
outlook|regulating “ghost food delivery” platforms cannot be absent


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text | yue dong
recently, the media exposed a number of "ghost food delivery" stores that borrowed other people's business licenses, used fake addresses and photos to operate, but became high-scoring stores on food delivery platforms. law enforcement officers filed a case to investigate the relevant illegal acts, and the stores involved have been suspended for rectification and removed from all food delivery platforms.
this is not the first time that "ghost takeaway" has appeared. as early as 2016, a reporter found that some takeaway shops in shanghai had "yin and yang addresses" and "multiple stores with one license". even if the relevant functional departments strictly investigate and crack down on it, "ghost takeaway" always seems to "revive".
the key reason lies in the lack of platform supervision. in order to quickly attract merchants to settle in and seize market share, the platform is relatively lax in reviewing merchants who apply to go online, and does not strictly check their business qualifications and actual store conditions, resulting in an influx of illegal merchants; at the same time, due to insufficient punishment, some merchants change their names and go online again after their stores are closed, making this phenomenon unstoppable. inadequate platform supervision has damaged the reputation of normal business operations and infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.
to regulate "ghost takeaways", the takeaway platform must first assume the main responsibility. as a bridge between merchants and consumers, the platform has the responsibility to conduct strict audits and daily supervision of merchants, and cannot be a "hands-off shopkeeper". the first is to improve the audit standards and conduct on-site inspections. the platform must strictly review the relevant business qualification certificates of the merchants and send special personnel to visit the site to ensure that the store's business address, business environment and license information are consistent. the second is to strengthen technical screening and improve reward and punishment measures. the platform can use big data and artificial intelligence technology to identify false information released by merchants and detect abnormal behavior. after discovering violations, the subject involved will be restricted or cleared, and recorded in the unified credit system, permanently prohibiting it from joining the takeaway platform.
in addition, regulatory authorities also need to increase law enforcement efforts, strengthen routine inspections and surprise inspections of the takeaway industry, ensure that there are no blind spots in supervision, and ensure consumers' "safety on the tip of the tongue." ■