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"The Legend of Sintberg" Review: Excellent puzzles, mediocre combat



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Biased in one subject.

"The Legend of Sintberg" is an action-adventure game with an extremely novel setting. It has an American comic style outlined and embellished with thick lines, as well as a reverse-time travel theme with a strong sense of contrast.

The gameplay elements of the game are a combination of swords and magic, but it is set in a modern urban town against the backdrop of the Alps. The main theme of the game revolves around dungeon exploration, but the dungeon here is not a maze, but a gorgeous theme park built by a local town in Austria.

One step further, it is fantasy, and one step back, it is modern. At a time when reverse time travel is popular, "The Legend of Sintberg" is definitely one of the best.

However, regardless of the subject matter or category, the presentation of the process experience of "The Legend of Sintberg" does not have the common criticisms of similar games.

What I mean is, if you are used to adventure games with clear main lines such as "Tomb Raider", then the process of "The Legend of Sintberg" may seem a bit scattered - the game does not have a conspiracy of deep hatred to promote the progress of the plot, and the rotation of the process depends entirely on the player's self-awareness.

If you are in a good mood, you can go to the dungeon to explore; if you are in a bad mood, you can just hang out in the metropolis. Players can completely regard themselves as a pure tourist, neither a brave man nor a wise man, and they never have any burdens.

This relaxed and lively game atmosphere is also one of the main selling points of the game. Players can explore the process at their own pace. At the same time, there is not even a high-sounding voice in the game, indirectly urging players to embark on the journey quickly or to resolve inexplicable disputes.

Whether it is on the surface or hidden in the dark, if you don't like the main line process that is pressed step by step, then the game tone of "Legend of Sintberg" will be quite suitable for you. This makes the player not like a dungeon slave, soaking in the dungeon from the beginning to the end of the game without seeing the sun.

It is worth mentioning that Sintberg Tales divides the entire Alps into four major regions, and then scatters 25 dungeons in the corners of the four regions. Therefore, although dungeon exploration is the main theme of the game, exploring the world is equally important.

Players can discover dungeons while exploring the world, and then go through them. But like I said, the game doesn't have a core storyline that demands players to go through it at all times, so whether it's the path to go through it, or whether you want to go through it, it all depends on the player.

If there is something else desirable in the Alps, then it might not be a bad idea to put the dungeon aside for now.

For example, first look for the most important weapon in fantasy themes - magic.

In the four regions of the Alps, each region has two types of magic that belong to its own plate. They are used throughout the battle and also take into account puzzle solving. They are necessary collection items for conquering the dungeon in the current region.

If you cannot find the magic belonging to the current plate, you cannot unlock the secret mechanism in front of the dungeon, and the boundary line connecting the map area will be blocked for a long time.

For example, before obtaining the blast magic, most areas on the map will be blocked by broken rocks. However, obtaining the blast magic is equivalent to obtaining the "Iai Slash" in the "Pokemon" series, symbolizing that the player's adventure can take a new step.

Of course, even if the player has not entered the dungeon, there are still monster enemies wandering around the Alps. Players can fight these enemies first and learn how to use the power of magic.

In the first area, in addition to blasting magic, players can also learn chain magic, which can pull distant enemies to their side and then use blasting magic to kill them all.

Although the game also provides players with melee weapons, the long freeze frame visual performance makes the attack feel very strange, far less crisp and clean than magic. Therefore, the combat part of the game is actually mediocre, and most of the time it is just a few magic or combat skills. Compared with the battle, players will look forward to the adventure journey into the dungeon.

The destructive properties of blasting magic and the pulling properties of chain magic also indicate the main composition of the dungeon mechanism in the first area. Presumably, a large number of destructible scenes must be the main composition of the dungeon in this area.

But the cleverness of "The Legend of Sintberg" is not limited to this. In addition to the first attribute that players can immediately discover intuitively, the game also hides a trick that requires players to use their imagination.

For example, blasting magic can summon bombs to destroy ruins, but the bombs themselves also have a model, so they must have mass, which can act as boxes commonly used in trigger mechanisms.

Remember those trigger mechanisms placed in front of doors in similar games? As long as the player stands on it, the door will open. Once the player leaves, the door will close. For this reason, players often look for some boxes around as replacements for their characters.

