
primary and secondary school teachers "teach in both directions"! a new policy was introduced in texas


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august 27
wucheng county education and sports bureau issued
primary and secondary school teachers in wucheng county
implementation plan for “two-way teaching” (trial)
the full text is as follows
in order to solve the problems of serious over-staffing in some schools, unreasonable age structure of teachers, and imperfect talent team building, etc., in combination with the actual situation of wucheng county, the "implementation plan (trial) for the "two-way teaching" of primary and secondary school teachers in wucheng county" has been formulated after the approval of the party committee of the bureau.
1. the significance of “two-way teaching”
"two-way teaching" refers to the two-way exchange of teachers between urban schools and township schools to support teaching, and the two-way exchange of teachers between junior high schools and primary schools to support teaching. urban teachers teaching in rural areas can give play to the leading and driving role of excellent urban teachers and lead the high-quality development of rural education; rural teachers teaching in urban areas can effectively regulate the overstaffing of rural teachers and promote the orderly flow of teachers in overstaffed schools; primary school teachers with junior high school teacher qualifications can be arranged to teach in junior high schools, effectively optimizing the age structure of junior high school teachers.
2. conditions for two-way teaching
all full-time teachers in junior high schools and primary schools who have been employed for three years in the county can apply to participate in two-way teaching; in principle, teachers who teach in two ways must meet the provincial minimum teaching hours. female teachers who are pregnant or breastfeeding will temporarily suspend their participation in two-way teaching; those who suffer from major diseases and have been diagnosed by designated hospitals, or those who are 55 years old or older for men or 50 years old for women, will no longer participate in two-way teaching.
3. duration of two-way teaching
the teaching period is generally one academic year (from september of the current year to august of the following year). young teachers with junior high school teaching qualifications are encouraged to teach in junior high schools for a three-year cycle. those with outstanding performance can continue to teach according to their personal wishes and the school's opinions.
iv. working procedures
1. organize registration. in august of each year, teachers who intend to participate in two-way teaching can submit an application for two-way teaching after obtaining the consent of their affiliated units. on the basis of ensuring the reasonable age structure of the school's teaching staff, they can report to the county education and sports bureau on a school-by-school basis. 2024 is the second peak year for the enrollment of new students in our county. in addition, the aging of the teaching staff in some junior high schools is extremely serious. in order to solve the practical difficulties of some schools, in 2024, the county education and sports bureau will determine the number of two-way teaching teachers for some schools based on the total number of students and the current status of the teaching staff in the new school year of each school. all schools must mobilize all staff to screen two-way teaching teachers in accordance with the quota requirements and two-way teaching conditions (primary schools should give priority to teachers with junior high school teacher qualifications), and report the "statistical table of two-way teaching of primary and secondary school teachers in wucheng county in 2024" to the personnel section of the county education and sports bureau on the afternoon of august 28.
2. school assignment. the county education and sports bureau's bidirectional teaching leading group will uniformly allocate the positions of bidirectional teaching teachers one week before the start of the new semester, taking into account the actual conditions of the bidirectional teaching teachers, such as their age, teaching subjects, home address, and personal wishes. in 2024, bidirectional teaching teachers will be mainly assigned to county primary schools, some junior high schools, and some township school districts with vacancies.
3. report on time. after the two-way teaching teachers are assigned, the county education and sports bureau will feedback the teacher assignment to the teacher's school and the receiving school, and the school will notify the relevant teachers to report to the receiving school the next day, so that the receiving school can understand the basic situation of the teachers in advance and arrange the education and teaching work after the start of school.
v. organizational guarantees and reward and punishment measures
1. actively mobilize and organize. all schools should deeply understand the importance of echelon construction of the teaching staff, actively publicize favorable policies for two-way teaching, give priority to teachers who are willing to teach in two ways, and can also adopt various methods such as interviews and selections to select two-way teaching teachers in combination with the actual situation of the school, strictly select two-way teaching teachers in accordance with the minimum guidance requirements, form a correct public opinion orientation and a good working atmosphere, further stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of teachers, and ensure that teachers' two-way teaching achieves practical results.
2. it is conducive to the development of teachers. first, it is the personal needs of teachers. in principle, all primary and secondary school teachers in the county who apply for senior professional titles must have more than one year of teaching experience in weak schools or rural schools; those who apply for first-level and second-level teacher titles will be given priority in the evaluation and appointment of teachers with two-way teaching experience. teachers who apply for higher-level professional titles need two-way teaching experience. second, welfare benefits remain unchanged. during the period of two-way teaching, wages, salaries, holiday benefits, etc. are all paid according to the statutory wage standards in the original unit, and the salary and salary grades are promoted normally, and all benefits remain unchanged. third, the assessment and reward are tilted. after one academic year of two-way teaching, the receiving school will conduct a teaching assessment on the two-way teaching teachers. those who are excellent in the assessment will be given priority recommendation for two-way teaching under the same conditions of job appointment and model selection; when the unit is annually assessed, the excellent quota will give priority to teachers with excellent two-way teaching assessment. fourth, excellent people can be transferred. after each two-way teaching year, the county education and sports bureau will handle the transfer procedures for teachers who are excellent in two-way teaching and have transfer needs according to the school's staffing shortage, personal wishes, and the opinions of the receiving school, to provide convenience for teachers' work and life.
3. management requirements for two-way teaching. two-way teaching teachers shall be uniformly managed by the recipient school, and the recipient school shall conduct annual assessments and teacher ethics assessments on two-way teaching teachers. two-way teaching teachers shall consciously obey the management of the recipient school, report to work on time and perform their duties as required, and shall not arrange or hire temporary personnel on their own. they shall conscientiously complete the subject teaching tasks arranged by the recipient school, ensure that the teaching quality is steadily improving, and the workload is not less than the average workload of all teachers in the recipient school. anyone who disobeys the organization's deployment, refuses to report to work for more than one week, or fails to perform his duties and is returned by the recipient school shall be disqualified from the evaluation and recommendation; if it causes adverse effects, the annual assessment of the staff of the public institution that year shall be determined as unqualified, and shall not participate in the evaluation and appointment of higher-level professional and technical positions within two years.
4. strengthen organizational support. the county education and sports bureau has set up a leadership group with the director as the group leader and all members of the education and sports bureau as deputy group leaders to comprehensively supervise and guide the two-way teaching of teachers in each guaranteed school district and school; the leadership group has an office under it, and the deputy director in charge is the director of the office. the county education and sports bureau will include the two-way teaching of primary and secondary school teachers in the annual target management and evaluation of each school, and the completion of the work will serve as an important basis for evaluation and commendation.
wucheng county education and sports bureau
august 27, 2024
attachment: statistics of teachers with dual teaching positions in primary and secondary schools in wucheng county in 2024
(scan the qr code to view the attachment)
source: wucheng education release