
On the tarmac with a temperature of over 60 degrees Celsius, Shanghai Airport staff stick to their posts


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Since the start of this year's summer travel season, the number of flights and passenger traffic at Shanghai Airport has continued to rise, affected by the combined impact of the concentrated student passenger flow and the passenger flow of visiting relatives and tourists. According to the express data, from July 1 to 31, the average daily take-off and landing flights at Shanghai Pudong and Hongqiao Airports were 2,273, a year-on-year increase of 9.6%; the average daily passenger throughput was 359,000, a year-on-year increase of 17.1%. The average daily inbound and outbound passenger volume was 106,000, a year-on-year increase of 57.8%. On July 27, the daily passenger throughput of Pudong Airport exceeded 250,000, setting a historical record.

On August 1 and 2, the Shanghai Meteorological Observatory issued the first and second high temperature red alerts this year. Faced with the highest temperature of over 60 degrees Celsius on the apron, the staff of Shanghai Airport did not fear the scorching heat and stayed at their posts, sweating and working hard for the smooth travel of passengers, safe take-off and landing of flights, and efficient transportation of cargo.

Aircraft security inspector

More than 30,000 steps per day

The two airports in Shanghai have an average of more than 2,000 flights taking off and landing every day. During the aircraft parking period, the security aircraft monitors must pay full attention to the situation around the monitoring area, ensure that people and vehicles pass according to regulations, avoid the approach of irrelevant people and objects, and ensure the safety of aircraft. They patrol more than 30,000 steps every day in high temperatures, just to ensure that every flight takes off safely and on time. Often, within less than 10 minutes of being on duty, the uniform is soaked with sweat, and drinking 3 liters of water a day is the norm. In order to better protect the health and safety of the monitors, the airport shortened the time of each monitoring mission, increased the frequency of rotation, and equipped the team members with thick-soled shoes with better insulation and sun-proof ice sleeves.

Baggage handler

Thousands of loading and unloading operations completed in the low cargo hold

After the flight arrives at the airport and before takeoff, the airport ground service baggage handlers have to bend over in the narrow space of the passenger plane's cargo hold, which is less than 1.3 meters high, for more than 45 minutes to quickly complete the stacking and loading and unloading of each piece of luggage. They must be gentle during the handling process to ensure that the passengers' luggage will not be subjected to heavy pressure and damage. At noon, the airtight cargo hold was like a steamer, sweat flowed down their cheeks and backs, and white salt frost formed on their work clothes. On average, each loader has to guarantee 8 flights a day, handle more than 500 pieces of luggage, and complete thousands of loading and unloading actions. They work hard just to ensure that the luggage and cargo can be delivered to the destination safely and efficiently and to the hands of passengers.

Aircraft refueler

More than 10 kg of refueling joints were lifted over the head dozens of times

After the flight arrives at the port, the aircraft refueler has to complete nearly 40 operations, including placing wheel chocks, connecting static electricity wires, connecting refueling plugs, connecting aircraft refueling interfaces, checking and confirming, and starting refueling. Most of the operations are completed by the refueler alone. The heat waves are rolling next to the engine. They repeatedly lift the more than 10 kilograms of refueling connectors above their heads dozens of times a day, bend over and disassemble the more than 20 kilograms of ground well connectors, and professionally and efficiently perform refueling operations for nearly 30 flights. They say: "We are the only ones waiting for the planes, and we can't let the planes wait for us."

Freight station tally clerk

Race against time to ensure efficient transportation of goods in and out of the port

The third production department of the Pudong Airport West Cargo Terminal is responsible for ensuring the cargo loading and unloading of nearly 40 flights per day for 14 airlines. The cargo terminal tally clerks have to handle more than 2,000 tons of cargo every day. There is no roof to block the operation area on the airside of the apron. Under the "roasting" of the apron's rolling heat waves, the tally clerks carefully and methodically complete a series of operations such as pallet number confirmation, barcode cleaning, and appearance inspection in accordance with operating regulations and procedures to ensure that 100% of the pallets are received without omission. With the opening of the cross-border e-commerce domestic to international transit cargo flipping business at the cargo terminal, the amount of cargo assembled in the warehouse area has increased significantly, especially the need for manual re-disassembly of pallets, tallying, and weighing according to loading requirements after transporting and assembling pallets. The work clothes of the tally clerks are wet and dry, dry and wet, but the work in their hands never stops, racing against time to ensure the efficient transportation of goods in and out of the port.

