
How to focus on school and not panic at the beginning of school! Please check out this guide to "focusing on school"


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina (Reporter Liu Gaoya) Didi - The countdown to summer vacation has begun, and the new semester is about to start. How to solve the "summer vacation syndrome" that your child may be infected with? On August 19, the Education Bureau of Guancheng Hui Autonomous District, Zhengzhou City, released a "refocusing" gift package to recharge your child with one click. Let's take a look -
A must-read guide for teachers: Get ready for the new semester
Teachers play a key role in helping students concentrate on their studies. Whether the teaching methods used during the school term are appropriate or not may directly affect students' academic performance and their own teaching performance. Teachers can conduct concentration education from the following three aspects:
Lead by example and be the first to "get back to work". After the summer vacation, not only students but also many teachers find it difficult to get into the teaching rhythm. It is crucial to adjust your work and rest time before school starts, including the first week of school. Insist on going to bed early and getting up early to adjust the disordered biological clock during the holiday, so that you can get into work state more quickly after school starts and carry out your teaching work happily and smoothly.
Reminders for homework help students “focus”. The eve of the start of school may be the last time for some students to “catch up” on their summer homework. Teachers can post warm reminders in the class group, suggesting that parents and children plan and arrange their time before school starts reasonably, check for omissions and make up for them in time, and complete homework with high quality. This also reminds students from another perspective that school is about to start and it’s time to focus.
Prepare for the first class of the new semester. A good start is half the battle. The first class of the new semester is very important. What should you talk about? You can talk to a student you haven't seen during the holidays about the characteristics of the new semester, new school year, and new school period, so that students can adapt to the new life as soon as possible. If some teachers are in charge of a new class, they should make a simple self-introduction to facilitate harmonious relationships between teachers and students.
A must-read guide for parents: Be a pioneer in education
Parents are not only their children's guardians, but also their children's first teachers. Their words and deeds have a subtle influence on their children. As the school is about to start, parents should stabilize their children's physical and mental state, scientifically and effectively help their children go from chaos to order, from casualness to self-control, from relaxation to relaxation, and use an optimistic attitude, correct methods, and encouraging words to positively guide their children to concentrate, so that they can be full of expectations and confidence for the new semester psychologically.
Adjust your work and rest schedule and be prepared to "focus". Holiday life is relatively relaxed. In order to avoid children's discomfort after school starts, parents can guide their children to develop regular work and rest habits in the last stage of summer vacation, so that they can have an orderly daily routine, eat three meals a day on time, and gradually transition to the state of school. At the same time, parents should try to play with their mobile phones and watch TV less in front of their children, set a good example for their children; do not organize entertainment activities at home, prepare three meals a day on time, urge children to go to bed on time, go to bed early and get up early, adjust their biological clocks, and adapt to the "jet lag" changes after school starts.
Spend more time with your children and accept their negative emotions. When children realize that the holiday is coming to an end, they may become depressed and lose their temper. At this time, parents should spend more time with their children, accept their emotions, guide them to learn how to relieve their emotions, do not intensify their emotions, and avoid parent-child conflicts.
Provide more guidance to start the new semester smoothly. The new semester has begun, and it is particularly important to have a correct attitude towards learning. Before the start of school, parents can talk to their children calmly about the new goals for the new semester and guide their children to adapt to study life more quickly. Parents should enter the learning state with their children, encourage and communicate more, give positive psychological hints, and let them look forward to school life.
Relax and allow a buffer period. Children are not mature physically and mentally. After a long vacation, they will have a big psychological contrast. If they are not adjusted, they will easily have emotional disorders, such as school aversion. However, because children are young, they are difficult to control and adjust these problems. Parents should not rush their children's return to their normal state. Allow them to go through a transitional buffer period after school starts and slowly adapt to the life of the new semester.
A must-read guide for students: Be an active practitioner of concentration
For students, whether they can successfully pass the transition period of the new semester is the most critical. Only by focusing on their studies in time and relieving their anxiety before the start of the semester can they not fall behind in their thoughts, actions, and studies, and keep up with the new progress of the new semester. Therefore, only when students actively practice focusing on their studies can they benefit the most.
Adjust your biological clock. During the holidays, many students stay up late to watch TV series and play online games, go to bed late and get up late, which disrupts their biological clock. Before school starts, you must adjust your diet and daily life according to the school's schedule. Three days before school starts, don't stay up late because of homework, which will affect the formation of a regular life. After getting up in the morning, do appropriate physical exercise to ensure that you have strong energy after school starts.
Prepare all your school supplies. Before school starts, you might as well go shopping for necessary reference books, teaching materials, stationery, etc. By preparing all your study and daily necessities, you can psychologically tell yourself that you are ready for school. In addition, you can also wash your clothes, shoes, hats, etc. in advance and make all preparations before school starts.
Divert attention. Most students spend their holidays resting and having fun, supplemented by studying. Teachers and parents do not interfere too much. Before school starts, students are often reluctant to watch TV programs and play games. At this time, students should accept their parents' advice, actively restrain themselves, and shift their attention to studying. Check which homework needs to be improved and which knowledge is still unclear. After completing the homework, you can review the old knowledge, preview the knowledge for the new semester, and read some useful books to warm up before school starts.
Make plans and goals for the new semester. Are you feeling anxious and confused when the new semester comes? You can try to analyze and summarize your learning status in the last semester and during the holidays, which subject scores and aspects need to be improved, what are the must-read books and things that must be completed in the new semester, etc. Make plans for all aspects, find the direction of your efforts in the new semester, set goals, divide the big goals into small and feasible goals, and stimulate your learning motivation in the new semester.