
ding! here is a "welcome letter" to japanese university students visiting shanghai


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on the afternoon of september 1, after nearly 3 hours of flight, the japanese college students who participated in the "100 japanese college students visit china·shanghai station" event arrived in shanghai. after a short rest, they went to visit the bund art center without stopping. afterwards, a warm welcome party was held at the most iconic bund in shanghai.
photo caption: japanese college students arrive in shanghai. photo by zhang long, a reporter from xinmin evening news
"china and japan are close neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. currently, exchanges and dialogues in various fields such as economy, trade, and culture between china and japan are becoming increasingly active, creating a positive atmosphere for the development of bilateral relations. shanghai has always played an important role in the people-to-people exchanges between china and japan." at the welcome party, facing this group of japanese young people who were looking forward to the trip, xinmin evening news editor-in-chief miao kegou said, "shanghai is a charming city and a city that embraces all rivers. i believe that all students will truly feel the charm of shanghai during this trip. i hope that young japanese friends can use this opportunity to better understand shanghai and the real china."
photo caption: xinmin evening news editor-in-chief miao kegou delivers a speech. photo by xinmin evening news reporter zhang long
keiichi takenaka, deputy consul general of the consulate general of japan in shanghai, recalled his college days and his experience of studying in china during the summer vacation. he hopes that the japanese college students visiting shanghai this time can follow their curiosity and give full play to their strengths in various fields of sino-japanese exchanges in the future.
japan airlines' general representative for china, naoto koeda, shared his personal experience of working in china. "the popularity of mobile payments, the rapid development of new energy electric vehicles... china's innovation is advancing at an astonishing speed, which makes me sincerely feel that it would have been better if i had come to china 10 or 20 years earlier." he said that the china he saw and heard in japan was completely different from his personal experience. naoto koeda hopes that young people in japan can truly feel the vitality of china's innovation and development through this trip.
photo caption: japanese college students visit the bund art center. photo by zhang long, a reporter from xinmin evening news
pei xin, vice president of shanghai international commodity auction co., ltd. and president of shanghai bund art center co., ltd., recalled the friendly exchanges between china and japan in the 1980s and the warm and heartwarming scenes reported by the media at that time. he said that the visit of japanese college students to shanghai will surely further promote mutual trust and cooperation between the young people of china and japan for the future.
"seeing is believing." as the chief advisor of the japanese university student delegation to china, professor he weiming introduced to the japanese university students that shanghai is a city with a profound historical and cultural heritage and a great tolerance for different cultures. he hopes that through this visit, young japanese people will learn to see the world with their own eyes, break stereotypes, think independently, and devote themselves to and promote friendly exchanges between the chinese and japanese people in the future.
photo caption: japanese college students visiting shanghai received gifts. photo by zhang long, a reporter from xinmin evening news
zhu xiaoqing, vice president of shanghai university of engineering science, expressed the hope that this event could become a window for communication between college students from china and japan, further promote friendly exchanges between chinese and japanese universities, deepen japanese college students' understanding of chinese culture, and gain a more real and comprehensive understanding of china.
photo caption: group photo. photo by zhang long, a reporter from xinmin evening news
the "one hundred japanese college students see china·shanghai station" event was hosted by the chinese embassy in japan and co-organized by xinmin evening news and japan oriental daily news. the event received strong support from the shanghai people's association for friendship with foreign countries and shanghai media group.
xinmin evening news reporter qi xu