
2,667 Guangdong college entrance examination candidates are expected to be eligible for admission with reduced scores


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On August 10, the Office of the Admissions Committee of Guangdong Province announced the list of admitted candidates under Guangdong Province’s 2024 special enrollment plan for key universities (namely the “university special plan” and the “local special plan”).In 2024, a total of 2,667 candidates are expected to be admitted under the special program.Among them, 2,460 people were admitted under local special plans and 207 people were admitted under university special plans, an increase of 30 and 81 people respectively compared with 2023.

The special program, also known as "separate enrollment for rural students," aims to help rural students with excellent academic performance to get into "good universities" more easily.The special plan for colleges and universities mainly recruits rural students who are diligent and have excellent academic performance in high schools below the county level (including county-level cities) in remote, formerly impoverished, and ethnic minority areas. The enrollment institutions for Guangdong's "Local Special Plan" are undertaken by some undergraduate colleges and universities in Guangdong. The enrollment majors are mainly science and engineering majors that support Guangdong's industrial transformation and upgrading and the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, as well as agriculture, forestry, medicine, and teacher training majors that are urgently needed for the economic and social development of poor areas.For candidates selected for special programs, colleges and universities will generally lower the admission scores.

The reporter saw that in terms of the special plan for colleges and universities, from the perspective of graduating high schools, the one with the largest number of students is Dongshan High School in Meixian County, Guangdong, with 37 students expected to be qualified. Huidong Senior High School in Huidong County, Jiaoling High School in Jiaoling County, Nanxiong High School, and Xingning No. 1 High School in Meizhou City all have 10 or more students. From the perspective of the colleges and universities that are admitted, South China University of Technology and Sun Yat-sen University have the largest number of students to be admitted, with 36 and 26 students respectively; Zhejiang University plans to admit 14 students, Peking University plans to admit 3 students, Tsinghua University plans to admit 2 students, Fudan University plans to admit 5 students, and Shanghai Jiaotong University plans to admit 2 students. This year, Guangdong candidates were admitted to 71 colleges and universities (campuses) including Tsinghua University and Peking University through the special plan for colleges and universities.

In terms of local special plans, from the perspective of graduating high schools, Puning No. 2 High School has the largest number of students to be admitted, reaching 179. It is followed by Raoping No. 2 High School, Huilai No. 1 High School, Meizhou Xingning No. 1 High School, and Huidong High School in Huidong County, all of which have 130 or more students to be admitted.

The 17 colleges and universities enrolling students under the local special plan plan to admit a total of 2,460 people, 20 fewer than originally planned. South China Agricultural University has the largest number of admissions, reaching 450. Guangdong University of Technology and Shenzhen University rank second and third with 300 and 260 respectively. Guangdong Ocean University has a shortage of 3 people, Foshan University has a shortage of 14 people, and Guangzhou Medical University has a shortage of 3 people.

Source: Yangcheng News reporter Sun Wei, Xin Kuai Bao
