone?

some netizens pointed out that the notice specifically described the detail that the female driver, wang, "drove the vehicle to the hospital for an appointment for medical treatment," which seemed to be intended to create a sense of urgency and pave the way for her subsequent behavior.judging from wang's repeated insults and repeated beatings of the male driver, she had no sense of urgency and was in good health., of course, anywhere there is sympathy.

fourth, what kind of guidance should the government convey to society and the public?

obviously, whether it is an incident or a case,the message and direction that the authorities want to convey to society and the public must be clear: "legality cannot give in to illegality." it must make lawbreakers feel awe and law-abiding people feel at ease, rather than the opposite.for this case, it is necessary to make the public clearly aware that driving against traffic is illegal, and to let the public understand that vehicles driving against traffic must reverse when facing vehicles driving normally, and vehicles driving normally do not need to give way to vehicles driving against traffic.

here is a quote from a comment by blogger "fifth jianli":a society ruled by law is a society ruled by rules. giving in to law-abiding people is not upholding the rules, but destroying them. demanding that those who follow the rules should show gentlemanly manners to those who go against the rules but are not ladylike is confusing right and wrong and encouraging is the nature of human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm. if the cost of abiding by the law is higher than the cost of breaking the law, and the loss of abiding by the law is greater than the loss of breaking the law, and even makes law-abiding people become lambs to be insulted and violated by lawbreakers, is an inevitable trend that lawbreakers are increasing in number and law-abiding people are decreasing in number.natural law, national law, and human feelings have never existed in isolation from each other, but are organically unified.the legal, social and political effects of case handling, the same is true. to make the people feel fairness and justice in every case, in other words,we must ensure that every case plays a role in promoting positive energy and achieves results that satisfy the, did the result of the case of the female land rover driver driving against traffic and beating others play a role in promoting righteousness? did it achieve a satisfactory result for the masses? the answer lies in the hearts of the people, and the comments lie in the hearts of the people.the more important question than whether you can fight back after being beaten and whether fighting back is a fight is: how should we educate our children?what should boys be like? what should girls be like? what kind of role models should they learn from? how should they face the rules of a society ruled by law? how should they achieve unity of knowledge and action in classroom education and social practice and avoid split personality? these are realistic issues that we cannot avoid and must seriously consider.

yes,previously, netizens were still arguing about whether to fight back in the face of violence, but now the authorities have changed this to "continue to move forward and follow up" because they don't give way to the people going against the flow!

yesterday, there was new news about a case in which a boy fell off his bike and was crushed to death in the opposite lane. the driver was arrested. however, the boy's father, the organizer of the cyclists, and the person who knocked down the boy, who were directly responsible, were not punished.

putting this case together, it is more than just a sigh!