
State Council: Relax restrictions on settlement except in some megacities


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Cailianshe reported on July 31 that the State Council recently issued the "Five-Year Action Plan for Deeply Implementing the People-Oriented New Urbanization Strategy", which deploys the overall requirements, key tasks, policy measures and organizational implementation for promoting new urbanization construction in the next five years.

The Action Plan clearly states that we must adhere to the working principles of people-oriented, law-abiding, classified measures, intensive and efficient. After five years of efforts, the channels for rural migrant population to settle in cities have been further unblocked, the system for providing basic public services in permanent places has been further improved, the coordinated promotion of new industrialization and urbanization in potential areas has been significantly accelerated, a number of modern metropolitan areas with strong radiation and driving force have been cultivated and formed, the shortcomings of urban safety and resilience have been effectively made up, and the urbanization rate of permanent population has been increased to nearly 70%, better supporting the high-quality development of the economy and society.

The Action Plan proposes four major actions, 19 key tasks and related policy measures.

First, a new round of action plan for the urbanization of rural migrant population was implemented, proposing six tasks: further deepening the reform of the household registration system, improving the system of providing basic public services in permanent places of residence, promoting stable employment of rural migrant population in cities and towns, guaranteeing the right of migrant children to receive education in the inflow areas, improving the diversified housing security system for rural migrant population, and expanding the social security coverage for rural migrant population. In addition, the incentive policies for the urbanization of rural migrant population and the policies for protecting the rural rights and interests of farmers who move to cities were improved.

The second is to implement actions to improve the level of urbanization in potential areas, and propose four tasks: cultivating characteristic and advantageous industrial clusters, promoting the upgrading and expansion of industrial parks, strengthening talent support for industrial development, and enhancing the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities, as well as policy measures such as improving the incentive mechanism for new cross-regional industrial layout, strengthening land conservation and intensive use, and strengthening diversified capital investment guarantees.

The third is to implement the action plan for cultivating modern urban agglomerations, proposing four tasks and policy measures to support the construction of urban agglomerations, namely, improving inter-city commuting efficiency, strengthening industrial division of labor and cooperation, accelerating market integration, and promoting the joint construction and sharing of public services.

Fourth, implement urban renewal and safety resilience enhancement actions, and propose five tasks and policy measures to support urban renewal, including promoting the renovation of old urban communities, accelerating the construction of "three major projects" such as affordable housing, strengthening urban flood control, implementing urban lifeline safety projects, and promoting the construction of green and smart cities.

Deeply implement the five-year action plan for the people-oriented new urbanization strategy

Urbanization is the only way to modernization, an important way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, a strong support for promoting regional coordinated development, and an important means to expand domestic demand and promote industrial upgrading. In order to implement the people-oriented new urbanization strategy in depth, this action plan is formulated in accordance with the National New Urbanization Plan (2021-2035).

I. General requirements

To implement the people-oriented new urbanization strategy in depth, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, adhere to the general working tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully and accurately implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, take meeting the people's growing needs for a better life as the fundamental goal, use institutional and mechanism reform as the driving force, take advantage of the situation, act in line with the trend, adapt to local conditions and implement differentiated policies, steadily improve the quality and level of urbanization, fully release the huge domestic demand potential contained in the new urbanization, and continuously promote the effective improvement of economic quality and reasonable growth in quantity, providing strong impetus and solid support for China-style modernization.

——Adhere to the people-oriented principle. Make the promotion of urbanization of rural migrant population the primary task of new urbanization, adhere to the principle that the people build the city and the city belongs to the people, fully respect the will of the people, mobilize and give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people, promote the all-round development of the people and social fairness and justice, and enable all residents to share the fruits of modernization development.

——Adhere to the laws. Based on my country's national conditions, follow the laws of nature, economy, and especially urban development, coordinate new industrialization, new urbanization, and rural revitalization, give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and improve the efficiency of resource allocation.

——Adhere to differentiated policies. Coordinate the resource and environmental carrying capacity, functional positioning, urbanization development level and population size of each region, determine the key directions of urbanization construction according to local conditions, and actively, steadily and solidly promote them, rather than marching in lockstep or "one size fits all", so as to form development paths with their own characteristics.

——Adhere to intensive and efficient development. Based on the results of the national “three zones and three lines” demarcation, effectively gather various factors, promote the unity of urban development with industrial support, employment transfer, and population agglomeration, build a scientific and reasonable urbanization pattern, and promote urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development.

