
Despite its technological leadership, Xpeng Motors is unable to withstand the market tide and has fallen into the second tier. Can it make a comeback?


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With the name of "Wei Xiao Li", whether it is smart cockpit or intelligent driving technology,Xpeng MotorsIt has been at the top of the new car-making forces for many years, but its development in the past two years has lagged behind the new energy vehicle market.

Xiaopeng Motors' proud intelligent driving technology has beenTeslaand Apple's "close attention", however, when intelligent driving technology became a popular technology and swept the entire market, Xpeng Motors was submerged!

Because LuoBoKuai and have demonstrated the ceiling of L4 unmanned autonomous driving, the technology show at Xpeng Motors' AI intelligent driving technology launch conference is no longer surprising or applauded.

Against the backdrop of collective involution of domestic automakers and rapid growth in sales of new energy vehicles, Xpeng Motors' new car deliveries have been stagnant at 10,000 units for a long time. Even if the delivery volume in the first half of 2024 increased by 26% year-on-year, it would only be 52,028 units, with an average of less than 10,000 units per month.

What’s even more frightening is that Xiaopeng Motors has already realized a complete product line of sedans, SUVs and MPVs, and the average selling price of its products isNIOandIdeal AutoMuch lower, but the sales volume is at the bottom among Wei, Xiaoli and Li, and evenZero RunandNezha CarTranscend.

Let's look at a set of comparative delivery data in the first half of the year: Li Auto delivered 188,981 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 35.8%; NIO delivered 87,426 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%; and Leapmotor delivered 86,696 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 94.8%.

Judging from the delivery volume and growth trend, Xpeng Motors has fallen from the leading new force to the second tier. Volkswagen's "investment in the factory" and the new MONA series are hoped to bring about greater breakthroughs.

Xpeng Motors has already established three factories in Zhaoqing, Guangzhou and Wuhan. This advanced planning is far ahead of new car-making forces of the same period such as NIO and Li Auto, but it brings great challenges to the company's operation and management, and actual sales have led to an overcapacity dilemma.

Xpeng G9The market performance of Xpeng Motors fell short of expectations, which put the company in a difficult position and led to a comprehensive adjustment. However, Volkswagen’s heavy bet, coupled withXiaopeng G6andXiaopeng X9Despite having two heavyweight models, Xpeng Motors still cannot regain its sales position as a leading new force.

This may be a temporary stagnation due to production capacity limitations and product adjustments, but problems such as the chaotic rhythm of new products and personnel organizational structure seem to have been long-standing problems faced by Xiaopeng Motors.

The high-end models that Xiaopeng Motors built for Volkswagen's Chinese market have not yet been officially unveiled, but the internal struggle for new products has begun again. The first model of Xiaopeng's MONA series, the M03, and Xiaopeng's new car P7+ were unveiled almost at the same time.

After car companies such as Ideal Auto and NIO have successively completed the launch of new products and product upgrades, Xpeng Motors' first-generation products such as G3, P5 and P7 have been slow to complete the upgrade and seem to be replaced by a new series of products.

The market is joking that the Xiaopeng P7, the foundation of Xiaopeng Motors, is just an unexpected surprise, because all other models cannot surpass its performance in terms of styling and sales.

Xiaopeng P7 has solidified Xiaopeng Motors' position as a leading new car-making force. However, even though the latest Xiaopeng X9 has achieved unprecedented success, it has not been able to reverse Xiaopeng Motors' development momentum, but has instead plunged it into a fragmented development.

From the former far-leading Xpeng P7 to the breakthrough of Xpeng X9, we have seen the strong strength of Xpeng Motors. In sharp contrast, the two heavyweight models, Xpeng G6 and Xpeng G9, are unable to support the sales growth of Xpeng Motors.

After Xiaopeng M03 and Xiaopeng P7+, Xiaopeng Motors also has exclusive models for the online car-hailing market. Will this complex product line be further divided or even lower its brand image?

Even if we take a step back, with new products constantly being launched, sales volume cannot grow at the same pace. Perhaps users no longer want to endure potential product line adjustments that would make them pay for themselves.

If given a choice, no one would want to buy a new car model that cannot be continuously modified and replaced. This is not only a matter of after-sales service and functional upgrades, but also a face-saving project that determines whether the car purchase choice is correct or not.

From Xiaopeng P7 to Xiaopeng X9, Xiaopeng Motors is not without successful experience, but it is still stuck in a period of development stagnation. People can't help but wonder how long the future of this car company will last and whether the rumor of "being acquired by Volkswagen" will become reality?

If users believe that Xiaopeng Motors' success is just a coincidence, the upcoming Xiaopeng M03 and Xiaopeng P7+ will not bring sufficient confidence to the market.

Judging from sales development, new car launches and technology iterations, Xpeng Motors does not seem to have yet won the key to breaking through. At least we cannot see where Xpeng Motors will go in the future.

A car is not a simple transaction. In addition to the brand, technology and price, what is on the user's desk is the more important future development prospects. It does not need to be passed down for three generations, but at least it is a classic model that can be sustainably iterated.

Xpeng Motors demonstrated its leading position in AI intelligent driving technology with "AI Dimensity XOS 5.2.0", but the restrictions of traffic regulations, the gap in the actual experience of autonomous driving technology, and the mixed quality of all car companies have undermined Xpeng Motors' beautiful world.

When electric, intelligent and smart driving become popular technologies in the industry, brand will become the key to success or failure.But Xiaopeng Motors is still immersed in the small black room of technology.

Xpeng Motors needs to tell its story clearly and at the very least prove that it has the ability to withstand future risks. Otherwise, no matter how many new products and new technologies it has, users will only see more problems.

Born for intelligent driving, but deeply trapped in the dilemma of intelligent driving, this will also be the key to the survival of Xpeng Motors.

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