
Complex polymorphic robots in the hotel industry: how to use tools and understand and decompose tasks | Innovative scenarios


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The picture is generated by AI

Scenario Pain Points

Robotics companies are flourishing, and large models have fueled their development. The difficulty of starting a robot business is no longer as simple as traditional robots. The cross-disciplinary fields of perception, control, interaction, etc. make robots face great challenges in the process of embodied intelligence.

On the one hand, the implementation of robots in human physical scenarios is a core difficulty; on the other hand, the general trend of digitalization of Chinese enterprises is irreversible, and how to use robot services to promote digital innovation of enterprises is crucial.

Digitalization, represented by the hotel industry, has entered the mid-term. Among them, the first-stage digitalization practices of OTA, PMS, etc. have enabled them to complete the construction of infrastructure for information flow acquisition and information management such as marketing, customer flow, user conversion and stickiness. The most difficult challenge is the digitalization of enterprise operation management, that is, solving problems such as user experience and service feedback link closed loop in operation management, which must be based on a more comprehensive action flow.

Solutions and Results: Large models operate small models, and behavioral data training AI is more reliable

Yunji Technology's composite polymorphic robot UP and digital service solution HDOS (Hospitality Digital Opration System) use a large language model and combine the computing power of the AI ​​brain to provide intelligent decision-making support for needs and process complex data and logic; on the other hand, it allows embodied intelligence to perform physical tasks by interacting with the environment, forming a closed service loop.

Stability, efficiency and low cost are the three elements of robot services. The composite polymorphic robot UP has three characteristics: the ability to use tools, the ability to understand disassembly tasks, and group intelligence. Like humanoid robots, it has 360-degree vision, interactive perception, multi-function, multi-modality, environmental adaptability and AI scheduling. It can quickly enter more scenarios to provide services and build a group intelligent service platform for robots, which is of great significance to the application and development of AI digital services.

At present, with more than 1.5 million daily active users from 30,000 hotels, hundreds of hospitals, factories, and buildings, and more than 100 open API ports for behavioral data training, it has the ability to perceive complex and polymorphic scenarios more powerful than pure text training.

AI+embodied intelligence enables B-side services and C-side experience All-in AI

The HDOS service platform is built using the AI ​​brain + embodied intelligence model, with composite polymorphic robots as action carriers, to enable user needs and services in target scenarios to be all-in AI. The HDOS service platform incorporates user behavior for service requests into the digital system, performs digital analysis, cross-scenario execution, and online feedback processing, and connects to the scenario operation system to achieve a closed loop of the user service link.

The service needs of the C-end can be divided into two categories: one is the information flow based on consultation, and the other is the action flow based on service. HDOS transforms information flow into processable and action flow into analyzable and processable data through every link of perception (contact), cognition (judgment), decision-making, execution and feedback, thereby optimizing decision-making and execution.

First, the information flow needs can directly mobilize the system's own AI brain, that is, ChatAI directly answers without human intervention;

Second, the action flow needs can directly mobilize the composite polymorphic robot UP to use tools (such as delivery cabins, smart containers, cleaning cabins, etc.) to automatically execute service needs without human intervention;

Third, when manual coordination is required, the system will clearly transfer the work to manual personnel for human-machine collaboration (such as order splitting, customer complaint warning, HotelGPT)

Through digital analysis, user needs can be more accurately understood, improving decision-making accuracy and service efficiency. Digital execution can reduce human errors and human emotions by automating tasks, while also providing effective assistance for digital feedback. In this process, AI+embodied intelligence is the best executor of digital solutions, processing massive amounts of information, providing real-time feedback, and automatically executing complex multi-tasks to improve efficiency, and continuously optimizing performance through AI learning and adaptation.

AI for Hospitality: Hotels have become the best testing ground for digital solutions

AI is a new type of connector between people, objects, businesses and the environment. Scenarios and data will be the two most critical resources and barriers in the embodied intelligent robot track. AI+embodied intelligence holds more opportunities in vertical scenarios.

Take the hotel industry, the "fourth space" of human life, as an example. It is a typical representative of the service industry, service space, and service scene with hospitality attributes. With the development of the times, it has the characteristics of 7*24 hours full-time and diversified service scenes. The core driving force of digital transformation is endogenous demand, and "increasing revenue", "reducing costs", "improving efficiency" and "improving satisfaction" are important indicators to measure effectiveness.

HDOS system service data shows that the number of robot tasks in a single hotel exceeds 4,000 per month, of which more than 800 delivery requests come from AI voice calls, accounting for 80% of the total phone calls. For hotels, the HDOS system can help hotels provide value-added services and increase non-room revenue; waiters can use robots to assist in their work, which can reduce their burden, improve work quality, and shorten service response time.

UP robots can complete up to 180 tasks per day, saving an average of 10-12 hours per day, equivalent to 1.25 people per day. For C-end customers, timely and accurate services and personalized services that meet potential needs can improve satisfaction and favorability. 35% of robot-related OTA reviews are accompanied by pictures, which is 3.5 times the rate of platform reviews with pictures. So far, Yunji Technology's robots have received 6 million OTA positive reviews.

"About 50 Innovation Scenarios" Scenarios are not cases, they are more precise and more abstract. Digitalization is the continuous superposition and iteration of innovation scenarios. Against this background, Titanium Media has launched the "Innovation Scenarios 50" selection, which selects and interprets 50 innovative scenarios and solutions that are deeply integrated with the entire industry and business every year, and grandly awards and in-depth exchanges at the Titanium Media's annual ITValue Summit Digital Value Annual Conference. Scenarios are currently being collected for more precise interpretations, wider exposure, and stronger brand potential. You are welcome to ask questions, and you are even more welcome to leave solutions and tools. Click here to submit more scenario information