
the delivery of pre-sale houses has been delayed repeatedly. many owners claim that the houses are leaking and seeping. the developer said that they will be delivered after rectification in the near future.


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recently, mr. zhang, a shanghai homeowner, reported to the paper's quality complaint platform ( that he bought a commercial house in minhang district, shanghai in 2022. now the delivery is approaching but has been repeatedly postponed. during the preview of the house, he found that there were many quality problems such as water leaks and uneven floor heights. he has not received any rectification or response from the developer. "now i am afraid that the developer will not deliver the house, and i am afraid that i will be forced to take possession of the house."
in response to the above situation, the person in charge of the huacao park hyatt qianwan project said that the project's delivery date was indeed delayed compared to the contractual agreement, and it is currently being rushed to the finish line and waiting for government acceptance, with plans to deliver it in the near future. regarding the problems raised by the owners, rectification will be completed in accordance with relevant regulations before formal delivery.
when the homeowner previewed the house in june, he discovered that there were leaks and water seepage in many places in the house.
the property delivery was repeatedly delayed, and many problems were found during the preview
according to mr. zhang, in june 2022, he took a fancy to a commercial housing unit in the country garden·park hyatt qianwan (now named "huacao·park hyatt qianwan") community in minhang district, shanghai, and signed a "commercial housing presale contract" with the developer on july 4. the total price of the house was about 6 million yuan. the contract stipulated that the house would be delivered with fine decoration on june 20, 2024.
however, on the eve of delivery, mr. zhang received a series of delayed delivery notices from the developer. "on june 8, it said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the delivery was expected to be postponed to july 31. on july 28, another notice was sent saying that the delivery would be postponed to mid-to-late august." mr. zhang said that after two postponements, the project still had not been delivered normally by september.
mr. zhang said that before the delayed delivery, the developer had organized the owners to preview the house even though the conditions of the house did not meet the standards. "at that time, the public areas and the interior construction of the house were not completed, but many quality problems had already been discovered."
according to mr. zhang's introduction and the pictures he provided, there were many leaks and seepages in the house. "as soon as we turned on the faucets in the bathroom and kitchen, water started to leak from below, and the whole house was flooded." mr. zhang said that more than half of the owners reported that their houses were leaking. in addition, about 20 owners' homes were "soaked in water", "the wall skin was floating, and the ceilings of the living room, house, and elevator hall were yellowed and had water stains."
in addition, mr. zhang said that the floor of the house was hollow, uneven, and soft. "it was soft when you stepped on it. later, one owner's house had its floor lifted up due to water damage. we discovered that the floor was not leveled at all, and the floor heating pipes and floor were directly laid, which made it soft when you stepped on it. in some places, the height difference even reached more than one centimeter."
mr. zhang told the paper that after discovering the above problems, the owners sorted out the housing problems and reported them to the developer. however, from july 8 to july 14, the developer organized the owners to view the house again without making any rectifications, and forced the owners to sign for confirmation. "at that time, there were still problems such as hollow tiles, water leakage in the house, and water soaking of multiple floors."
on august 28, mr. zhang and the owners received the third notice of delayed delivery, stating that the delivery time is expected to be postponed to around september 12. this made mr. zhang very frustrated. "on the one hand, the problems we reported have not been rectified yet, and we are worried that the developer will force the delivery of the houses. on the other hand, the delay in delivery has put the owners under great financial pressure. they have to pay their mortgages and rents at the same time. some owners bought furniture and appliances on june 20 as stipulated in the contract, but now they have to spend money to rent warehouses." mr. zhang said that the owners are currently unable to enter the community, and no one responded to the developer's inquiry on the rectification progress.
the developer issued a third notice of delayed delivery
developer: plan to rectify and deliver in the near future
according to the paper, the developer of the property involved, huacao park hyatt qianwan, is shanghai lingsheng real estate development co., ltd., a subsidiary of country garden.
in response to the above situation, on august 30, a reporter from the paper called the developer of huacao park hyatt qianwan. the person in charge of the project stated that the real estate project was affected by the epidemic and other comprehensive factors, and the delivery date was indeed delayed compared to the contract agreement. "the project is currently being completed and awaiting government acceptance, and is scheduled to be delivered in the near future."
in response to the problems raised by the owners such as water leakage, water soaking, and floor tiles, the person in charge said that the project attaches great importance to the opinions of the owners, and all kinds of problems reflected during the preview of the house will be rectified before the formal delivery in accordance with relevant specifications.
the paper reporter li siwen and intern shu zhaoying
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)