After five years of efforts, the channels for rural migrant population to settle in cities have been further unblocked, the system for providing basic public services in permanent places has been further improved, the coordinated promotion of new industrialization and urbanization in potential regions has been significantly accelerated, a number of modern urban agglomerations with strong radiation and driving force have been cultivated and formed, the shortcomings in urban safety and resilience have been effectively filled, and the urbanization rate of permanent residents has increased to nearly 70%, better supporting high-quality economic and social development.

II. Implement a new round of urbanization of rural migrant population

1. Development direction

Focusing on migrant workers and their accompanying family members, while taking into account the floating population between cities, we will further broaden the channels for settling in cities, strive to narrow the gap between the urbanization rate of registered population and the urbanization rate of permanent population, implement the system of providing basic public services by registered household registration in the place of permanent residence, promote eligible rural migrant population to enjoy the same rights as registered population in the place of migration, such as social insurance, housing security, and compulsory education for their children, gradually enable the non-settled permanent population to enjoy equal basic urban public services, and promote the accelerated integration of rural migrant population into cities.

2. Key tasks

1. Further deepen the reform of the household registration system. Relax restrictions on settlement except for a few super-large cities, and promote the household registration system based on the place of habitual residence. Fully implement the requirements for canceling settlement restrictions in cities with a permanent urban population of less than 3 million, and fully relax settlement conditions in cities with a permanent urban population of 3 million to 5 million. Improve the point-based settlement policy for super-large and megacities with a permanent urban population of more than 5 million, and encourage the cancellation of annual settlement quota restrictions. Each city should formulate specific settlement measures according to local conditions, promote the transfer of agricultural population with stable employment and living in cities to settle in cities with their families, and enjoy the same rights and perform the same obligations as urban residents. Improve the national open and unified household registration management government service platform to improve the convenience of household registration and migration.

2. Improve the system of providing basic public services in the permanent place of residence. Grasp the objective laws of population mobility and promote relevant public services to follow people. When dynamically adjusting the supporting standards of basic public services, all regions should increase the basic public service items that can be enjoyed by the permanent population and optimize the layout of basic public service facilities according to the size of the permanent population. Promote the connection between the functions of residence permits and identity cards, improve the basic public service provision mechanism for non-registered population marked by citizen identity numbers and linked to the length of residence, and steadily realize the supply of basic public services by the permanent place of residence and cover all permanent residents.

3. Promote stable employment of migrant workers in cities and towns. Improve the employment support system for key groups such as migrant workers. Implement the manufacturing skills foundation project, and focus on supporting leading manufacturing enterprises and vocational colleges (including technical colleges) to provide training services to the society. Stabilize the enrollment scale of vocational colleges for migrant workers, and implement the empowerment and improvement action of integrating production and education in vocational education, guided by the needs of emerging industries such as intelligent manufacturing and labor-scarce industries such as domestic services. Improve the occupational skill level certification mechanism and improve the treatment of skilled talents. Promote full coverage of employment services for permanent residents and strengthen the protection of the labor rights and interests of migrant workers.

4. Ensure the right of migrant children to receive education in the destination. Mainly include migrant children in the scope of compulsory education in the destination, increase the supply of public school places, and continuously increase the proportion of migrant children in public schools. Accelerate the inclusion of migrant children in the scope of secondary vocational education and inclusive preschool education in the destination. Optimize the allocation of regional education resources and establish a basic public education service supply mechanism that is coordinated with population changes. Dynamically adjust and coordinate and optimize the strength of teachers and other personnel in various places based on changes in the size of the permanent population.

5. Improve the diversified housing security system for rural migrant workers. Encourage cities with conditions to gradually include rural migrant workers with stable employment and living into the scope of urban housing security policies. Increase the supply of affordable small-sized affordable rental housing for rural migrant workers. Actively cultivate and develop the housing rental market, and support the adoption of various measures to meet the housing needs of rural migrant workers through market-oriented means. Gradually enable housing rental and purchase groups to enjoy equal public service rights. Promote the construction of affordable housing in cities with conditions.

6. Expand the coverage of social security for migrant workers. Improve the social security system for flexible employment personnel, migrant workers, and new employment forms, completely cancel the restrictions on household registration for participation in insurance at the place of employment, and improve the policy of transfer and continuation of social security relations. Guide the migrant workers to participate in the basic pension and medical insurance for employees in accordance with regulations. Fully implement the policy of participating in the basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents with residence permits, and increase the number of designated medical institutions for direct settlement of medical treatment in other places. Deepen the pilot of occupational injury protection for new employment forms. Include eligible migrant workers in the scope of social assistance to provide a bottom-line guarantee for the basic life of the disadvantaged groups.

