
Hangzhou junior high school students developed a "home visit system", the teacher said: It helped a lot during the summer vacation!


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Qianjiang Evening News
A junior high school student's homework was praised by teachers of all grades in the school, and the teachers even said it was "a great help"?
This summer, many teachers are either making home visits or on their way to make home visits.In order to avoid unnecessary detours, teachers usually plan the route in advance, butYungu SchoolFor them, this is a more difficult and large project——
Unlike other schools where students are concentrated in the school district, Yungu School's home visits may require spreading out the entire map of Hangzhou to locate the school. Because it is a private school that recruits students from all over the city, Yungu's students come from all over Hangzhou. Teachers work in groups of two and travel to every corner of Hangzhou. This kind of home visit has lasted for 6 years.
However, as the school has expanded, the number of students has grown from 100 to 200 to more than 1,000. Obviously, manually arranging home visit routes is not only a waste of time, but also may result in errors.
What is rare is that junior high school student Wang Jiarui paid attention to the difficulties of teachers' home visits., under the guidance of teachers, using AI assistance, the system learned the corresponding computer knowledge and developedHome visit route planning system - "Smart Home Visit"It was officially implemented during the summer vacation this year, which greatly helped teachers’ home visit work.
The home visit system praised by all teachers in the school
Inspired by a junior high school math problem
"It used to take an entire afternoon to sort out 150 sets of family addresses, but this time the results were available in just a few minutes. The allocation was also very scientific and could be used directly by the home visiting teachers."
August is the time for all staff of Yungu School to visit students at home. During this home visit, the kindergarten, primary school and junior high school departments of the school all used the "Smart Home Visit" system developed by Wang Jiarui. Yang Jing, a math teacher and mentor of Wang from the junior high school department of Yungu School, has recently received positive feedback from colleagues.
The teacher who arranged the home visit gave a good review
Teacher Yang introduced:Student Wang developed the home visit system, inspired by the "shortest path sum" problem in the Zhejiang Education Edition's seventh-grade mathematics textbook.The "sum of the shortest paths to two points" encountered in junior high school mathematics embodies the optimization idea in mathematics. A typical example is the "general drinking water for his horse" problem.
The "Shortest Path Sum" Problem in the Zhejiang Education Edition Mathematics Textbook for Grade 7, Volume 2
At that time, Wang Jiarui was just in the second grade of junior high school and was very interested in mathematics and programming.Wang, a student with a unique perspective, saw the real-world significance of "minimum value" from the shortest path sum in mathematics - helping teachers plan the shortest total distance for home visits.
"I understand that teachers face many problems when arranging the order of home visits, such as how to reduce unnecessary trips, how to make the workload of each group of teachers as balanced as possible, and how to consider traffic routes when allocating resources." Wang said that in order to solve these problems, he needs to conduct more in-depth research and also need the support of technology.
Wang Jiarui told his idea to Teacher Yang, and with her support, he set up a project team. The team included teachers who supported professional programming, those who proposed requirements from the user's perspective, and mentors who helped link to more resources.
In this way, Wang used his spare time to start a year-long project exploration.
To avoid unnecessary detours during home visits
The development system took a lot of detours
In order to help teachers avoid unnecessary mistakes during home visits, Wang Jiarui developed a home visit system, but this took him a lot of detours.
He had programming experience before, but had never built a complete project system. He learned a lot of professional computer knowledge during this year.
Also because of his “unfamiliarity with the business”, Wang’s system development underwent at least two major revisions.For example, at the beginning, he spent a lot of time establishing user login and registration functions. After connecting with the teacher, he found that he could directly access the school's home-school system, and the previous work was unnecessary.
For example, in terms of algorithm selection, Wang Jiarui initially used the simplest "greedy algorithm": teachers were divided into groups of two, and they chose a point closest to the starting point (school), then passed through this point to find the point closest to that point, and so on, forming a serpentine route.
Route planning demonstrated by the “Greedy Algorithm”
"But this may lead to uneven grouping and backtracking," Wang Jiarui explained. "The most obvious problem with this algorithm is that the later the students are assigned, the more dispersed they are, so the workload of each group of teachers is uneven."
Realizing the limitations of the algorithm, Wang began looking for new solutions. After searching and asking AI tools, he found the basic k-means clustering algorithm. "After changing the algorithm, the grouping was much better, but there are still some shortcomings, such as being easily affected by outliers."
After several rounds of adjustments, the basic model of "Smart Home Visit" was finally released. After the user uploads the file, the algorithm will calculate it through multi-threading while showing the calculation progress to the user. After the calculation is completed, a visual table is generated and the results are displayed on the map.
“Although Wang feels that he has taken many ‘detours’, this is also a way of learning.In fact, through this project, he mastered professional computer knowledge in just one year and also learned how to learn and solve problems with the help of AI."Teacher Yu Xing, who provided technical support, has witnessed Wang's growth over the past year.
"It is amazing that children can start from the simplest math problems, solve real problems, discover the complexity of reality, think about the abstraction of problem models and solution algorithms, and finally implement programming and iterate improvements. This is a complete learning and practice process."
Mr. Yu provides technical guidance for project development
Home visit grouping
From "primitive society" to modern times
After a year of development, Wang Jiarui's "Smart Home Visit" system was launched this summer. Of course, the most popular one is this year's home visit teachers.
"In previous years, when we visited students, the home addresses we received were all in text format, and it is impossible for teachers to be familiar with the location of every community, so the assigned teachers would have their work cut out for them. They would need to mark each one on a large map, and then manually group and adjust them," said Chen Yihong, a teacher at Yungu School.
"If the allocation is not reasonable, it will be like what I did last year. I visited two households in one morning, but one was in Xiaoshan and the other was in Zhuantang, almost straddling Hangzhou. It would cost more than 100 yuan to take a taxi."
According to the feedback from teachers this year, the most frequently mentioned keywords are"Fast" and "Intuitive":
"This year, home visit arrangements only require two steps: import the new students' home visit addresses into the tool, generate home visit arrangements with one click, and make minor adjustments based on actual conditions."
"There is another common problem with home visits - unclear addresses. We used to call each student one by one to confirm. Now with this tool, the map directly displays all the student addresses, divided into blocks by color. To assign teachers, we just need to choose which teachers to choose which block, because the algorithm can ensure that the home addresses in the same block are not too far away and are basically on the way."
Another teacher joked: With the new technology, the practice of grouping home visits has suddenly leaped from "primitive society" to the modern era.
Although the summer home visits have come to an end, Wang Jiarui, who is in the new third year of junior high school, has not yet completed the system development.
Wang Jiarui
After using it, many frontline teachers have put forward more specific requirements. For example, they hope to see a floating window when clicking on the corresponding student and address; when exporting grouped addresses, they hope to export the map synchronously. The kindergarten teacher also suggested that Wang's system could be applied to the planning of school bus routes.
Wang Jiarui's father also wrote a long message to the teachers: "This project took more than a year from its inception to its use. It was not easy for a teenager to hand in this assignment when he was in a state of 'abundance'. Thanks to Teacher Yang for his idea and for contacting many teachers. In addition, the technical guidance of the project team teachers, the feedback and tolerance of the front-line teachers, and the support of teachers from all parties lifted up the child's dream. I believe that Jiarui experienced this long-term project and continued to solve real problems. He felt different experiences and gains."
Chao News reporter Dai XinyiEditor in charge: Zhou Qin
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