
The most famous poem in Zhou Enlai's life, with only four lines, is full of lofty ambitions and inspiring


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Speaking of Premier Zhou,

People will think of his handsome appearance.

Thinking of his gentle and elegant temperament,

Thinking of his calm demeanor at the diplomatic conference,


Few people know

Premier Zhou also left many poems.

The most famous one of them,

Written in 1917.

It was an autumn day.

At the age of 19, Zhou Enlai graduated from Nankai Middle School in Tianjin.

Seeing the poverty and weakness of the country

I decided to study in Japan.

Seeking a good way to save the country and the people

He used a majestic seven-character quatrain to

Communicate the determination to change to the world


After singing along the Yangtze River, I turn my head to the east, using my profound knowledge to help the poor.

He faced the wall for ten years to break through it, but even if it is difficult to reward him, he is still a hero.

(Photo of Zhou Enlai graduating from Nankai School in 1917)

It's hard to imagine.

This is the work of a 19-year-old boy;

At the age of twenty,

He placed the fate of the world on his shoulders.

Through the photos taken at that time,

You can see Zhou Enlai's resolute eyes.

Even today,

It can also give people strength across time and space.

Opening sentence"After singing along the river, I turned my head eastwards."

It is a tribute to the predecessors who "have been washed away by the waves and have become the heroes of the ages".

It also took care of me crossing the rivers and seas.

The reality of traveling to Japan.

"Profound and profound sciences help the poor in the world",

It shows what we are going to learn this time.

Only by learning the advanced ideas and systems of other countries,

To enlighten the people,

Awaken the national spirit and character.

“Facing the wall for ten years to break through the wall”

It borrows the story of Bodhidharma, who lived in a cave for ten years.

Meditation and meditation,

The story of how Buddhism was eventually introduced to China.

This shows that you are not afraid of difficulties.

The courage to break through.

at last,"It is difficult to reward a hero for jumping into the sea"

Once again he expressed his determination to fight to the death.

"Taohai" has two meanings.

First, the revolutionary Chen Tianhua also studied in Japan.

He threw himself into the sea to awaken the sleeping people;

The second is the late Qing Dynasty.

The act of studying abroad in search of truth is called "walking on the sea."

Our ancestors died for the revolution.

Later, patriotic young people followed one after another.

So many things,

How can it not make one's blood boil!

(Handwriting of the poem "Untitled" (After Singing the Great River, I Turn East) written by Zhou Enlai in 1919)

Premier Zhou was in his prime years.

Write the most passionate poems.

He also spent his whole life,

Practicing the ideals in the poem.

The young man is determined,

Study for the rise of China.

In 1911, when Zhou Enlai was still in primary school,

The principal was teaching the students and asked a question:

"What do you study for?"

Some say that in order to bring honor to the family,

Some people say that in order to have a bright future,

When it was Zhou Enlai's turn, he said:

Study for the rise of China!

That year, he was only 13 years old

Young people are striving,

Working for the survival of the country.

Later, he traveled across the ocean

Study abroad in Japan, Europe and other places

I was introduced to communism.

Embarked on the path of a revolutionary.

Struggle in the prime of life,

Busy about domestic and foreign affairs.

Xi'an Incident, Bandung Conference

Visit to the Soviet Union...

Each time, Premier Zhou used his unique personal charm

China's prestige is mentioned again and again.

Premier Zhou's guard once told a story:

Once, the Prime Minister held meetings for several days in a row.

I haven't slept for more than thirty hours.

After a short break,

There will be another foreign guest to meet soon.

Despite being exhausted

Premier Zhou still said:

“Give me some time

I'm going to shave."

After a long time, there was still no movement in the bathroom.

The guard quietly opened the door

The scene before him made him feel distressed——

(Oil painting "Devote All" by Wang Jisong in 1994)

Premier Zhou standing by the sink

Holding a razor in one hand

Hold the towel lightly with your other hand

I fell asleep in a standing position.

Premier Zhou Enlai devoted himself to the cause

This is how we serve our country and our people.

Just like the poem says, "All sciences help the world"

The ambition of "facing the wall for ten years"

He holds himself to the most stringent standards

But he treats the people with the most sincere concern.

Whether in poetry or in words and deeds

The wealth that Premier Zhou left for the people

Still admirable today

This is a young man who "studies for the rise of China".

He is also a

A public servant who devotes his life to the cause and works until his death.

The person is gone, but his character remains.

Premier Zhou devoted his entire life to

Bringing a spring full of hope to the motherland,

People miss him.

Also year after year.

Those who love others will always be loved by others.

Premier Zhou's "beauty" is the beauty of personality.

It is the beauty of China.

Such spirit and character,

It is not only a microcosm of China's image,

More like a beacon

Shining on generation after generation of Chinese people.