
Help robots adapt to new scenarios (new professions, new stories)


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Our reporter Wang Yinxin

Xie Maohuang is debugging the robot "Ben Xiaodi".

Xie Maohuang is checking the data. All the above pictures were taken by Lin Wenting

"Hello, your belongings have arrived, please open the door." A phone rang in the hotel room. When I opened the door, I saw a cute robot waiting at the door with the belongings. When you order takeout at a hotel, the delivery man can't come in, you don't want to go downstairs to get it, and the hotel staff is short of staff - having robots deliver the items to the room has become a new choice for many guests.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, robots have been widely used in many industries to replace simple manual processes. This "Ben Xiaobao" robot comes from Fujian Hunt Cloud Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

"Ben Xiaobao" is not "stupid". It can not only take the elevator and make phone calls, but also automatically identify routes. In addition to helping hotel guests pick up takeaways, "Ben Xiaobao" can also guide patients, lead the way, and deliver medicines in hospitals; assist in teaching in schools and interact with teachers and students; help readers find books and complete checkouts in bookstores... In addition to "Ben Xiaobao", the company has also launched "Ben Xiaodi" with similar functions.

The realization of these different application scenarios is inseparable from one profession - service robot application technician.

Xie Maohuang is a service robot application technician at Fujian Hunt Cloud Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. "Robots serve people, and we serve robots." Xie Maohuang introduced that the responsibilities of service robot application technicians are to use relevant technologies and tools to integrate, implement, optimize, maintain and manage the functions of robots in application scenarios such as home services, medical services and public services. "In short, it is responsible for leading robots into application scenarios and helping them to work smoothly through continuous adjustments during use." Xie Maohuang said.

Whenever a new scenario needs to be implemented, Xie Maohuang starts to get busy. He first goes to the site to inspect the site, plan the robot's mission route, formulate an operation plan, help customers debug the robot's functions, and then train the relevant personnel who use the robot. Only after all the above work is completed, the robot is considered to be delivered for use.

Although it sounds simple, it is not easy to operate in practice. Since the robot's landing scenarios are different, Xie Maohuang needs to make new adjustments for each project. Not long ago, a company located in the Intelligent Industrial Park in Cangshan District, Fuzhou, purchased several robots from Hunt Cloud to save employees' time going downstairs to pick up meals. When inspecting the site, Xie Maohuang found that the robot needs to pass through the lobby gate, elevator, and access control from the lobby to the designated floor, and there is also an internal attendance system after reaching the floor.

How to pass through the gates? How to press the odd and even number elevator buttons? These all put forward requirements for the operation plan. After the on-site survey, Xie Maohuang brought the on-site pictures and measurement data back to the company to communicate with the R&D department and jointly developed a set of operation plans. According to the plan, the R&D staff adjusted the robot algorithm, and Xie Maohuang was responsible for connecting with the data interface parties of the various IoT modules in the office building.

After multiple debugging, the IoT module successfully completed the docking. In front of the face recognition gate, "Ben Xiaobao" stopped for a while. At this time, a command was sent to the gate by the robot management background through the platform docking, and the gate opened automatically after receiving the command. After that, using the same method, "Ben Xiaobao" passed all the way and successfully delivered the items to the employees on the designated floor.

After the robot debugging function is normal, Xie Maohuang needs to train the relevant personnel of the office building to ensure that the relevant personnel use the robot correctly. In the subsequent use, he and the team need to continuously track the usage, collect customer suggestions, and optimize and adjust the robot operation according to the operation status and customer feedback. In order to facilitate the tracking and maintenance of the equipment operation in the later stage, Hunt Cloud launched the intelligent cloud control platform and online butler service. On the platform, the latest operation data of robots in different projects are clearly visible, and the online butler can monitor the operation status of the equipment in real time, intervene in sudden abnormal situations in time, and implement remote operation and maintenance services.

A robot requires a lot of skills from entering the field to application. Service robot application technicians not only need to master the basic knowledge of computers, communications, the Internet of Things, positioning and navigation, machinery, assembly, electronic appliances, etc., but also need to understand the relevant laws and regulations and industry standards in the field of robots. In addition, depending on the application scenario, they also need to continuously learn about building fire protection, medical and health safety and other production safety related knowledge to ensure the reliability of the actual operation of the robot.

Xie Maohuang majored in vehicle engineering and previously worked in automotive after-sales service. When he first entered the field of robotics in 2021, Xie Maohuang didn't know much. In the training jointly conducted by the Fujian Human Resources and Social Security Department and the company, Xie Maohuang's technical ability has been continuously improved. "There is a big training every five days and a small training every three days. Every day, the department will share specific cases, core technologies, and working methods. The artificial intelligence industry is changing with each passing day. If you don't study for a day, you may face elimination." Xie Maohuang has also developed a habit of active learning. After work, he often searches for cutting-edge technologies on his own.

In 2021, service robot application technicians were included in the new occupation information list released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. In order to better promote the implementation of robot applications, in recent years, the Fujian Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security has joined hands with robot service companies such as Hunt Cloud to promote the construction of social training and evaluation organizations for service robot application technicians. In the future, the training of service robot application technicians will be more standardized.

Xie Maohuang has his own passion for this job. "Delivery, welcoming guests, security... artificial intelligence has a broad prospect. As a service worker in robot applications, I can feel my own value from my job." Xie Maohuang said, "Seeing the robots I debugged applied in various scenarios, bringing convenient experience to consumers and being loved by everyone, I feel indescribably happy."

Layout design: Shen Yiling

People's Daily (14th edition, July 30, 2024)