(III) Policy measures

1. Improve incentive policies for the urbanization of rural migrant population. Further promote the linkage between transfer payments, factor allocation, etc. and the urbanization of rural migrant population. Improve the central government's incentive fund system for the urbanization of rural migrant population. Provinces with net population inflow can establish and improve the provincial incentive mechanism for the urbanization of rural migrant population based on actual conditions. Implement the policy of tilting central fiscal construction funds to cities with a large number of rural migrant population, and give full play to the support role of central and provincial fiscal subsidies in areas such as urban affordable housing projects for cities with a large number of rural migrant population. Establish a coordination mechanism for the allocation of new urban construction land indicators and the increase in permanent population, and reasonably arrange land indicators such as compulsory education school buildings and affordable housing in cities with net population inflow. Urban governments should strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of rural migrant population and humanistic care.

2. Improve the rural rights protection policy for farmers who move to cities. Standardize the registration and certification of rural real estate rights. Protect the legitimate land rights of farmers who move to cities, protect their land contracting rights, homestead use rights, and collective income distribution rights in accordance with the law, and do not use the withdrawal of the above rights as a condition for farmers to move to cities. Explore ways to establish voluntary and paid withdrawal.

III. Implementing actions to improve urbanization in potential regions

1. Development direction

Focusing on concentrated areas with great urbanization potential, such as central and southern Hebei, northern Anhui, southwestern Shandong, southeastern Henan, southwestern Hunan, western Guangdong, and eastern Sichuan, while taking into account other counties (cities, districts) with low urbanization rates and large populations, we will accelerate breakthroughs in coordinating the promotion of new industrialization and urbanization, and build a virtuous interactive pattern of industrial gradient layout, local employment, and coordinated development of large, medium and small cities.

2. Key tasks

1. Cultivate characteristic and advantageous industrial clusters. Relying on the resource endowments and industrial foundations of various regions, cultivate and introduce "chain leaders" and leading enterprises in the industrial chain with ecological dominance and core competitiveness, drive the gathering of specialized and innovative enterprises in the upstream and downstream, and create industrial clusters with outstanding professional advantages and close cooperation and supporting facilities. Guide regions with abundant labor and convenient locations to give full play to the advantages of factor costs, implement special actions for the consumer goods industry to "increase varieties, improve quality, and create brands", and optimize and upgrade traditional industrial clusters with large employment capacity such as food processing, light industry and textiles. Guide regions with a good industrial foundation to implement special actions for the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, and cultivate new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, basic software and industrial software, etc.Strategic emerging industriesClusters. Guide resource-rich and energy-rich regions to promote high-end and green development of energy, chemical, big data and other industrial clusters. Provincial governments should clarify the development direction and cultivation requirements of leading industries with "one county, one policy" and guide major industrial projects to be clustered in potential regions.

2. Promote the upgrading and expansion of industrial parks. Promote the integration and upgrading of homogeneous and inefficient industrial parks, and build a high-level professional industrial service support platform. Establish and improve a comprehensive assessment and evaluation system for industrial parks with per-mu benefits as an important consideration, and use the evaluation results as an important basis for expansion, adjustment, and upgrading. All new industrial land will be supplied as "standard land", and the land approval commitment system will be implemented, and flexible land supply methods such as flexible transfer and first lease and then transfer will be promoted. Improve the standardization level of park facilities and services, strengthen the construction of infrastructure such as water, electricity, roads, gas, and telecommunications, standard factory buildings, and common technology platforms, establish a one-stop service mechanism for the entire investment cycle, and encourage the introduction of professional operating entities.

3. Strengthen talent support for industrial development. Increase efforts to build vocational schools (including technical schools) and training bases in potential areas, and give priority to their layout around industrial parks. In line with the development needs of leading industries, dynamically adjust the professional settings of vocational schools, promote the sinking of high-quality higher vocational education resources to county-level secondary vocational schools, and cooperate in integrated schooling. Innovate the way of school-enterprise collaboration, promote enterprises to participate in the formulation of training programs and professional teaching, encourage vocational schools to hire professional talents from enterprises to teach part-time, and promote the "academic degree certificate + several professional skills certificates" training model. Create a stable, open, transparent and predictable development environment to attract entrepreneurs to start businesses. Facilitate the cross-regional flow of talents, promote the national mutual recognition of professional qualifications and professional skill levels, and provide "one-stop" services such as household registration, children's enrollment, and venture capital for urgently needed and scarce talents.

4. Enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities and towns. Promote provinces with conditions to cultivate and develop provincial sub-center cities, and effectively share the non-core functions of provincial capital cities. Promote node cities to improve their industrial and population carrying capacity, develop productive services around the leading industries, strengthen the planning and layout of colleges and universities and high-level tertiary hospitals, and radiate to drive the concentration of urban population. Promote urbanization with county towns as an important carrier, accelerate the filling of the gaps in county infrastructure and public services, implement key tasks such as the development and improvement of county general high schools and the improvement of the comprehensive capacity of county hospitals, strengthen the construction of large-scale central towns, promote the urbanization of agricultural migrant population nearby, and deepen the reform of granting large towns economic and social management rights commensurate with population and economic scale. Guide the transformation and development of counties (cities, districts) with a continuously declining population, and promote the moderate concentration of population and public service resources. Promote urban-rural integration development with counties as the basic unit, promote the extension of urban infrastructure and public services to rural areas, and promote the connection and complementarity of county and rural functions.

(III) Policy measures

1. Improve the incentive mechanism for new cross-regional industrial layout. Improve the cooperation mechanism for the orderly transfer of industries in the country, promote the potential regions and developed regions to strengthen industrial docking and coordination, innovate industrial cooperation models such as enclave economy and trusteeship operation, and improve the benefit sharing mechanism such as output value indicators. Improve the equal or proportional replacement mechanism for cross-provincial capacity layout, and establish a mechanism for the proportional transfer of indicators such as emission rights with projects. Facilitate the cross-regional flow of enterprises and promote the cross-provincial relocation of business entities. Strengthen assessment guidance and support state-owned enterprises to tilt their layout towards potential regions.

2. Strengthen the conservation and intensive use of land. Establish a differentiated land supply mechanism guided by per-mu benefits, promote the agglomeration of scattered industrial land to industrial parks, and increase efforts to revitalize stock land and inefficient land. Support the comprehensive use of policy tools such as increase-reduction linkage in potential areas based on national land space planning, improve the level of land conservation and intensive use, and support the construction of key projects of new industrialization and urbanization. Improve the differentiated natural resource management policies for different main functional areas. Encourage the inclusion of construction projects in potential areas into the list of provincial major projects according to procedures, and explore the overall supply of multiple plots of land involved in industrial chain-related projects.

3. Strengthen the guarantee of diversified capital input. Central fiscal construction funds support the construction of park facilities, vocational education, municipal facilities, etc. in potential areas, and set up special quotas to support the improvement of public service capabilities such as basic education, medical care, elderly care and childcare in large grain-producing counties. Improve the basic financial guarantee mechanism of the central fiscal county level, and the provincial fiscal can coordinate relevant funds to support the development and construction of potential areas. Increase the intensity of medium- and long-term loans to the manufacturing industry in potential areas. Give full play to the role of various financial institutions to support the construction of new industrialization and urbanization projects in potential areas. Study the comprehensive use of fiscal, land, financial, industrial and other policies to support potential areas to improve the level of urbanization development.

IV. Implementing the Modernized Urban Circle Cultivation Action

1. Development direction

Accelerate the transformation of the development mode of megacities and super-megacities, rely on the radiation of central cities to drive the common development of surrounding cities and counties, cultivate a number of modern urban agglomerations with a high degree of urbanization, promote convenient and efficient commuting, tiered industrial supporting facilities, and shared convenience of life, and guide the coordinated development and intensive and compact layout of large, medium and small cities and towns.

2. Key tasks

1. Improve intercity commuting efficiency. Steadily advance the construction of metropolitan rail transit networks. Make full use of trunk railways to provide intercity train services, give priority to the use of existing line network resources to operate urban (suburban) trains, orderly build urban (suburban) railways along the main corridors of commuter passenger flow, and promote small-scale and bus-like operations. Explore the extension of central city rail transit to surrounding towns, and encourage the use of direct stops at major stations. Promote the development of the "four-network integration" of trunk railways, intercity railways, urban (suburban) railways, and urban rail transit, and realize "zero-distance" transfers and integrated services. Accelerate the construction of urban circle highway ring channels, and fully open up all types of unconnected roads and bottleneck sections in the urban circle.

