
increased investment: in the first half of the year, 15 of the 19 large and medium-sized banks saw an increase in the balance of real estate loans


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the real estate loan allocation and latest asset quality of large and medium-sized banks in the first half of this year were subsequently revealed.
the paper found that in the first half of this year, among the 19 listed banks in the first and second tiers of the real estate loan concentration management system, the balance of real estate loans by industry increased for 15 banks, while the balance of 4 banks decreased.
as large and medium-sized banks increased their real estate loans, the non-performing loan ratio also improved. among the 17 large and medium-sized banks that disclosed the non-performing loan ratio of real estate industry, 4 increased, 1 remained unchanged, and 12 decreased.
these 19 listed banks include the first-tier large chinese banks, namely icbc, ccb, abc, boc, boc and postal savings bank of china; and 13 of the second-tier 17 medium-sized chinese banks, namely 10 listed national joint-stock commercial banks (cmb, spdb, industrial bank, citic, minsheng bank, everbright bank, ping an bank, hua xia, bohai bank and cz commercial bank) as well as bank of beijing, bank of shanghai and bank of jiangsu.
increased investment: the balance of real estate loans of the six state-owned banks increased in the first half of the year
the real estate balances of the six state-owned banks all increased in the first half of this year.
increase and decrease of real estate loans of large and medium-sized banks in the first half of 2024
among them, icbc, boc and ccb had the highest growth in real estate loans, while the new scale of bank of communications, postal savings bank of china and agricultural bank of china also exceeded 30 billion yuan in the first half of the year.
among the 10 joint-stock banks, only minsheng bank saw a decrease in its real estate loan balance in the first half of the year. china merchants bank, citic bank, china everbright bank and ping an bank, whose real estate loan balances decreased in 2023, all achieved an increase in balance in the first half of this year.
in the first half of this year, the balance of real estate loans of industrial bank and shanghai pudong development bank increased by more than 30 billion yuan. in terms of balance, industrial bank and shanghai pudong development bank have the highest balance of real estate loans among joint-stock banks.
among the three city commercial banks, the balance of real estate loans of bank of beijing increased, while that of bank of shanghai and bank of jiangsu decreased.
the non-performing loans of real estate industry of 7 large and medium-sized banks have both dropped
in the first half of this year, seven large and medium-sized banks saw a "double decrease" in non-performing loans in the real estate industry, while two saw a "double increase".
asset quality of real estate loans of large and medium-sized banks in the first half of this year“/” indicates that relevant data is not disclosed in the current performance report
among all 17 banks that disclosed their non-performing loan ratios in the real estate sector, the non-performing loan ratios of the six state-owned banks did not increase. except for the agricultural bank of china, which remained unchanged, the non-performing loan ratios of the other five state-owned banks all declined.
among the 15 banks that disclosed the balance of real estate non-performing loans, 7 increased and 8 decreased. among them, icbc had the largest increase in real estate non-performing loans among large and medium-sized banks.
both industrial bank and china minsheng bank saw an increase in non-performing loans in the real estate sector in the first half of this year.
the management of several major banks also elaborated on their judgment on the current real estate market and the asset quality of their own corporate real estate businesses at the mid-term performance briefing.
liu hong, deputy president of the agricultural bank of china, said at the performance meeting that in the first half of this year, the country actively guided the optimization and adjustment of real estate industry policies, and through a combination of measures such as lowering loan interest rates, reducing down payment ratios, and canceling purchase restrictions, a loose policy environment has been maintained. positive changes have occurred in the market, with commercial housing sales in some regions and cities showing signs of improvement, and positive signs of a gradual recovery in market confidence.
li jiangjiang, vice president of ccb, said that the policy effects on both the supply and demand sides of the real estate industry are gradually being released, and positive changes have occurred in the real estate market. ccb resolutely implements the decisions and arrangements of the cpc central committee and the state council, solidly implements the coordination mechanism of guaranteed delivery of houses and real estate financing, intensifies efforts to prevent and resolve risks, and implements various measures to achieve results. in the first half of the year, ccb achieved a decline in both the amount and rate of non-performing loans in the real estate industry, with the rate falling by 0.44 percentage points from the end of the previous year, and the exposure to non-performing loans also decreased simultaneously.
many banks have stated that the overall risk of real estate industry asset quality is currently controllable.
icbc vice president wang jingwu said that icbc has adopted comprehensive measures from the four aspects of "increasing prevention and treating" to ensure asset selection while implementing the real estate financing coordination mechanism. it has focused on building a decentralized, diversified and balanced real estate investment and financing structure, stepped up efforts to dispose of and clear risky real estate companies and projects, and increased the ratio of provision withdrawal. the overall quality of real estate assets has remained stable.
liu jiandong, risk director of bank of china, said that in the first half of this year, the external financing environment for real estate companies has improved. at the same time, bank of china has continued to strengthen risk management and control and improve its collection and resolution capabilities. as of the end of june, the balance of real estate non-performing loans and the non-performing loan ratio have both decreased compared with the end of last year. overall, the risks of bank of china's real estate industry are generally controllable.
talking about the next steps in risk prevention and control measures for real estate business, liu jianjun, chief risk officer of bank of communications, said that some real estate enterprises still face certain pressure to reduce their related loan businesses because their endogenous cash flow has not been fully restored. bank of communications will implement the state's regulatory policies on the real estate sector, including guaranteeing the delivery of houses and the coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, and effectively promote the resolution of risks in the real estate sector with a policy for each household.
the paper reporter chen yueshi
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)