
Business Research Institute | "Enterprise Intelligent Transformation Methods and Practices: Lenovo Revelation": It is about strategy, organizational culture, digital foundation, and intelligent operations


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Cover News reporter Meng Mei
Under the wave of AI technology revolution, intelligent transformation has become a new trend that has attracted widespread attention in the industry. It is not only a new engine for enterprises to achieve leapfrog development, but also a "long-distance race" with both "pain" and "happiness". All enterprises must learn the compulsory course of "intelligent transformation" and fight the battle of "intelligent transformation".
"Methods and Practices for Enterprise Intelligent Transformation: Lenovo Revelation", compiled by Lenovo Global Learning Center and published by Machinery Industry Press, is a masterpiece that emphasizes both methodology and practice. The book shares for the first time Lenovo Group's "Intelligent Transformation Code" and unique core practical cases and technologies, providing valuable reference for companies that are undergoing or determined to undergo intelligent transformation.
At present, enterprises still face many problems and challenges on the road to intelligent transformation, such as unclear strategy, unclear path, mismatched organization, etc. Reaching a consensus on strategic direction, choosing reliable practical methods and paths, and building corresponding organizations have become the primary issues for Chinese enterprises to explore intelligent transformation.
Facing the confusion of enterprises' intelligent transformation, Lin Xueping, a visiting researcher at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, pointed out that "many enterprises have expectations for intelligent transformation, but the transformation process is often like 'opening a blind box', paying a price but not getting the desired effect." He believes that intelligent transformation itself is a brand-new practice, and recommends relying more on external forces to "open this window."
"Lenovo's intelligent transformation practice provides a very good way. Its intelligent transformation can be simply summarized as 'one blueprint with two sides'." He said that one side is technological transformation and the other side is business transformation. Like sewing clothes, technology and business are intertwined, which increases its certainty.
Well-known media person Wu Bofan talked about the "beautiful picture" of intelligence. He pointed out that intelligent transformation represents a powerful prediction and decision-making ability, and it is a process of evolving from simple information collection and processing as a reference for decision-making to the enterprise itself being an intelligent body and decision-making body. Enterprises no longer use human brains, but intelligent nervous systems distributed in various links to reflect the external world. This is the basic starting point of intelligent transformation. He further pointed out that intelligent transformation can be summarized as "three flows in one", that is, the "trinity" of logistics, information flow and decision flow.
Jia Jingyu, deputy chief engineer of the Industrial Planning Institute of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, introduced the concept of "smart enterprise". He believes that enterprises have gone through the process from the most basic automation to informatization to digitalization, and will continue to evolve to a more advanced form in the future. They will have five core characteristics, including data empowerment, global coordination, human-machine collaboration, optimized resource allocation, and autonomous automation. This is the inevitable result of intelligent transformation. He emphasized that "intelligent transformation is to establish a relatively complete artificial intelligence technology system, business system, and management system, which can then autonomously collect data information, conduct integrated analysis, and then realize decision-making execution and even autonomous evolution."
The book states that "value-driven, systematic advancement" is the "code" for Lenovo's intelligent transformation. In short, it is to be guided by the enterprise's operational value, strategic value, industry and social value, and to form a systematic construction in four aspects: intelligent transformation strategy, intelligent business operation, digital foundation, and organizational and cultural change. Amu introduced that the intelligent transformation of an enterprise is not a simple transformation of information technology or IT technology, but a complete transformation of the enterprise itself. The proposition of intelligent transformation should be deconstructed with the creation of enterprise value as the core.
Lenovo started its intelligent transformation early, and first determined its intelligent transformation strategy, including the top-level framework design of intelligent transformation, a unified consensus transformation blueprint, a clear and continuous iteration roadmap, and the establishment of a value-driven spiral advancement method. After establishing the intelligent transformation strategy, Lenovo focused on three aspects: reshaping the organization, cultivating talents, and recreating culture, and continued to upgrade its organizational culture and talent development to support the implementation of the strategy. At the same time, Lenovo has fully upgraded its new IT digital base to enhance the elasticity and resilience of its business. In terms of intelligent business operations, Lenovo has widely used AI to achieve intelligent operations across the entire value chain. Currently, AI applications in core business links have exceeded 500 scenarios.
In promoting the real implementation of intelligent transformation, Wu Bofan talked about the relationship between people and the application of AI technology. "From the current situation, most companies may be solving a shortcoming or goal problem in business operations. AI provides a productivity option. We must fully consider the relationship between people and AI." He said, "In specific business scenarios, if people and AI cannot be discussed together, artificial intelligence will have no soil foundation." He also emphasized that intelligent transformation needs to penetrate into the process level and the cultural level of the enterprise.
Jia Jingyu shared three drivers, namely policy guidance, technology drive and demand traction. "We can call digital technology the foundation, which reflects the key role of this digital technology. However, in the new era of AI, this foundation is gradually spreading to all aspects." He said that in the future, AI technology will become the "universal environment" for people's production and life, just like the importance of air to our survival, which can be seen and felt everywhere.
It should be said that the new book "Enterprise Intelligent Transformation Methods and Practices: Lenovo Revelation" is a reference "sample" of intelligent transformation practice from system to methodology to case to actual operation, and is a rare MBA full-course textbook for enterprises. I believe that these experiences and methodologies written in the book can help more enterprises avoid detours.