
li dan's promotional products were well received but not popular


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li dan, who was absent from the talk show, has quietly become the top influencer on xiaohongshu.

"as long as li dan starts broadcasting, he almost always ranks first on xiaohongshu's buyer list, and his list index far exceeds the second place," said a user who often watches li dan's live broadcasts.

rather than selling goods, li dan's live broadcast room is more like an "emotional radio station": fans can submit letters to the store and talk about their troubles in life and work. li dan's main task in the live broadcast room is to read the letters and give suggestions, and he does not explain the products in detail. the announcement on the upper right corner of the live broadcast room also reads: "fully automatic store, everyone help sell."

in the live broadcast room, you can hear all kinds of drama stories. "a senior girl had three boyfriends at the same time," "i had two boyfriends and didn't know which one to choose, so i chose the third one," "i had a relationship with my husband's friend for half a year, and he wanted me to divorce but i thought it was too much trouble." these popular submissions have become popular content on the platform, and li dan is likely to become a top anchor who sells goods.

"i can escape li jiaqi and dong yuhui, but i can't escape li dan," said one user. like li jiaqi's girlfriend and dong yuhui's mother-in-law, the main group of li dan's live broadcast room is also female users.

xinhong data shows that women account for as high as 88.54% of li dan’s fans, mainly distributed in second-tier cities and above.

but in fact, compared with the sales performance of anchors such as li jiaqi and dong yuhui, whose gmv of a single live broadcast often exceeds 100 million, li dan's live broadcast room seems to be just a flash in the pan.

the july list of celebrities who sold goods through live streaming on xiaohongshu released by dt research institute shows that li dan ranks fifth. the top four are dong jie, wu xin, yi nengjing and song yanfei. li dan ranks 28th in the overall list with estimated sales of over 6.8 million.

this sales performance does not seem to match the title of the top influencer. the reason for this gap, in addition to the fact that li dan's live broadcast room has just started, is more importantly the category of goods sold in li dan's live broadcast room and the user group.

the xiaohongshu live broadcast hot list is ranked based on factors such as transaction amount, number of transactions, audience stay time, and live broadcast room interaction rate. the notable feature of li dan's live broadcast room is that the number of transactions, stay time, and interaction rate are high, but the average customer price is low.

the above-mentioned dt report mentioned that in july, the average customer spending in dong jie and wu xin's live broadcast rooms was 340+ and 310+ respectively, while that in li dan's live broadcast room was 80+. although its sales volume exceeded wu xin's, its total sales volume was only 1/3 of that in wu xin's live broadcast room.

of course, li dan's live broadcast room is in a period of rising traffic recently. in the eight live broadcasts in august, the gmv of his live broadcast room is in a climbing stage. xinhong data shows that on august 5, the gmv of his live broadcast room was 104,400 yuan, and on august 29, the gmv of the live broadcast room had climbed to 2.4368 million yuan.

li dan has blazed a trail for live streaming sales through emotional live streaming, and his style of giving advice to sisters has also earned him a lot of goodwill, but li dan still has a lot of steps to climb before he can truly become the top live streaming sales anchor.

why is the proportion of female users in li dan's live broadcast room as high as 80%? the reason is that his live broadcast content simultaneously meets the multiple emotional needs of women for gossip, empathy and companionship.

when other emotional anchors give advice, they will inevitably add "teaching you how to do things" and "being a teacher". but in li dan's live broadcast room, netizens feel more like they are listening to a talk show on gender issues. li dan expresses his views from a male perspective, but his jokes and performances do not sound "fatherly".

when reading a letter with a dramatic plot, li dan can laugh for half a minute, just like a close friend sharing gossip with you. then he picks up a beef stick, pretends to smoke, reads a sentence, takes a puff, laughs for a while, and continues. the gossipy energy makes netizens call him "li dan is playing me".

such a move undoubtedly cleverly combines the scenes submitted by fans with the goods to be sold. in the comment section, some netizens asked "what did mr. dan draw?" the sisters enthusiastically gave directions, turned into assistants, and spontaneously helped mr. dan sell goods.

li dan, who holds high the banner of "feminism", empathizes with the entire female group.when reading some letters with moral flaws, he would first stand from the perspective of protecting girls and ask everyone to "stop swearing". when encountering stories about philandering submissions, he would also first say "this is a natural born love saint" and "all the love in the world deserves to be yours", giving full emotional value.

for these female users, being in li dan’s live broadcast room is more about seeing content and hosts they like, and giving them rewards to encourage him to continue creating.“we need to eat snacks anyway, and we can buy them anywhere. what if i can’t make any money and li dan stops broadcasting? where can i go to listen to so many jokes about real-life themes?” nuan nuan, a girl born in the 1990s, bought beef crispy and milk slices in li dan’s live broadcast room. “the average order value is not high, so i’ll just consider it as buying a ticket.” in addition, many fans directly gave li dan virtual gifts.

li dan sometimes broadcasts live while lying on the bed, and sometimes seems careless, but he puts a lot of thought into the selection of products in his live broadcast room.

the live broadcast room mainly sells three types of things: snacks, wine and books. the products that have been selling well are mainly inner mongolia beef jerky, beef crisps, milk jerky and white wine. these products are highly compatible with li dan's labels such as inner mongolian, writer, talk show actor, literary youth and drinker. snacks, the largest category sold, also cater to the purchasing preferences of young women.

these live broadcast contents are also cut into different slices and published on different platforms. most of them will link to the same live broadcast products of li dan. among them, the account with the most fans has more than 200,000 fans, and its video sales in 30 days have reached 25,000-50,000.

the slices formed a secondary spread, which snowballed the traffic of li dan's live broadcast room. on the days when li dan was not live, there were always sisters posting and looking forward to it, and these slices also became meal replacements.