The bombs summoned by the blasting magic can be used as boxes at this time. However, the bombs will explode after a few seconds, and the time operation space will definitely become the entry point of the dungeon mechanism. In addition, since the bombs have mass, they can also act as weights on the scale mechanism, lifting the player out of thin air in the crane and other mechanisms.

Taking advantage of the impact speed of the falling bomb, the gap when the bomb explodes, the mass of the bomb itself, and the rolling characteristics of the bomb, "The Legend of Sintborg" has created absolutely interesting puzzle levels around the hidden properties of magic, creating a game atmosphere similar to "The Legend of Zelda".

There are as many as 8 types of such themed magic, and there are 25 dungeons for players to explore, which can be said to be a large quantity and sufficient for everyone.

The most ingenious thing about "The Legend of Sintberg" is that magic not only supports the battle process, but also runs through the puzzle gameplay. It uses the same element to cleverly combine the two gameplays without appearing abrupt at all.

Compared to those adventure games that simply add up the number of traps, "The Legend of Sintberg" has achieved a breakthrough in the quality of the traps. It is easy to remind you of the clever designs in the Nintendo series of games. All the puzzles are confusing but not brain-burning, and the difficulty is just right.

In my opinion, those brain-burning puzzle games that rely on piling up the number of mechanisms can only be regarded as second-rate. Puzzle games that can make players not pay too much attention to the difficulty of the level itself, but also make players feel that they are smart, can be regarded as first-rate.

The goal of puzzle solving is success, not to knock the player down. The essence of puzzle solving is to highlight the player's intelligence, not a means for developers to show off their cleverness.

Nintendo games are naturally the best of the best, and although "The Legend of Sintberg" has not yet reached the level of being a top-notch game, it has also entered the top ranks.

Therefore, the sluggish action aspect of "The Legend of Sintberg" does not affect the core experience of the game too much - its outstanding puzzle-solving ability can completely make up for the shortcomings of the combat process, and the magic used in puzzle-solving is closely related to combat.

However, in order to make up for the mediocre combat process caused by the poor melee feel, "Legend of Sintberg" also introduced certain social gameplay to the process to enrich the development dimension of the process.

For example, you can make a few friends in the town and hear more stories about the town and dungeon from them. It is worth mentioning that when players develop friendships with NPCs, these NPCs will also provide players with certain help, such as equipment, combat skills, and character attribute growth, which also integrates multiple gameplays to a certain extent, allowing different gameplays to feed back to each other.

If you have played the "Persona" series, you must be familiar with this process arrangement - unlock the main line during the day, then go to the core area to explore the dungeon, return to the town to enjoy life in the afternoon, and spend time with a few friends in the evening, and a day's in-game time will pass quickly.

"The Legend of Sintberg" divides the game process into days, and players need to make arrangements for each day. But don't be nervous, the game will never be too tight, and players can still spend their days normally even if they have no intention of going to the dungeon.

With a relaxed gaming atmosphere and casual gaming tone, Sintberg Legends is too friendly to be a dungeon-themed action-adventure game, but this is precisely its charm.

Just like enjoying a holiday, "The Legend of Sinterberg" wants to give players a fantasy adventure in the Alps. It is full of contrasts, sandwiched between modern towns and fantasy dungeons, but the process arrangement makes them coexist in harmony.

Of course, I also encountered a lot of bugs caused by the mechanism in the beta version - you know, most of the game's puzzles rely on the unique mechanism of magic, which makes it inevitable for the various levels to malfunction. Fortunately, most of the bugs will not affect the advancement of the game process, but I simply hope that the developers can improve them one by one in the subsequent maintenance.

Apart from the bugs and the game's overly mediocre combat tuning, I have almost no other details to complain about, and the outstanding puzzle-solving process has raised my evaluation of it, making "The Legend of Sinterklaas" a work worth trying.

The hardware configuration specifications for this game evaluation are as follows:

Configuration model

MSI brand host Codex Dark Knight




Intel i7-13700F




Crucial D5 16G 5600


Crucial P3 OLUS 1T M.2



Product pictures Performance test Product details

3DM Rating: 7.8