2. Strengthen industrial division of labor and cooperation. Megacities and extra-megacities should focus on core functional positioning, orderly relieve non-core functions such as general manufacturing, regional logistics bases, and professional markets, and enhance global resource allocation, scientific and technological innovation, and high-end industry leadership capabilities. Surrounding small and medium-sized cities should give play to their comparative advantages, take the initiative to undertake functional transfer, form an industrial structure dominated by advanced manufacturing, and carry out "headquarters + base", "R&D + production", "production + service" and other collaborations with megacities and extra-megacities to build an industrial structure with tiered distribution and chain-type supporting from the center to the periphery. Strengthen the deep integration and development of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain in the metropolitan area, and build a number of high-level innovation consortia, scientific and technological achievement transformation platforms, and pilot incubation bases around the main direction of industrial upgrading.

3. Accelerate the construction of market integration. Promote the integration of access standards, accelerate the standardization of enterprise-related approval processes and information interconnection and sharing within the metropolitan area, and remove obstacles to the relocation and change of registration of business entities. Promote the integration of market supervision, focus on food and drugs, intellectual property rights, passenger and freight transportation, etc., and strengthen the connection of supervision standards and law enforcement cooperation. Promote the integration of factor markets, and accelerate the realization of public resource trading platforms sharing project information, mutual recognition of business entities, and mutual electronic services.

4. Promote the co-construction and sharing of public services. Megacities should orderly relieve over-concentrated higher education and high-quality medical resources, support multi-mode cooperation with surrounding cities in running schools and hospitals with high-quality primary and secondary schools and tertiary hospitals, and promote the mutual recognition of examination results among hospitals across cities. Promote the coordination of housing provident fund business in different places. Promote the interconnection and interoperability of government data, jointly formulate a list of non-discriminatory acceptance matters in the same city, and accelerate the realization of "one-stop service" for high-frequency government affairs across cities. Improve the joint prevention and control mechanism for major disasters and public events, and strengthen the coordinated guarantee of emergency rescue.

(III) Policy measures

We should give full play to the leading role of national development planning and the basic role of national land space planning, accelerate the implementation of urban agglomeration development planning, establish and improve a mechanism for promoting the integration of urban agglomerations with provincial-level coordination, central cities taking the lead, and surrounding cities coordinating, and promote the unified preparation of plans, the overall layout of projects, and the coordinated formulation of policies.BondsFunds will be used to support eligible urban agglomeration construction projects, and urban agglomeration industrial cooperation and supporting projects will be included in the list of provincial major projects as a whole.

V. Implementing urban renewal and safety and resilience enhancement actions

1. Development direction

Focusing on central urban areas with large population sizes and high densities and key areas with wide impacts, we will implement urban renewal actions in depth, strengthen urban infrastructure construction, especially the construction of "inner" projects such as urban underground pipelines, accelerate the filling of gaps in urban safety and resilience, and build livable, resilient and smart cities.

2. Key tasks

1. Promote the renovation of old urban communities. Focus on the renovation of supporting facilities such as water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, heating, fire protection, security, and household waste classification, as well as the maintenance of public areas in the community. Solidly promote the renovation of old urban communities that need to be renovated and built before the end of 2000, and orderly implement urban housing renovation and reinforcement projects. Implement community environment and supporting facilities renovation and construction, building energy-saving renovation, etc. according to local conditions. Focus on the needs of the "old and young" population, promote the construction of community embedded service facilities, strengthen barrier-free environment construction and aging-friendly renovation, and improve the level of community public services.

2. Accelerate the construction of affordable housing, public infrastructure for both peacetime and emergency use, and urban village renovation. Increase the construction and supply of affordable housing, speed up the solution to housing difficulties for wage-earning groups, and stabilize housing expectations for wage-earning groups. Promote urban village renovation through various means such as demolition and new construction, renovation and upgrading, and combination of demolition and renovation, effectively eliminate safety risks and hidden dangers, and improve living conditions and the ecological environment. Promote the construction of public infrastructure for both peacetime and emergency use, build a number of tourist residential facilities with isolation functions in mountainous counties (districts) within the jurisdiction of megacities and extra-megacities, upgrade a number of medical emergency service points, and build or renovate and expand a number of suburban warehouse bases to enhance the city's ability to respond to public emergencies.

