
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development responded to the news that 3.96 million units will be delivered before the end of the year.


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my country's real estate market is still in a period of deep adjustment. Faced with the trend of new urbanization and major changes in the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market, the central government has proposed to accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development.

Next, how to build a new model for real estate development? How to ensure the delivery of housing? How to meet the rigid housing needs of the working class? How to renovate and renew old urban communities?

On the 23rd, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development responded at a press conference.

Guaranteed delivery room: comprehensive investigation and locking

3.96 million housing units to be delivered by the end of the year

Ensuring the delivery of houses is an important task to safeguard people's livelihood and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers. It is of great significance to stabilize the expectations of all parties, boost confidence in the real estate market, and prevent and resolve real estate risks.

On May 17, the State Council held a national video conference on effectively ensuring the delivery of houses, and made comprehensive arrangements for the work.

At the State Council Information Office press conference held on the 23rd,Dong Jianguo, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural DevelopmentHe said that after the meeting on May 17, a series of policies and measures to stabilize the market were introduced, the work of ensuring the delivery of houses was carried out in an orderly manner, and local governments adopted different policies based on their own conditions, and positive changes have occurred in the real estate market.

Dong Jianguo said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the State Financial Regulatory Bureau, organized a "big investigation" in various places.A comprehensive check was conducted on commercial housing projects under construction that had been sold but not delivered, and 3.96 million housing units that should have been delivered before the end of this year according to the contract were identified as the target task in the battle to ensure housing delivery.

The following work has been carried out specifically:

The first is to form a policy synergy.At the national level, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, together with the Financial Supervision Bureau, implemented the requirements of the overall plan for ensuring the delivery of housing, jointly issued policy documents, clarified the work arrangements for the battle to ensure the delivery of housing, and expanded the effectiveness of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism. The Supreme People's Court prudently adopted property preservation measures for real estate "white list" projects and other issues. All cities have formulated their own implementation plans for the battle to ensure the delivery of housing in accordance with the requirements, clarified the delivery plan, and combined with local realities, put forward disposal plans for each project. Some provinces have also formulated provincial-level work plans for the battle to ensure the delivery of housing, clarifying the goals and guarantee measures.

Second, give full play to the role of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism.A three-level coordination mechanism has been established at the national, provincial and city levels to promote the inclusion of eligible projects in the "must be included" white list, and commercial banks have implemented due diligence exemption requirements and provided financing support for "must be loaned". At present, commercial banks have approved more than 5,300 "white list" projects in accordance with the approval procedures, with an approved loan amount of nearly 1.4 trillion yuan. These funds are being disbursed in place in accordance with the project progress.

The third is to carry out classified disposal based on “one project, one policy”.Guide all localities to implement the "one project, one plan, one special team, one bank, one auditor, one judge" disposal model. This model was first piloted in Zhengzhou and will be promoted nationwide. For qualified projects, they will be included in the "white list" to provide financing support to ensure project construction and delivery. For projects with liabilities exceeding assets, the bankruptcy reorganization or liquidation of project developers will be accelerated. In accordance with the Supreme People's Court's regulations on the priority of debt repayment, the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers will be given priority.

Fourth, promote the on-time and quality delivery of projects.The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has established a national information system for guaranteed housing delivery, and each delivery task is matched with "one contract, one household, one ID number, and one contact number", so that the work goals are implemented to the household and the buyer, and one set is delivered and one set is cancelled. At the same time, it guides all localities to effectively strengthen the supervision of project engineering quality, ensure that the delivered projects are ready for occupancy, and prevent the situation of mismatching goods.

Regarding the difficulties in the current stage of the housing delivery work,Li Yujia, Housing Policy Research Center of Guangdong Provincial Urban Planning InstituteIt is pointed out that, first, the financing coordination mechanism has been established, and compliant projects have been identified and included in the "white list". However, due to the decline in sales, the loan issuance can promote the completion and delivery of new houses that have been sold, but some projects may not generate new sales to repay the loans, resulting in low enthusiasm for bank loan issuance. Second, the main responsibility of developers to ensure the delivery of houses has yet to be implemented. Only in this way can developers actively promote sales, sell projects, and sell assets, and also ensure that banks can issue loans with a bottom line and repayment guarantee.

Accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to accelerate the construction of a new model for real estate development. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development explained how to build a new model for real estate development.

Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Ni HongHe said that building a new model for real estate development can be summarized into four aspects: First, in terms of concept, we should deeply understand the positioning of "houses are for living, not for speculation", and build good houses that meet the new expectations of the people. Second, in terms of system, the government should mainly meet rigid housing needs, and the market should mainly meet diversified housing needs for improvement. Third, in terms of system, we should reform and improve the system of real estate development, transaction and use, and lay a solid institutional foundation for the transformation and development of real estate. Fourth, in terms of factor allocation, we should establish a new mechanism for the linkage of "people, houses, land and money".