in fact, this is not the first time li dan has promoted products.

as early as 2020, li dan appeared in the "make friends" live broadcast room as a guest, and then made his first live broadcast sales attempt on douyin, achieving a gmv of more than 27 million yuan.

during the double 12 period in 2022, li dan joined taobao live, and the agency operating the live broadcast "make friends" achieved a sales performance of over 32 million yuan gmv in a single game.

however, li dan's live streaming business did not last. according to feigua data, li dan only held three live streaming sales on douyin in 2023, with cumulative sales of about 25 million to 50 million.

whether it is douyin or taobao, li dan has not made much of a splash with his live streaming sales. as a fan of li dan, aya, a girl born in the 1990s, went to watch li dan's first taobao live streaming show. "the promotion repeatedly mentioned 'happy open microphone', and i thought i could listen to a talk show, but in fact it was mainly about explaining the products. occasionally, one or two golden sentences came out, but they were more like embellishments, a bit stiff, and even boring."

although li dan contributed many golden sentences and jokes in the live broadcast room, compared with the coherence and relaxation in the xiaohongshu live broadcast room, the jokes at that time were more like "embellishments" of the products. because of this, as a talk show actor, li dan was unable to use his language advantage in the live broadcast room to differentiate himself from other stars in bringing goods.

but now, as audiences are beginning to become aesthetically fatigued with the "shouting-style sales promotion", li dan, who was originally known for his "sad" image, has instead carved out a path by offering emotional and career advice.

just like the netizens who once shouted "i am here to listen to the class and buy things by the way" in the oriental selection live broadcast room, netizens in li dan's live broadcast room now once again have the shopping experience of "listening to jokes while placing orders".

in essence, li dan and dongfang zhenxuan are doing the same thing, creating a new content consumption scenario through the new form of live streaming sales of knowledge and jokes. the difference is that li dan has done it more extreme, from "content serving products" to "products serving content."

li dan's success has also allowed more language workers to see the broad prospects of knowledge-based live streaming. in the first wave of knowledge-based live streaming represented by dongfang zhenxuan and dong yuhui, many people were eager to try, but in the end, no new phenomenal anchor was born. the public is eager to see diversified live streaming rooms, and the industry is also looking forward to the next "dong yuhui".

today, in the second wave of knowledge-based sales initiated by li dan, content has become the top priority over products.the path has also become clearer: use content well to provide emotional value to users, build consumption scenarios through content, and convert emotional value into sales. this is the core of li dan's live broadcast room.

when breaking up, they need to give wine as a gift, and the wine they give is naturally the wine in li dan’s shopping cart; when they are unable to get over a breakup, they can “get over it by selling boxes of tomatoes, one every 10 meters.” for complex emotional problems, li dan does not provide practical solutions most of the time, but resolves them in a relaxed way, and the goods are sold in the midst of jokes.

in li dan’s xiaohongshu convenience store, content has become the main theme, and selling goods has become a subsidiary.

whether it is a live e-commerce platform or a content platform, the competition for high-quality content is becoming increasingly fierce. in the face of high-quality content, consumers are no longer completely obsessed with low prices. take the best-selling beef crisps in li dan's live broadcast room as an example. li dan's live broadcast room has a price tag of 69 yuan per box, while taobao and douyin live broadcast rooms have the same price tag of 60 yuan per box and 58 yuan per box respectively, but this does not prevent consumers from paying for emotional value.

at the same time, li dan also relied on this kind of emotional live broadcast to win over the female group, which is also the group that all major platforms are competing for.

at the recent xiaohongshu live partner conference, xiaohongshu coo conan and yang tianzhen mentioned the case of li dan's live broadcast in their conversation, saying that "live broadcast content can be richer and more diverse. not everyone needs a very grand live broadcast room setting, streaming, and picture quality. they can just talk freely and easily."

interestingly, yang tianzhen and the mcn behind her are the "promoters" of li dan's live broadcast on xiaohongshu, and are also dong jie's behind-the-scenes team. although the "no. 1 sister" and "no. 1 brother" are from the same team, there is still a gap between the "no. 1 brother" and "no. 1 sister" in terms of gmv. according to xinhong data, li dan's average sales per live broadcast in the past 30 days was more than 500,000, but dong jie's average sales per live broadcast was close to 35 million.

the mediocre sales of li dan's live broadcast room is due to the fact that his average customer price is an order of magnitude lower than that of other top anchors on xiaohongshu. xinhong data shows that the average customer price of li dan's xiaohongshu live broadcast room is 68.83 yuan, but the average customer price of dong jie's live broadcast room is 392.46 yuan, and wu xin's is 306.91 yuan.

the decision-making threshold for low-priced goods is low, which makes li dan's live broadcast room have impressive sales, but richer product categories and more diverse price ranges are challenges he needs to face.

for the platform, it is not easy to copy the next li dan. in the "mysterious guest eleven o'clock" special live broadcast on august 22, li dan invited talk show hosts xu zhisheng and hu lan to the live broadcast room and participate in the letter reading session.

compared with previous times when li dan read letters, he would laugh for a long time before he even started reading the letter, and he maximized his emotional value and deduced the whole picture from the clues in the letter. xu zhisheng and hu lan's unclear or fast reading of the letter greatly reduced the fun of the letter reading session, and the comment area was full of netizens calling on li dan to come back and read the letter.

from a formal point of view, li dan's live broadcast room seems to have nothing new. reading readers' letters and interacting with them is essentially no different from emotional radio stations. but even xu zhisheng and hu lan, both talk show hosts who are good at language, read the same content, but the effect is greatly reduced.

just as oriental selection failed to produce the next dong yuhui, it is equally not easy for content platforms to mass-produce li dan.