3. Strengthen urban flood control. Accelerate the construction of an urban drainage and flood control engineering system of "source reduction, pipe network discharge, storage and drainage, and emergency response to over-standard discharge", strengthen the construction and transformation of rainwater pipe networks and pump stations, carry out drainage channel system improvement, and steadily promote rainwater and sewage diversion transformation and sponge city construction. Complete the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work in North China, Jilin and Heilongjiang with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei as the focus on time, and improve the disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capabilities in a systematic manner.

4. Implement urban lifeline safety projects. Strengthen the construction of underground integrated pipeline corridors and the renovation and upgrading of old pipelines. Accelerate the renovation of aging urban gas pipelines, promote the improvement of urban gas, heating and other development plans and annual plans, conduct in-depth surveys of urban pipelines and facilities, orderly transform aging pipelines and facilities such as urban gas, water supply and drainage, and heating that are outdated in material, have a long service life, and do not meet standards, accelerate the elimination of safety hazards, and simultaneously strengthen the deployment of IoT sensing facilities and network monitoring. Strengthen the construction of urban emergency backup water sources and the interconnection of pipeline networks. Strengthen the foundation of urban road traffic operation, and build a road network system with reasonable levels, complete functions, and smooth access. Promote the modernization of the social security prevention and control system.

5. Promote the construction of green smart cities. Accelerate the establishment of a system for the classification and treatment of domestic waste in cities at or above the prefecture level, and promote the application of green building materials, clean heating, and distributed photovoltaics. Accelerate the construction of charging facilities in residential areas, promote the construction of fast charging, battery replacement, and hydrogenation facilities in public parking lots and gas stations with conditions on the premise of ensuring safety, and carry out pilot projects for the full electrification of vehicles in the public sector. Actively promote the construction of "gigabit cities", accelerate the realization of continuous coverage of the fifth-generation mobile communication (5G) network in urban areas and deep coverage of key places, and promote the integration of Beidou applications into urban construction and management. Promote the construction of new urban infrastructure based on digitalization, networking, and intelligence.

(III) Policy measures

Deepen the reform of urban construction, operation and governance systems, and accelerate the transformation of urban development modes. Promote the formation of a new system of smart and efficient governance of megacities. Increase the support of central fiscal construction funds for projects such as eligible affordable rental housing, renovation of old urban communities, renovation of aging urban gas pipelines, urban drainage and flood control, and construction of public infrastructure for "peace and emergency dual-use" in megacities and megacities. Central fiscal urban affordable housing project subsidies actively support eligible affordable housing and urban village renovation projects. Local government special bonds support eligible affordable housing construction, "peace and emergency dual-use" public infrastructure construction, and urban village renovation projects. Adopt a franchise model and standardize the implementation of a new mechanism for government and social capital cooperation. Effectively play the role of special loans for urban village renovation. Support eligible urban renewal projects to issue real estate investment trust funds in the infrastructure field. Establish a sustainable urban renewal model and policies and regulations, and implement relevant tax and fee preferential reduction policies. Study and improve land and planning policies for urban renewal, allowing compatible land uses and mixed building functions.

VI. Organization and Implementation

1. Strengthen the overall leadership of the Party. Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, improve the system and mechanism for promoting new urbanization, strengthen overall coordination, implement the Party's leadership in all areas and throughout the entire process of promoting new urbanization, transform the Party's political advantages, organizational advantages, and advantages of close ties with the masses into a powerful driving force and strong guarantee for promoting new urbanization, and ensure that all arrangements of the Party Central Committee on promoting the people-oriented new urbanization strategy are fully implemented.

(II) Improve the implementation and promotion mechanism. In accordance with the general requirements of central guidance, provincial overall responsibility, and city and county implementation, strengthen multi-departmental coordination, coordinate the implementation of tasks, and coordinate the resolution of difficult issues. Relevant departments should establish and improve fiscal, financial, land and other policies to support new urbanization based on this action plan. Provincial governments should fulfill their main responsibilities, improve the work mechanism for promoting new urbanization, and formulate implementation plans for their provinces based on actual conditions. Cities and counties should refine policy measures and project lists according to local conditions, and effectively promote the implementation of goals and tasks.

(III) Strengthen monitoring and evaluation. We should consolidate the statistical foundation of urban population, regularly and scientifically adjust the urban-rural division code, study and establish a method for monitoring population mobility based on big data, and explore the annual statistics of urban urban permanent population. All departments should strengthen supervision and monitoring of the progress of work in various regions, and regularly conduct analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of policy implementation. Important matters should be reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council in a timely manner.