Airport Builder

Working day and night on the front line of major project construction

At present, multiple project groups of the Pudong Airport Phase IV expansion project are being pushed forward simultaneously. More than 3,000 Shanghai Airport builders are working day and night on the front line of construction. Some of them are standing on a 5-meter-high scaffolding to accurately and professionally weld the steel bars of the foundation pit top plate, and some are pouring concrete in the foundation pit 30 meters underground. They are fighting against sunny days, rainy days, progress, and safety, and are going all out to promote major engineering construction despite the scorching heat. The airport and participating construction units have set up tea kiosks and rest areas at the construction site, and brought in water dispensers, ice machines, and large cooling fans to better protect the health and safety of airport builders.

Customs passenger inspection officer

"Advance machine inspection" allows passengers to pass through customs without feeling

As international flights continue to increase and resume, the number of inbound and outbound passengers at airport ports continues to grow. Pudong Airport Customs Passenger Inspection Department actively optimizes the "center + on-site" supervision model, and provides inbound passengers with a more convenient and seamless customs clearance experience through smart means such as "preliminary machine inspection". "Preliminary machine inspection" means that before passengers get their checked baggage, the customs has already used the pre-machine inspection equipment on the sorting line of incoming flights to remotely monitor the checked baggage in real time, identify risk items through intelligent software, and take corresponding regulatory measures on the relevant baggage after review and confirmation. At present, the inspection and judgment time of a single baggage has been compressed to less than 6 seconds, and the normal entry time for passengers has been reduced to less than 30 minutes.

Border inspection police on duty

The average immigration time saved is 40 minutes per person

The 13th Duty Team of Shanghai Border Inspection Station is mainly responsible for the border inspection of cargo planes and passenger and cargo plane crews entering and leaving Pudong Airport. The team has an average age of 46.4 years old and is known as the "stubborn uncle team". This group of "stubborn uncles" have to endure the noise on the hot apron, promptly discover and investigate various cases such as visa discrepancies and incomplete procedures, and ensure the safety of the port. In order to improve the customs clearance efficiency of crew members, the 13th Duty Team independently developed a substantive inspection "Smart Eye" system, which has achieved full coverage and precise control of cargo planes. Through the "Internet +" border inspection service, the "single window" electronic declaration platform 24 hours "apply and do it at will", direct round-trip exemption, crew fast channel self-service filing and other measures, since the summer transportation, it has provided customs clearance convenience for more than 2,800 cargo planes and more than 160,000 crew members, saving an average of 40 minutes in entry and exit time.

Police Station Youth Commando

Foreign tourists specially sent a banner to express their gratitude

The Pudong Airport Terminal Police Station's "Escort Me" Youth Commando is composed of 16 members, responsible for escorting the airport's public security and order. During the summer travel season, they receive many requests for help from passengers every day, including many foreign passengers. The commando specifically dispatched police officers who are proficient in foreign languages ​​to patrol the front line to provide foreign passengers with services including guidance on the boarding process, civilized persuasion, and help and assistance. In early July, a foreign passenger came anxiously for help, saying that he had lost a handbag containing important work materials. After retrieving the public video, the police found that it was the cleaning staff who picked it up and handed it over to the lost and found office. After the handbag was lost and recovered, the passenger made a special trip to Shanghai to present an English pennant to express his gratitude. The commandos are also responsible for guarding the apron, carrying out safety inspections of vehicles and personnel in key areas such as the runway and parking spaces in the airfield, and stationed on the apron around the clock in the wind and sun to welcome and send off the safe takeoff and landing of each flight.

Shanghai Airport Units at All Levels

Effectively care for and protect frontline employees

Units at all levels at Shanghai Airport also deployed, acted and arranged in advance to ensure the protection and protection of outdoor and indoor frontline employees. At present, more than 10,000 boxes of heatstroke-resistant beverages and heatstroke-resistant supplies such as cooling oil, Rendan, and floral water have been distributed in place; the two airports have optimized and upgraded more than 130 employee lounges, and built 7 new apron shared lounges on the apron, which can serve 3,000 employees from more than 80 airport community member units every day. Units at all levels organize medical service teams, psychological counselors, and volunteers to the production line in accordance with actual conditions, provide medical rounds, heatstroke prevention knowledge publicity, psychological counseling and other services, so that frontline employees can combine work and rest, get enough rest, and better concentrate on summer transportation production and operation guarantee.