
2024 Fudan University EMBA Freshman Portrait | Break through cognitive boundaries and become a helmsman who is not afraid of cycles


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On July 31, the "Fudan University EMBA 2024 Opening Ceremony" was held in Xianghui Hall. Outstanding entrepreneurs came to Fudan from all over the country and became new students of Fudan University EMBA 2024.

"What are your biggest confusions and areas for improvement in business operations? What do you want to gain most from choosing Fudan EMBA?" This is a question Fudan University asks new students every year. This year, one answer appears more and more frequently: self-growth as a manager.

EMBA learning can no longer be about passive acceptance and simple copying, but it must be a catalyst for the liberation of thought, a search for answers with questions, and a two-way pursuit of expectations for self-growth.

  Dismantle the cycle and grasp the "invisible hand" behind it

Among this year's freshmen, business managers in the science and technology innovation track accounted for 26%, among which the largest number of students came from the smart manufacturing, medical health and new energy tracks.

"In the new energy industry, opportunities and challenges always go hand in hand. An enterprise must go through many cycles before it can evolve into a vital and excellent enterprise." In the view of Li Fengfeng, executive vice president of Suning Holdings Group and chairman of Suning Technology, how to follow the general trend and identify and resolve the situation in the changing global development tests the vision and determination of corporate leaders. This requires managers to constantly update their knowledge structure, expand their international perspective, and at the same time improve their management capabilities and strategic thinking, and cultivate both inside and outside to achieve long-term and stable business growth.

"After in-depth research on various advanced management education programs, I chose to pursue an EMBA at Fudan University, which is among the best in the world. I believe that I can improve myself in a more systematic, comprehensive and efficient way." Li Fengfeng said that Shanshan is accelerating its global layout and international vision to help the global green and low-carbon transformation and new energy development.

“Fudan School of Management EMBA is well-known for its systematic management courses, rich practical projects and excellent faculty. It will help me improve my decision-making ability in the global business environment.”

Fudan University EMBA 2024 Opening Ceremony

Zhang Jinbao, CEO of Miaoshun (Shanghai) Biotechnology Co., Ltd., enrolled in the Science and Technology Innovation Camp of the School of Management before studying for Fudan EMBA. The short 7-module course allowed him to gain a lot and was still full of enthusiasm.

As a company focusing on domestic cell research and development and separation services, Miaoshun Bio is a leader in the primary cell industry. The new drug development cycle is a multi-stage, complex and time-consuming process with high technical barriers, large investments, long cycles, wide range of disciplines, high risks and high added value. This process requires not only a high degree of technological innovation and scientific research, but also effective strategic planning and risk management.

Zhang Jinbao hopes that through systematic management course learning, he will be able to develop a wider range of cell types, and focus on primary cell products to build himself into a one-stop biopharmaceutical/CGT upstream supplier covering all types of upstream cell consumables and CRO services.

  Even the barren land will have life.

Efficiency improvement and cost control are becoming issues of increasing concern to managers. In order to cope with the pressure of stagflation and reduce costs and increase efficiency through scientific management, high requirements are placed on managers' financial, data analysis, and internal control capabilities.

In 2019, as a comprehensive product process solution provider for brands such as Huawei, Apple, Foxconn, OPPO, and VIVO, Qiangrui launched its GEM IPO. It was also in this year that major customers accounting for more than 80% of the company's business were included in the "Entity List" by the US Department of Commerce.

When the storm hits, how to ensure the continuity of business and stabilize the team? A series of urgent and realistic problems are facing Liu Gang, the founder of Shenzhen Qiangrui Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

"We were able to quickly enter the smart car business sector because we had made business arrangements in advance," Liu Gang recalled. Facing another challenge and the current macro environment, companies must learn to be like a cactus, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and smoothly survive the drought period. "There are plants that can grow in the barren desert, and there are companies that can survive in the worst environment. I hope we can become that kind of company."

Liu Gang hopes to find scientific methods of reducing costs and increasing efficiency through studying Fudan University's EMBA system management course, and to turn the experience gained from years of practical experience into explicit theories and inheritable practices to solve practical problems facing the company.

Guo Junyuan, chairman of Hangzhou Graphics Technology Co., Ltd., has the qualities of a "born entrepreneur". With a major in marketing, he entered the field of smart public transportation and digital city construction by chance. With his keen insight into needs and accuracy in practice, he founded two companies. After nearly 20 years of hard work, Graphics Technology has become a national high-tech enterprise and a specialized and innovative enterprise.

When studying for Fudan EMBA, Guo Junyuan hopes to verify his management practices theoretically. “When the economy is not so prosperous, don’t mess around.” Guo Junyuan feels that now is a good time to concentrate on studying and use the support of management theory to further improve the company’s operational efficiency and management level.

  A single knowledge background makes it difficult to adapt to a complex world

As more and more Chinese companies go global, the role of leaders is also changing, from leaders who focus on a single environment to multinational leaders who need to have cross-cultural management capabilities.

Fudan University EMBA 2024 Opening Ceremony

Zou Yue, general manager of the R&D center of Shanghai Chando Group Co., Ltd., is experiencing this transformation. The R&D team of Chando comes from all over the world and has obtained more than 100 invention patents. Managing such a group of international scientists with an average degree of master's degree or above, Zou Yue feels that in addition to demonstrating professionalism, open communication channels, respect and understanding are more important: "To attract and capture the best talents in the world, we must especially respect their feelings, beliefs and living habits."

Zou Yue, who has a technical background and studied all the way from undergraduate to doctoral degree in the School of Chemistry of Fudan University, has increasingly felt the huge role of humanities in management. He strongly agrees with Fudan University's EMBA training concept of "integration of business and humanities" and its international educational vision.

While studying in the Entrepreneur Class of Fudan School of Management, he attended many lectures and reports, and especially appreciated Professor Luo Yuming's discussion on human nature and the relationship between man and the world. Not only talent management, but also innovative products and marketing require a deep insight into human nature, especially in the current cycle.

Dean Lu Xiongwen delivered a speech at the opening ceremony

Dean Lu Xiongwen said that in today's era, the limitations of possessing pure professional knowledge are becoming increasingly prominent.

To cope with the complex and rapidly changing challenges of today's world, we must re-learn politics, history, philosophy, culture, and scientific and technological knowledge in a systematic way, and integrate this knowledge with systematic management knowledge. Only then can we better understand the origin, evolution and trend of civilization, and the relationship between matter and spirit, individual and group, local and overall. Only then can we better understand that the destinies of the people of this global village have never been as closely linked as they are today.

This improvement in career and pattern will lead to a deeper understanding of how the "butterfly effect" affects the restructuring of the global supply chain, industrial fluctuations in various regions, and the strategic layout and choices of enterprises.

Vice Dean Zheng Ming gave a "school orientation" introduction to the freshmen at the opening ceremony

“Can business schools train entrepreneurs?” “Why do some entrepreneurs study EMBA but it does not help their companies?”

Writer Yu Hua has a good metaphor: "Trees need sunlight to grow, but the most important point is that they grow in the way of trees, not in the way of sunlight. Any influence will only make a person become more and more like himself, and not like others."

This kind of influence must be the result of thinking. Only through thinking can you possess your knowledge and turn it into your own strength. Companies in different tracks, different sizes, and different life cycles face very different challenges. Studying cases is not to become the second of a certain company, but to find solutions for your own company in a targeted manner.

"Be well-educated and determined, ask questions and think deeply", be determined in your ambition, study and think seriously, break through the boundaries of your original cognition, and you can truly achieve a breakthrough in your own pattern. And the self-breakthrough of managers is the only way to help companies get through the cycle.