Dong Jianguo said that building a new real estate development model requires a process and continuous exploration and practice. Currently, six major areas of work have been done.

First, improve the housing supply systemThe focus is to increase the construction and supply of affordable housing to meet the rigid housing needs of the working-income group.

Second, deploy local governments to formulate and implement housing development plans and annual housing development plans as a starting point., establish a linkage mechanism among the elements of “people, housing, land and money”.

Third, vigorously and orderly promote the sale of existing homes, guide local governments to select new real estate development projects, stipulate that ready-to-move-in homes will be sold when land is transferred, and formulate supporting policies based on practice. Many places have launched a number of ready-to-move-in homes sales projects and explored the reform of the commodity housing sales system.

Fourth, establish a coordination mechanism for urban real estate financing, launched a project "white list" system, based on cities and projects, to provide financing support for compliant projects, and promote the transformation of real estate development companies' financing from relying on the credit of the main body to relying on project conditions.

Fifth, we will study and establish a system of housing physical examinations, housing pensions, and housing insurance to build a long-term mechanism for housing safety management throughout the entire life cycle.Currently, 22 cities including Shanghai are piloting the system. Speaking of housing pensions, individual accounts already exist through the payment of special housing maintenance funds, and the focus of the pilot is for the government to establish a public account.

Sixth, build green, low-carbon, smart and safe "good houses"At present, some work has been done in setting standards and creating models.

Dong Jianguo said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will work closely with relevant departments to further strengthen top-level design while summarizing the relevant pilot practices in the previous period, firmly grasp the basic point of ensuring people's safe housing, accelerate the reform and improvement of commercial housing sales and basic systems such as land, finance, and taxation, use reform to promote institutional innovation, use reform to promote the construction of new models, and use reform to promote industrial development, and strive to promote high-quality development of the real estate industry.

Implement urban renewal actions with high quality

At present, my country's urbanization rate has reached 66.16%, and urban development has entered the stage of urban renewal, shifting from the past large-scale incremental construction to a focus on both stock quality improvement and incremental structural adjustment. People also have higher requirements for quality of life.

Qin Haixiang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural DevelopmentHe said that in recent years, my country has vigorously promoted the renovation of old urban communities, accelerated the implementation of urban underground pipeline renewal and renovation, and actively promoted urban smart construction, and the urban renewal action has achieved relatively obvious results.

"Urban renewal is a long-term task." Qin Haixiang said that the next step will be to build a livable, resilient and smart city, establish a sustainable urban renewal model and policies and regulations, and implement urban renewal actions with high quality.

In terms of mechanism, there are three main aspects:

First, we need to innovate and improve the urban renewal system and mechanism that is demand-oriented and project-driven.Now we have entered the period of stock renewal. The subjects are diverse and the demands are varied. The situation has changed a lot. We must promote stock optimization, function improvement and quality improvement based on actual needs.

Second, we must adhere to the principle of “physical examination first, then renewal” and establish and improve a working mechanism for the integrated promotion of urban physical examination and urban renewal.In particular, the problems found in the physical examination should be made the focus of urban renewal to solve the urgent problems of the people and the shortcomings that affect the city's competitiveness, carrying capacity, safety and sustainable development.

Third, it is necessary to establish a policy coordination mechanism, improve relevant support policies such as finance, taxation, and land, encourage the participation of social capital, and innovate investment and financing models for urban renewal.

In terms of action, we must systematically promote the construction of "four good" buildings, good neighborhoods, good communities, and good urban areas, with several key points:

First, continue to focus on the renovation of old urban communities, and work hard to solve the problems of installing elevators, parking, and charging. This year's plan is to complete the renovation of more than 50,000 old communities. On this basis, we will promote the construction of a number of complete communities and promote the renovation of old neighborhoods and old factory areas.

Second, continue to promote the construction of the city's "inner" projects, mainly underground pipelines. According to the deployment requirements of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, we must strengthen the construction of underground comprehensive pipeline corridors and the renovation and upgrading of old pipelines. This year, we will strive to renovate more than 100,000 kilometers of various types of old pipelines.

Third, vigorously promote the construction of urban lifeline safety projectsThrough digital means, we can monitor the city’s water supply, drainage, gas, heating, bridges, pipeline corridors and other municipal facilities in real time, so as to achieve early detection, early warning and early disposal of safety hazards and ensure the safe operation of the city.

Fourth, strengthen urban waterlogging controlThis year, we will complete the remediation of 100 cities and more than 1,000 waterlogged areas. At the same time, we will accelerate the construction of urban drainage and flood control engineering systems, coordinate urban flood control and drainage, establish and improve the city’s water system, drainage network, surrounding rivers, lakes, seas and reservoirs’ joint drainage and coordination operation and management mode, and enhance the city’s flood control capabilities and safety resilience.